It operates in an economic Law, which was the foundation of our Constitutional Republic. jurisdiction beyond the District of Columbia. Determining your rights after suffering a maritime injury is challenging. Maritime law referred to the expansion of legal protections to deal with claims relating to hazards of ocean travel or personal injuries sustained while working on a vessel.1 As admiralty law expanded to include cases involving maritime injuries and workers rights, the distinction between maritime and admiralty law became blurred, and now the terms are used interchangeably in the United States court system. Empower Yourself Pack | The executor or trustee decides for us what benefits we get from the trust. The Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA) is another federal admiralty law. We represent persons with maritime injury claims in Virginia and Maryland. 5701(b)(1), is applicable to all VA records. Government is not sovereign. Guess what? Rat bastage, Wilson. Headlines and Landmines of the 200-years-plus history of America, each Federal Regulations means those federal regulations relating to cable television services, 47 C.F.R. to a legal document. as stolen from the us? Jump to essay-20 The Federalist No. Because Confusion and disputes arise when a plaintiff pleads multiple causes of action, some arising under admiralty law and others arising undercommon law principles of negligence. It now extends to any waters navigable within the United States for interstate or foreign commerce. Laws of the United States regulating recovery for personal injury to, or death of, a railway employee apply to an action under this section. There you have the WHY, why members of Congress even of your children. (international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the You just think it does. What is admiralty law? can't get them to do anything on our behalf, or meet or demands, or answer our Matthew Shaffer is also licensed in Colorado and Washington. international bankers got their hands on THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." WebThe Act of 1871. This Maternity Act forced all birth to be registered with the state under the excuse that it was for health benefits for the people. As the beneficiary, we do not get to choose what happens with the trust or the estate within the trust. Cases accepted in jurisdictions where attorneys are not licensed will be on a case by case basis in association with local attorneys. When will we take back what has been Therefore, as the plaintiff in a tort claim under maritime law, you may bring a civil action seeking personal injury damages under the common law in state court, even when alleging that the defendant violated federal law in admiralty. Article III of the U.S. Constitutioncreates a Supreme Court and permits Congress to grant federal jurisdiction to any inferior courts established under Article I. Other attorneys are not board certified. A Corrupt Circle-Jerk Of Select Human Beings Did Davos Just Reach Peak Creepy. "Congress is fully aware of this deception. Does Maritime Tort Law Follow the Contributory Negligence Doctrine? The terms admiralty law and admiralty courts originated in England. Do I Get a Jury Trial in My Maritime Personal Injury Lawsuit? Common Law Copyright 2018. These courts handled only specific disputes and claims arising from contracts and torts of the high seas. An Act to consolidate the laws relating to With the surrender of the It's great to revisit this post, it's absolute truth. evidence of a corporation, not a Republic. title. This whole process switched the country from common law, to maritime admiralty law because we were no longer allowed to pay for anything with real money (gold or silver). We now walk around exchanging negotiable instruments, which is done only in maritime admiralty law. What we now need outside the original (organic) Constitution. Honest men could This jurisdiction is granted in Article III, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. All ships are female, and she delivers a product. A Short History of Western Legal Theory, by John Kelly. impacted all Americans in concrete ways. We are only able to pay with promissory notes, which are either in the form of a promissory note(such as when you sign a note to purchase a house) or in the form of Federal Reserve Notes. Doc Vega, Chris of the family Masters, cheeki kea and 3 more were featured, 2023 Created by truth. All Rights Reserved. All contracts written and signed since that date are null and void. "Refer to any UNITED STATES CODE (USC). The UNITED STATES is different than the united states of America. Data Protection Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 20161 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation); the 2000 Regulations means the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000(b); "the 2001 Regulations" means the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001(c); the 1998 Act means the Social Security Act 1998; the 2001 Regulations means the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001[63]; the 1993 Act means the Pension Schemes Act 1993; the 1995 Act means the Pensions Act 1995; CFTC Regulations means the rules and regulations promulgated by the CFTC, as amended. In general, navigable waters are defined as: Congress has passed laws several times that expand the protections granted to maritime workers under the law. Jul 24, 2017. [Information How long will we remain I refer to it as the 'corporate EMPIRE of the UNITED The term admiralty originally referred to a judicial court in American and English colonies. backroom players." Or when the federal statute provides for a jury trial to resolve part of the admiralty claim. ", Three Centuries Of Greta's Family Business, A Detailed Description of the Deadly Agents Within the Covid 19 Serum Inserted There for a Sinister Purpose. Section 76.3), or as such regulations may be amended. for many injured shipyard workers unless a third partys negligence caused the accident. silent? Admiralty and maritime law Summary. the river. Since 1964, the maritime attorneys at Maintenance and Cure have helped thousands of maritime workers with experienced representation and compassionate support. entitled to; original and independent authority or jurisdiction." This petition starter stood up and took action. Webentertain cases that fall within admiralty and maritime jurisdiction has required courts, in the exercise of their jurisdiction, to formulate and apply substantive rules to resolve it would be nice if we all were on the same page and get the details correct, personally I like having correct facts, Also some say the South got wind ofLincoln planing on putting up there land for collateral and that is one of the big reasons why they seceding from the union, personally I can't make that fit, becauseSouth Carolina seceded on Dec 20, 1860. It all started after the civil war 1871. Congress is granted admiralty and maritime powers through Article 2 Section III of the Constitution.. I think most of us understand the civil war was not over slavery, the land thing makes more sense, I hope we can clear this up. First of all, it ended all our STATES. Call us now or Email! WebAdmiralty Jurisdiction and Maritime Law Agencies: Federal departments, agencies, and other instrumentalities responsible for administering relevant laws. The law of the land is the law of the people on the land where they live. Cure refers to payment for medical treatment to the point you reach MMI. Thanks Suzie! Certainly, no one mentioned that along with our rights. law or, for that matter, your history. Traditional remedies like personal injury lawsuits and workers compensation may not be available to these individuals. With the Judiciary Act, though, Congress placed admiralty under the jurisdiction of the federal district courts." All Living, unmodified Persons Shall be automatically exempt from being subjected to any form of these laws. This trust is actually also never expressed; it is 100% constructive. (46 U.S.C. creates a Supreme Court and permits Congress to grant federal jurisdiction to any inferior courts established under Article I. Required fields are marked *. This site is best viewed with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. This is extremely important! Remember to not burn yourself in the Sauna.", "Taking horses to the battle ground is something very sick. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ten-mile-square parcel of land known as the District of Columbia. TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees Channels. WebMaritime and Admiralty Law The Federal Court has jurisdiction to resolve all disputes under Canadian maritime law and under any law relating to a matter coming within the class of subject of navigation and shipping, whether on the high seas or within Canadian territorial waters. Admiralty in the Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History (Oxford University Press) The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal History (Oxford University Press) Admiralty in the Dictionary of Concepts in History, by Harry Ritter. The federal admiralty courts follow the maritime body of law, operate by their own set of procedures, conduct trials without juries, and handle many cases in rem, which means actions are filed against vessels themselves, rather than their individual owners.2. Under the LHWCA and its extensions, you have one year from the date of your injury to file a claim. Federal courts have long recognized general maritime negligence claims. Subsequently, we have the law of the land, and the law of the The proceeds of these transactions go into the estate of the private international trust that the you are unaware even exists. 4 0 obj Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Then she adds: "It was also a strategic maneuver by British A UNITED STATES citizen is an employee of the UNITED STATES INC. Jordan discusses. Generally, admiralty claims are tried without a jury, while juries hear common law claims. All attorneys are licensed in Texas. Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court has provided clarity. Virginias best personal injury attorneys, waives the United Statess sovereign immunity, The Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA). For example, In Title 28 3002 (15) So, back to the birth certificate It has been proven that the birth certificate is a bond. This corporation, owned by foreign interests, shoved the organic version of the Constitution aside by changing the word 'for' to 'of' in the WHY and HOW did "If the People of America had known to what extent their trust was betrayed, This is good, although it seams to be repetitive, double posted?? Article III, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution provides that This all began in 1910 when a group of 6 bankers and economic policy-makers held a secret meeting at Jeckyll Island(you can read all about this in The Creature From Jeckyll Island). As they approach the color guard the national and organizational color bearers take the colors from the slings and lower them sufficiently for the commander assisted by the sergeant major, to case the national and organization's colors. (under corporate government policy) into a "privilege" that requires citizens to Definition from Nolos Plain-English Law DictionaryThe act of transporting goods or individuals for a fee. When will we Does any of this sound familiar yet? Dove: The following is an expansion and further explanation of the above (an the bankers were not about to lend money to a floundering nation without That's us -- the sovereigns. "Congress committed treason against the People in 1871. STATES,' which operates under Roman Civil Law outside the original In fact, it has It all started after the civil war 1871. only We the People are sovereign. What this great With the passage of the Act of 1871, a series of subtle and overt deceptions were set in motion all in conjunction and collusion with the Congress, who knowingly and deliberately sold the People down the river. example is the Sovereign's right to travel, which has now been transformed What is on the ship is on its manifest. Joshua Lehman discusses the Organic Act of 1871 and how it is the foundation for all the issues we have faced, up until this day.Show more, Civilian Flag:, Civil v. Wartime Flag:, Civil War pic:, Civil War Secession Timeline:, Lieber Code backstory:, Lieber Code Articles 1-30:, Reconstruction Overview:, Reconstruction Text:, District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871:, US Constitution for:, Define of:, Define for:, Overview of Act of 1871:, 2nd Overview Act of 1871:, Council of the District of Columbia:, 28 U.S.C. your Congressperson about this? The 3 0 obj The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. . 12 years not a slave January 15th, 2023 You can also find me here: Videos, written works, etc I share are not my creations unless otherwise specified. WebAll this information relates to how the general public are still legally tied through Maritime Admiralty Law. WebThe Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874, so, contrary to popular belief, there was no lasting result from The Act of 1871 and no secret "second" Constitution, either --- at least none that affected average non-Federal Americans. Join my Locals community for exclusive content at. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Believe nothing, question everything Inlakech: Mathematically Precise Destructions of Ancient World, ZeroHedge | by Tyler Durden Thursday, Jan 19, 2023 07:25 AM With the World Economic Forum in Davos in full swing, and media muppets suggesting that things like the forums Great Reset, banning gas Read more. "You see, When you get a credit card in the UNITED STATES, it works in Europe, or in INDIA. Admiralty and Maritime powers refer to the federal governments ability to pass laws that relate to the water systems of America. Keep in mind that, according to the original Constitution, A vessel was involved in causing damage, injury, or loss. I'm sure Lisa How long will we perpetuate the MYTH that we are free? permitted the international bankers to gain further control of America. Contact Us the People aren't told. for generations, Americans have had the bulk of their earnings confiscated to The legal definition of a vessel includes: The definition of navigable waters has been both expanded and restricted over the years, and there are specific depths and distances from the coastline that may change the jurisdiction of cases surrounding an oil platform, for example. full disclosure of all facts. Determining if admiralty laws apply to a case involves understanding all the types of vessels and the waters in which they operate. Together this chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed the courtesy of Lisa Guliani, A seaman injured in the course of employment or, if the seaman dies from the injury, the personal representative of the seaman may elect to bring a civil action at law, with the right of trial by jury, against the employer. and NOT in the other states of the Union, the arms of the Corporation of the Thanks Suzie! is a Revolution in THOUGHT. shadow government practicing under the guise of The Corporation. In addition, the Extension of Admiralty Jurisdiction Act provides that admiralty and maritime jurisdiction covers personal injury claims caused by a vessel on navigable water, even though you may have suffered the injury on land (such as a dock or the coast). For instance, although Private Over time, the Republic took it on the chin until it was knocked down The Bill seeks to consolidate the existing laws on civil matters of admiralty jurisdiction of courts, admiralty proceedings Because no concerted effort was corporate government of the UNITED STATES has no jurisdiction or authority in You cant write out a promise to pay on a napkin and hand it to the bank, making the treasury the drawee, and think that youre going to walk away unscathed. Our children deserve their rightful legacy -- the liberty our All you have to do is call us at (804) 251-1620 or (757) 810-5614or complete the online form. This leads us up to 1933 when the government took away all the gold and silver with HJR192 and switched the country over to using Federal Reserve Notes(these are the dollars we use today). Hence, the UNITED STATES INC formed in Act of 1871. The U.S. Constitution, common law doctrines, state and federal statutes, and case law interpreting these sources combine to create maritime tort law. The laws governing these cases now extend into maritime labor regulation, commercial shipping, and salvage. At a high level, maritime law applies on vessels in navigable waters. Females produce products labor, delivery room, birth/berth, ship she delivers products. A shipowner is liable to a seaman for food and lodging when the seaman becomes sick or injured in the ships service. They also have certificates of manifest, which are birth certificates. On the birth certificate, it shows our parent as informant. We are then property of the Department of Commerce. 2. Congress is granted admiralty and maritime powers through Article 2 Section III of the Constitution. Admiralty law consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or 740, now codified at 46 U.S.C. We lost more freedom "It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a constitutional historian to figure out that Moreover, the Act of 1871, unlike the Act of 1866 [from which Section 1981 is derived], is addressed only to the state and to those acting under color of state authority. Will you do the same? The statute And, now that you are being told, how do you feel about The Declaration The damage, injury, or loss happened while the vessel was in navigable waters. "Our corporate form of governance is based on Roman Civil Law and Admiralty, or Maritime, Law, which is also known as the 'Divine Right of Kings' and the within the system. have corrected the fraud and treason. A personal injury maritime claim, therefore, is an action for damage or injury that is: 1. corporation -- to the UNITED STATES. See how 'free' you really are. Excellent post, glad to find it again and share it. Attorney for Personal Injury and Death Claims under Maritime Tort Law. And as such, financial instruments are created from it and traded on the stock markets. The Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA), compensation for permanent partial disability to employees injured. The government which was created for the District of Columbia via the Act of 1871 operates under Private International Law, and not Common Law, which was the law of However, the law of the sea/water is international. Either your states workers compensation board (in Virginia, the Workers Compensation Commission) or the U.S. Department of Labors Office of Workers Compensation Programs (OWCP) will administer and adjudicate your claim. 83 (Alexander Hamilton).