Preparation leads to better results including dismissal, a reduction in your charge, treatments in lieu of conviction, or an acquittal at trial. Basic Penalties for Criminal and Traffic Offenses in Ohio, Aggravated drug trafficking is committed in the vicinity of a school or juvenile, The amount involved equals or exceeds a bulk amount but is less than 5 times bulk amount (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds a bulk amount but is less than 5 times a bulk amount and the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 5 times a bulk amount but is less than 50 times a bulk amount (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 5 times a bulk amount but is less than 50 times a bulk amount and the offense was committed within the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 times a bulk amount but is less than 100 times a bulk amount (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 100 times a bulk amount (mandatory prison term and considered major drug offender), It is committed in the vicinity of a school or juvenile, The amount involved equals or exceeds a bulk amount but is less than 5 times a bulk amount, The amount involved equals or exceeds a bulk amount but is less than 5 times a bulk amount and the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 5 times a bulk amount but is less than 50 times a bulk amount (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 5 times a bulk amount but is less than 50 times a bulk amount and the offense was committed within the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 times a bulk amount (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 times a bulk amount and the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 200 grams but is less than 1000 grams, The amount involved equals or exceeds 200 grams but is less than 1000 and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile, The amount involved equals or exceeds 1000 grams but is less than 5000 grams, The amount involved equals or exceeds 5000 grams but is less than 20,000 grams (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 1000 grams but is less than 5000 grams and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 5000 grams but is less than 20,000 grams and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 20,000 grams but is less than 40,000 grams (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 40,000 grams (mandatory maximum prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 20,000 grams but is less than 40,000 grams and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory maximum prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 40,000 grams and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory maximum prison term), The offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile, The amount involved equals or exceeds 5 grams but is less than 10 grams, The amount involved equals or exceeds 5 grams but is less than 10 grams and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 10 grams but is less than 20 grams (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 10 grams but is less than 20 grams and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 20 grams but is less than 27 grams (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 20 grams but is less than 27 grams and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 27 grams but is less than 100 grams (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 100 grams (mandatory maximum prison term and considered major drug offender), The amount involved equals or exceeds 10 unit doses but is less than 50 unit doses, The amount involved equals or exceeds 1 gram but is less than 5 grams liquid, The amount involved equals or exceeds 10 unit doses but is less than 50 unit doses and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 1 gram but is less than 5 grams liquid and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 unit doses but is less than 250 unit doses (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 5 grams but is less than 25 grams liquid (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 unit doses but is less than 250 unit doses and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 5 grams but is less than 25 grams liquid and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 250 unit doses but is less than 1000 unit doses (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 25 grams but is less than 100 grams liquid (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 250 unit doses but is less than 1000 unit doses and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 25 grams but is less than 100 grams liquid and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 1000 unit doses but is less than 5000 unit doses (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 100 grams but is less than 500 grams liquid (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 5000 unit doses (mandatory maximum prison term and considered major drug offender), The amount involved equals or exceeds 500 grams liquid (mandatory maximum prison term and considered major drug offender), The amount involved equals or exceeds one gram but is less than 5 grams, The amount involved equals or exceeds 1 gram but is less than 5 grams and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 unit doses but is less than 100 unit doses (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 5 grams but is less than 10 grams (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 unit doses but is less than 100 unit doses and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 100 unit doses but is less than 500 unit doses (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 10 grams but is less than 50 grams (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 100 unit doses but is less than 500 unit doses and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 10 grams but is less than 50 grams and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 500 unit doses but is less than 2500 unit doses (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 grams but is less than 250 grams (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 2500 unit doses (mandatory maximum prison term and considered major drug offender), The amount involved equals or exceeds 250 grams (mandatory maximum prison term and considered major drug offender), The amount involved equals or exceeds 10 grams but is less than 50 grams solid form, The amount involved equals or exceeds 2 grams but is less than 10 grams liquid form, The amount involved equals or exceeds 10 grams but is less than 50 grams in solid form and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile, The amount involved equals or exceeds 2 grams but is less than 10 grams in liquid form and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile, The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 grams but is less than 250 grams in solid form, The amount involved equals or exceeds 10 grams but is less than 50 grams in liquid form, The amount involved equals or exceeds 250 grams but is less than 1000 in solid form (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 grams but is less than 200 grams in liquid form (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 grams but is less than 250 grams in solid form and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 10 grams but is less than 50 grams in liquid form and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 250 grams but is less than 1000 in solid form and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 50 grams but is less than 200 grams in liquid form and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (presumption for prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 1000 grams but is less than 2000 grams in solid form (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 200 grams but is less than 400 grams in liquid form (mandatory prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 2000 grams in solid form (mandatory maximum prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 400 grams in liquid form (mandatory maximum prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 1000 grams but is less than 2000 grams in solid form and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory maximum prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 200 grams but is less than 400 grams in liquid form and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory maximum prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 2000 grams in solid form and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory maximum prison term), The amount involved equals or exceeds 400 grams in liquid form and the offense occurred in the vicinity of a school or juvenile (mandatory maximum prison term). (g) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one hundred grams of cocaine and regardless of whether the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school, in the vicinity of a juvenile, or in the vicinity of a substance addiction services provider or a recovering addict, trafficking in cocaine is a felony of the first degree, the offender is a major drug offender, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term a maximum first degree felony mandatory prison term. However, an offender who pleaded guilty to or was convicted of a violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a substantially similar municipal ordinance or law of another state or the United States that arose out of the same set of circumstances as the violation for which the offender's license or permit was suspended under this section shall not file such a motion. (e) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one hundred unit doses but is less than five hundred unit doses or equals or exceeds ten grams but is less than fifty grams, trafficking in heroin is a felony of the second degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term a second degree felony mandatory prison term. in a liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or liquid distillate form and regardless of whether the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school, in the vicinity of a juvenile, or in the vicinity of a substance addiction services provider or a recovering addict, trafficking in L.S.D. 3719.41. According to Ohio Rev. (4) Each community addiction services provider that receives in a calendar year any fine moneys under division (H)(3) of this section shall file an annual report covering that calendar year with the court of common pleas and the board of county commissioners of the county in which the services provider is located, with the court of common pleas and the board of county commissioners of each county from which the services provider received the moneys if that county is different from the county in which the services provider is located, and with the attorney general.