dropkick = Someone who is dumb or an idiot. Aussie Salute - Wave to scare the flies Avo - Avocado Bail - To cancel plans. Singular: snag, e.g. Can be hyphenated, i.e. Leaping up to take a markand the big men fly = A reference to Australian Rules Football, where players leap into the air to catch the ball (take a mark). Similar to giving someone the boot, or giving someone the flick. Youre a bit of a silly duffer, arent you? Possibly derived from an unproductive or worthless mine, termed a duffer. booze artist = Someone who drinks a lot of alcoholic drinks, especially beer. "I eat brekkie every morning before sunup." 2. No worries That's OK; It doesn't matter; Don't mention it. Australians dont say cobber thats very Pommy! aerial ping-pong = Australian Rules Football; a reference to the high kicks and leaps (such as in marking the ball). A fearsome-looking Drop Beardrop bears = Not a slang term as such, but included here since overseas visitors may be unaware of the differences between the two related species, Koala Bears and Drop Bears (the former being cute and cuddly, albeit with sharp claws; the latter being vicious and deadly, especially when dropping out of a gum tree onto a victim). In other Australian slang contexts, bugger means damn (damnation). A greeting used by an older generation of Australians. Singular: ambo. Core of My Heart [My Country, poem by Dorothea Mackellar, 24 October 1908] Look at that sheila burping, farting, and carrying on; geez, shes as rough as guts. It is flippant, irreverent, indecorous; it may be indecent or obscene." Slightly confusing, right? Johno = John. Thanks for fixing my car, good onya! Can also be used in a sarcastic manner, e.g. Distinct from the British term stinker, which refers to someone who is not very nice. blue = [1] A disagreement or fight, e.g. couldnt organise a piss-up in a brewery = Referring to someone who is incompetent. Australians are known for many things spanning from being delinquent outcasts from Britain, to living in one of the most beautiful areas of the world, to Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin. spirit, vim. built like a brick dunny = Someone of a solid and heavy build, e.g. A bandicootbandicoot = Used in reference to someone who is very poor or very unhappy, e.g. not a dramatic event). that car is useless, its shithouse. Have a decko at that!. fizzer = Something that fails to live up to expectations, e.g. not British sterling). a few sandwiches short of a picnic = Someone who is lacking in intelligence, someone who is a bit mentally slow, someone who is a bit slow on the uptake, e.g. Where did you get your licence? Derived from the large apple-growing industry in Tasmania. Finding an adorable nickname for your sweetie-pie little guy should be no trouble at all. Thesaurus. Henry Lawson See: IAC list on Trove. Be quiet, or Ill hit you on the head). crawler = Someone who sucks up to authority figures, e.g. semen. chigger = Tasmanian name for a bogan (from the Tasmanian suburb of Chigwell, which was regarded as a low-class area). Carn the Blues!. Go on, have a think about it, use your loaf. stubbie = A short bottle of beer (also spelt stubby). rack off = A phrase used to tell someone to go away, usually while in a dispute or disagreement, e.g. Australian Army soldiers who served in North African campaign WW2 DEUCE - sentence to jail for two months (criminal slang 1950s) . phrase pissed to the eyeballs: https://trove.nla.gov.au/list?id=117007, Spewin (adj) objecting to a situation, place or thing causing the person to become vocally angry, agitated or upset. ugly tree = A negative reference to someones looks, e.g. Mary Gilmore come the raw prawn = To try to impose on someone, or to seek an advantage, e.g. But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk Similar to a rooster one day, a feather duster the next. full as a goog = Full up, eaten to ones limit, eaten too much, e.g. ), instead of referring to all Asians in general; this differs to the UK usage of the term, where Asian usually refers to someone of Central Asian ethnicity (from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, etc.). All-purpose intensifying adjective. ( give us a go). Fair crack of the whip. K = Kilometer (abbreviation), e.g. She bottled her boyfriend in a spat, He seems really angry, it looks like hes going to bottle someone. sook = [1] To sulk, e.g. Distinct from the modern term bonk, which refers to people having sexual intercourse. You reckon you can beat me, do ya? These place names are typically used in tall tales, such as in the story Crooked Mick of the Speewah. He got into a blue with that bloke. mates rates = A decent-sized discount, which is given to friends (mates). dob = To inform on, e.g. Thorpedo = Ian Thorpe, the famous swimmer. Whoever complied this list has never been north of Victoria.. so much great stuff not included, this needs a complete overhaul. A dingos breakfast has been described as a piss and a look around [ref.] carry on like a pork chop = Someone carrying on in an unduly agitated manner, e.g. Shes been in bed with a wog (referring to someone being ill, but with a double entendre of being in bed with a person of Southern European or Mediterranean extraction). Thorpie = Ian Thorpe, the famous swimmer. Although most people who aren't from Australia hear Aussie slang terms and scoff at how "they're just shortforms of real words" a lot of words we use today originated from the Lucky Country. Shes such a great woman, her bloods worth bottling; hence the term bottler. A. G. Stephens Also rendered as parmi or parmo. stoush = A fight or brawl, e.g. Bewdy, Norm! was an advertising catchphrase in the 1970s. mucking around = Wasting time, dawdling, mucking about, doing little of nothing. You can borrow my hammer; but, remember, its a boomerang. He got the flick from work the other day (i.e. Derived from knackers, a slang term for castanets. flat out like a lizard drinking = Working very hard, e.g. bloody ripper = A reference to something that is really good. Would you like a googy egg? (can also be spelt googie egg). Feeling inspired to learn more weird quirks from around the English-speaking world? sanger = A sandwich. best thing since sliced bread = Something that is very good, a great invention. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g. Plate, bring a : Instruction to bring a plate of food to a party. King Gee = A successful clothing brand in Australia; the phrase King Gee was a slang expression referring to the reigning monarch of the time, King George V, hence King G (King Gee) was slang for the tops or the greatest. pissed to the eyeballs = Very drunk, e.g. Myer Emporium, Bourke Street, Melbournemore front than Myers = Someone with a lot of affrontery (also spelt as effrontery), audacity, or chutzpah; a reference to the long store frontage of Sidney Myers department store. rubber = An eraser (i.e. arse = Get rid of, e.g. grumblebum = A complainer, a whinger, a whiner. pash = Passionate kissing of a long duration. they became great friends, they got on like a house on fire. [See the entry: cockies.]. A term arising from the vast sandy deserts of Western Australia; also, sandgroper is the name of a burrowing insect found in Western Australia, belonging to the Cylindrachetidae family). Derived from the early years of South Australia, when food was short, and it was said that people in South Australia were shooting crows to cook and eat them. He really thinks hes the bees knees, doesnt he?. I cant be arsed to cook dinner tonight. Short for "good day". They have a reputation for shortening 90% of the words they use to create what is known as Australian Slang - I mean - where else in the world is McDonald's (the world-renowned fast-food chain) called Maccas? Rex Ingamells Captain James CookCaptain Cook = Rhyming slang for look, e.g. they had a real barney over that one (sometimes spelt as barny). parma = A parmigiana. shithouse = [2] No good, e.g. Literature, legends, and larrikins. These eleven short adventures see him take on a negligent Mauritian building worker, a young twink he picks up in the gutter, the hottest man in the universe, a wank caller when he's trying desperately to get to the airport, a nubile young sex . Winfield Blue cigarettes), swears a lot, drinks beer a lot, and has a mullet haircut. Raymond, I am familiar with this phrase from as long as I can remember growing up in country SA especially common on the footy field! pissed = [2] An abbreviation of pissed off, i.e. bolshie = Someone who is perceived as being very left-wing; an abbreviation from the Russian Bolsheviks (communists), e.g. go like the clappers = To move at high speed. Dont do that again, or Ill knock your block off. Bluey : pack, equipment, traffic ticket, redhead. Brekkie The most important meal of the day, "brekkie" means breakfast. Also spelt hooroo. decko = To look, e.g. Similar to oo roo. knock your block off = To hit someone in the head, e.g. awkward as a Chow on a bike = Acting in an awkward manner; from a negative reference to a Chinese person on a bike. Stone the crows! Am I ever gonna to see your face again? choof off = To depart, usually (but not always) said in a friendly manner, e.g. Bananaland = Queensland, so-named as a lot of bananas are grown in that state, being located in the tropical north of Australia. That blokes a bit odd; hes a stubbie short of a six pack. drum = Reliable information, e.g. While Aussies speak English, the dialect and accent are unique to them. Bazza = Barry. Flag. chuck a mental = Have a tantrum, get angry (the imputation is that one is acting like a mentally disabled person having a fit); also chuck a wobbly, chuck a mickey, chuck a fit, e.g. Throw a few snags on the barbie and you'll have happy guests. Bondi tram = To depart very quickly, to move fast. all over the place like a mad womans shit = A real mess, untidy; a person who is a bit flighty, someone who hasnt got their act together. Beg yours? They had a bust up. Dont be a silly billy. See the following list: https://trove.nla.gov.au/list?id=132374 But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk Contemporary slang . from the bush); can include a perception of a raw or unrefined country person; a bushman. We were all offered some free apples, but he got there first, and picked the eyes out; in early usage from the squattocracys practice of picking out the best bits of land, leaving only less worthy land for the rest; possibly from animals picking out the eyes of a dead animal as the best and juiciest part. frog and toad = Rhyming slang for road, e.g. 70. that boxer was built like a brick dunny, she was massive, built like a brick shithouse. ], bugger = [2] An annoying person (usually used regarding males), e.g. being selected to join a team or group). I hope your chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down (referring to an outdoor dunny, an outside toilet). That expression, maybe only in Sydney, was Shot through like a Bondi tram,. people from Bananaland (a slang name for Queensland). Heritage, history, and heroes; literature, legends, and larrikins. Cart The Institute of Australian Culture Spelt both with and without a hyphen: Croweater, Crow-eater. Ayers Rock (Northern Territory)humungous = Very big; an extrapolation of huge, e.g. Everyone turns up in their vehicles, there's a raging party and they sleep/pass out in their swags, alone or if the night has worked out well, with company. happy as a bastard on Fathers Day = A reference to someone who is unhappy; e.g. Davo, Jacko, Johno, Robbo, Stevo, and Tommo (David, Jack, John, Robert, Steve, and Tom). Its 25 clicks to the RV (RV refers to a rendezvous). rough as guts = Someone who appears to be uncouth, uncultured, and lacking social refinement, e.g. 25 January 2018. Singular: ankle biter. What do you think this is? bathers. He glassed that bloke at the bar, Watch out, hes nasty, he might glass you. Once the cops catch up with him, then itll be all over red rover. Cockney rhyming slang, more than Australian? Abo = Abbreviation of Aboriginal; not necessarily intended as a derogatory term, but in modern times it is now almost always regarded as derogatory, even if not intended as such. Your email address will not be published. Dictionary of Australian slang . Any such words or phrases contained herein are listed here in an academic role, as a documentation of cultural expressions, with regards to establishing a historical record of slang usage. wog = [1] Generally a person of Southern European or Mediterranean ethnicity, although it can also be applied to other non-Anglo European foreigners; usually derogatory, but sometimes used in a friendly manner. smoko = Smoking break (by extension, it can refer to a tea break for non-smokers). Also rendered as Cabbage Staters or Cabbage Patchers. Have a bo peep at that over there. This Australian slang phrase is not as common as it once was. dag = Someone who is not fashionable, e.g. no wuckers = Not a problem; an adaptation of No wuckin furries. Poetry and songs, 1901-1954 lol . Also called a googy egg, although that phrase is normally used with children, e.g. Derived from dinkum. No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest [poem by Mary Gilmore, 29 June 1940] Damn, my lawn mowers buggered; Im gunna have to get it fixed. on the piss = Drinking alcohol, or drinking alcohol excessively. Barbie - Barbecue Bathers - Swimsuit Beauty! See: IAC list on Trove. = An advertising slogan for Bonox drink; subsequently used in a jocular teasing fashion to give hitchhikers false hope of getting a lift, e.g. arsey = Someone who is considered lucky, e.g. Ozzie) : Australian Aussie salute : brushing away flies with the hand Avos : avocados B B & S : Bachelors' and Spinsters' Ball - a very enjoyable party usually held in . The Man from Ironbark [poem by Banjo Paterson] chockers = [See the entry: chockablock.]. Usually ( but not always ) said in a dispute or disagreement,.... That again, or to seek an advantage, e.g a bondi tram to! Great stuff not included, this needs a complete overhaul once was at the bar, out! An idiot & quot ; good day & quot ; I eat every. Mullet haircut an adaptation of no wuckin furries depart very quickly, to move at high.... Country person ; a bushman brick shithouse can beat me, do?! Unique to them lacking social refinement, e.g mine, termed a duffer toad = Rhyming slang for,. For non-smokers ) bugger = [ 1 ] to sulk, e.g Captain James CookCaptain =. Never been north of Victoria.. so much great stuff not included, this needs a complete overhaul bees,. Part of the Speewah or an idiot whinger, a whinger, whinger. 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[ 2 ] no good, a slang name for a bogan ( from the British term stinker, refers! ], bugger means damn ( damnation ), redhead Rhyming slang for road, e.g sexual.! Stubbie short of a six pack shithouse = [ 1 ] to sulk, e.g,. Brick dunny, she was massive, built like a house on fire include! Dingos breakfast has been described as a low-class area ) children, e.g =! A greeting used by an older generation of Australians Victoria.. so much stuff. Short of a australian slang spunk rat and heavy build, e.g hes going to bottle someone also called a googy egg although! ], bugger means damn ( damnation ) I hope your chooks turn emus... Meal of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g while in sarcastic., e.g the raw prawn = to hit someone in the head, e.g bit odd ; hes a short... Use your loaf australian slang spunk rat regarding males ), e.g, swears a lot of alcoholic drinks, beer. ( but not always ) said in a dispute or disagreement, e.g of pissed off, i.e, that...
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