Wikipedia rather describes them as Cossack nobility under construction. I wonder how common is creative use of class markers, though. That is, Blench wants them two publish a detailed explanation why the arguments for Niger-Kongo are not convincing. (Russian cultural links) but for some reason dikobraz just didnt sound like a porcupine. I checked Rabin, their quoted source (Lexicostatistics and the internal divisions of Semitic, in Bynon and Bynons Hamito-Semitica, 1975, doi: 10.1515/9783111356167.85). The good thing about it is that we can click the authors name and see what else she has. A better understanding of languages like Meroitic, attested 2,000 years ago with hundreds of exemplars, but still barely intelligible to us, would seem imperative if were ever going to untangle these issues. Logeion (Greek-to-English and Latin-to-English dictionary search) Your examples refer to an edible fish (salmon) and a fisherman, not, e.g., aquarium fish. The caliciform culture, mass-produced corrugated cups and bowls, links sites across the region, including the southern Levant (EB IV). and sometimes elaborated, over time. Romanian obraz cheek, Makedonian cheek, Serbo-Croatian cheek, honour, face*, and Bulgarian image, shape, face, character). Of course, as later slides point out, sound changes, morphology, syntax and so on contain phylogenetic signal, too, and can be used in such analyses; they just havent been as often. The Migration Period vandalized Bantus Of Africa Are The Israelites. There arent any. Oktober 1992 in Zrich., 31524. [Old Church Slavic dictionary] Horses are not much in evidence in West Africa, on the whole. Trying to find out more about Gregersen, i discovered that his interests were wide-ranging: It therefore splits off the following groups as small families: South Omotic, Mao, Dizoid, GongaGimojan (North Omotic apart from the preceding), Ongota, Kujarge. yD?s"[-;ra*M]Eg{U= Moreover, trees as presently published have bare nodes, that is, there is no actual evidence to support the node such as isoglosses or phonological shifts. We gave actual examples to the contrary above, and I myself pointed out the morphological evidence even for Volta-Congo (which I regard as established beyond reasonable doubt) is actually much weaker than generally supposed. The differences are due to (3.1) drift (3.2) founder effect (3.3) intermarriage with different pre-existing populations of the islands The failure was total, and we were not able to find a better tree by omitting any one language. Could it simply be older than the Germanic *o > *a shift? It means: if you fail to reconstruct morphology then lexical reconstruction is useless. This may be due to first encountering the mistaken version, the same way KAOS from Get Smart left me confused for year about the correct spelling of chaos.. I think that was discussed here as well. Separate reflexes for intervocalic *h and *h, namely vs. , seem to be consensus. Maybe Ill become a specialist in Eastern Sudanic! A problem with lexicostatistics on a set of languages which are certainly related, but the sound changes are not always clear, is that the question of whether two forms actually match for lexicostastical purposes or not can be far from objective, and I am very dubious of techniques which purport to get round this. What Y said. I like how he speaks about 1 (I just like Blench. In each column (character), the same letter (state) for two langauges means cognates. Modern astronomer, modern hunter and ancient villager all use strange words, and when it is an astronomer we say jargon, and when it is an ancient villager we say tabu and when it is a modern hunter who behaves like the ancient villager we hesitate. Vince is the author ofA Multitude of All Peoples(IVP),Gospel Haymanot (UMI) andThe Bisrat(Jude 3 Project). Its theory of an independent domestication of cattle doesnt seem to be supported by more recent genetic work, though my comment is based on nothing more than following a few google links. I wonder if any Hatters have deeper knowledge. This actually reminds me of the Welsh dig angry, for which GPC does not hazard an etymology. No, I have no idea why it isnt uras as would be expected. WebThe noun classes of Bantu languages fall under this type as well, again with a very loose correlation with semantic categories. But the usual word for jackal is wbaa bush-dog.. Turns out that Nabta is a nearby local place name, and Playa is a technical term for the local relief feature specifically, a technical term that is typically used in the (south)western USA, and consequently familiar to the University of Colorado archaeologists who discovered the site. Cham languages in Nigeria have borrowed heavily fundamental lexicon from neighbouring unrelated Chadic languages (Tangale) so much so that lexical counts make them closer to Chadic than Adamawa. My theory is that Blench has spent too much time on fieldwork in areas without internet access to be fully up to speed with developments in website design over the past couple of decades . and there is evidence for pastoralism at Nabta Playa (southern Egypt) by around 7500 BC. Rilly says: the Proto-Nubian word [for mud] was therefore *noog (collective) / *nig-di (singulative) mud, silt. It would thus be normal to ask, say, a waiter, Qu pescados tiene de agua salada? What salt-water fish do you have? Lista de pescados means fish menu. I copied them right. The likening of language development to the evolution of species is a metaphor. Rilly refers to his 2008 paper as having proved the affinity: Oti-Volta-Land is (mostly) a whole lot safer: long may it remain so. Surely thats an incredible boost for anything thats as old or even somewhat older than PIE. I found a recent publication (pdf, supplements on Natures site) in Nature (genetics), and they have teeth samples from the Neolithic. the recently mentioned (in the context of Nubian) Sudanese linguist defended a thesis (in English I think?) Coffi Sambinis Le Proto-Oti-Volta-Oriental, . In my account of Oti-Volta (due to appear Real Soon Now) I do use lexicostatistics for this, but I also cheat freely: I think this is defensible so long as you clearly explain when you are cheating, why you are cheating, and just what difference the cheating has made to your final classification. Proto-Sinaitic is one particular form (the earliest by theinterpretation of an origin within Egypt) of a more broadly, if meagerly, attested consonantal script called Proto-Canaanite, found at several sites in SyriaPalestine. Yes, thanks. Bantu is by no manner of means representative of Niger-Congo in this regard: but then Bantu is a sub-branch of a sub-branch of Volta-Congo. (A.E. Blench (1999d). To my mind, this makes it all the more strange that he doesnt come to the same conclusion about Dogon. Porc-epic and porcupine with an obscure second part were before his eyes. Good. Subscribe now to receive periodic updates from the Center for Hebraic Thought. Ah, thats why it didnt sound familiar to me my Spanish was learned in the Southern Cone (specifically Argentina). they matter little for cognacy judgments, but maybe not enough of the Swadesh list is available. Or best case scenario he lost a bet with an Argentine friend and was forced to install that background till the Cup is won. As I said somewhere, showing that the plural morpheme /-s/ in Foovian is cognate to the plural morpheme /-j/ in Barvian is equivalent to showing that all of the ten thousand names (okay, nouns) in one language are related by a sound-law to their cognates in the other without having to laboriously go through them all. One domain in which linguists invoke a particularly abstract level of representation is Semitic word formation. Did he legitimately think that Proto-Potou-Akanic had triple vowels? Is there a mechanism among bands of hunter-gatherers that would have systematically done that across a region as large as that in which even non-Bantu Niger-Congo is spoken, other than demic replacement? WebBantu languages are the original hebrew language. (There is a more indirect reflex of it in word-initial preconsonantal position: an epenthetic vowel *hsti, *hsnti > e-es-ti, a-san-zi and likewise for a bunch of other verbs.). are different. Arabic /ktb/ signifies the semantic domain of writing) which gets interleaved into fixed templates: KaTaB means wrote, KuTiB means was written and maKTaB means desk. c) that language is an autonomous system, resembling more a physical than a cultural system, d) and that relationships can be expressed as a series of binary splits. @Ryan, in another thread I mentioned a paper dealing with the same individuals form Morocco. its not a bad way to go if you can convince yourself at an early stage that the subgroups are conservative, Trouble is, conservative is not equally distributed. This site is called Language Hat and it deals with many issues of a linguistic flavor. If you want to see how complicated the use of vos really is, go here: It therefore seems probable that this formation goes back to the common ancestor of Proto-Semitic and Proto-Berber. The thing is that Tolkien fans exactly cultivated a distinctive manner of speaking among themselves. They mention no ghost population from the wet Sahara, though the modeling can find such ancestry if it exists. >Do we actually have enough evidence to say that the Natufians went from the Levant into Egypt, rather than from Egypt into the Levant? Under this approach, the Macro-Sudan belt is genealogically highly heterogeneous. without analysing any arguments in detail. This population potentially introduced the Y chromosome haplogroup J1 into the region (Chiaroni et al., 2010; Lazaridis et al., 2016). J )#E~&'L)+%_ s5wA?lMEz_Z8)|je-~`d/&tEPyYL VVU\?%C FB9M'DWwsY]S|"+-z^I}y~O$j=J78",>[QT9V2&[F]ZB>!T7M_ y)ir~sg'&On^cNt#'x. Yet a different Semitic writing tradition would descend from the Proto-Canaanite script. In line with a strong lexicalist approach to morphological representation,3 this observation has implications for the internal organization of the mental lexicon in terms of morphological families. More specifically, it implies the listing of morphologically related lexical items around a nucleus (Satellite Hypothesis, Lukatela, Gligorijevic, Kostic, & Turvey, 1980) or under a head, possibly the root, as proposed by Jarema and Kehayia (1992). Full text in HTML is also available. They offered an interpretation that neolithic tech was first pirated by Morrocans brought to Morocco by diffusion and then more tech came with migration of rights owners. So there you are. Head-and-shoulder portrait of Adam Smith: INVISIBLE HAND). Thanks really goes to Dmitry. (In good faith, certainly.) The vos habls form is what I learned in Buenos Aires (mid-late 1960s). But seriously, calling such a random node origin is unscientific:(, Seems to me Mitic is too easily confused with Mitian., Also, the very scant evidence of Enochian verb conjugation seems quite reminiscent of English, more so than with Semitic languages as Hebrew or Arabic, which Dee claimed were debased versions of the original Angelic language.. They also describe North African Amazighen and Arab genetics as being similar, with heterogeneity and many outliers, but that neighboring populations tend to mirror each other more than people elsewhere to whom theyre culturally connected. matching all those nineteenth-century preconceptions about complex morphology being older. Im trying to understand the argument that something other than the movement of significant numbers of people relying on some technological advantage would impose relative uniformity of language. Other claims made in that paper are also weak, though not quite as spectacularly so. To redress the balance and give a proper perspective, we should adopt Macrocushitic for the huge group of languages now known to be related to Hausa, like Hebrew, Arabic and Egyptian. Evidence from outside Oti-Volta shows that Gurma preserves the original tones, and the WOV/Buli/Konni/Yom/Nawdm branch has somehow managed to swap H and L tones throughout. General language development thus proceeds across different phases, from pregrammatical to structure-dependent to appropriate use. Or this fire/candle chads. No, that would be booooring*. remained a mystery for me until you wrote about characters and states. Dictionary of the Scots Language ), Perhaps not even Ehret. *) and I started from Greek but didnt/havent advanced far. Since, however, the languages in question are spoken in a virtually continuous belt from the Atlantic Ocean to the Persian Gulf, to single out the Red Sea region in this way is a bit too narrowly focussed. (No problem if not, of course: there are all kinds of good reasons I can think of why it might not be.). Regular verbs also all make their gerunds by adding noun class suffixes directly to the verb stem itself. I try to stave off senility by letting Duolingo gamify my Spanish learning and its unwaveringly Mexican in its output. Theres a good dictionary of Moba, the Gurma language which borders on Kusaal, and noun cognates are easy to find, while verb cognates are surprisingly few. . It does make a contact explanation for the rise of gender in Southern Nilotic seem a little more tempting. It eases my conscience a bit about my dabbling with Swadesh lists in Oti-Volta, where Ive seen fit to discard inconvenient outcomes when they seem grossly at variance with better evidence for subgrouping, but snuck in lexicostatistics as a help to estimating the relative length of the various branches (as opposed to defining the branching in the first place.) Theil 2006). Language Miniatures Actually, he no longer believes that; for many years now hes excluded Songhay from his version of Nilo-Saharan. Yes, it seems to be pan-Brythonic. My favorite is that they somehow tracked down a 500-word article I wrote in the late 80s about a high school girls badminton game for a local daily newspaper, and theyve asked me at least 100 times to claim its authorship, but I wont give them the satisfaction. This is a bigger impediment to my AA ideas than I had recognized. Of course, the only reason I actually know any of this is that Ive looked at more than word lists. Sabkha is somewhat similar. Yom-Nawdm is also closer to WOV than to the Gurma languages: theres no reason to think it forms a branch with Gurma. Yes, thats the sort of thing of Blenchs that I was remembering. I meant to reread the Natufian thread but havent had time. So far none of these (geographically) Iranian languages look anything like Semitic. Well, most of the land area where AA languages are spoken is rather better suited to pastoralism than to agriculture per se, and there is evidence for pastoralism at Nabta Playa (southern Egypt) by around 7500 BC, so a pastoral expansion doesnt seem like an unreasonable idea a priori. Why is there not simply a mosaic of languages that are more discontinuous with each other, whose affinities are at a vast depth of time? (Indeed his Proto-Akanic root for to make a mistake is apparently *-, which strikes me as blatantly implausible even if were assuming its an ideophone. Or wouldnt you as the author want to do so, and then correct mistakes that have shown up? Forms agent nouns from verbs. I always understood that the sedentary Plains tribes declined because, after the introduction of the horse, you could simply live a lot better by buffalo hunting than by farming in that climate. was that Bantu preserved the system of the protolanguage, from which everyone else has degenerated (nicely matching nineteenth-century conceptions of language change in general.) porpoise (Meerschwein. It just so happens that this was just posted, on the Computer-Assisted Language Comparison in Practice blog. Chinese Character Dictionary *not sure if English speakers do it, consider it my martian accent. There are so many fundamental things wrong with this reasoning that one hardly knows where to begin. I didnt think it had ever not been accepted. To make life even more complicated, the Moor ygempende hedgehog has a variant zgempende (the second element is presumably pende lower abdomen, cognate with Kusaal pn vagina.) It confirms at least that the -d- of Kusaal yugudir hedgehog is some sort of derivational suffix, but that is actually clear in any case from the general principles governing Kusaal noun stem formation. which produces in me my usual response to Blenchs comparative work, viz that its interesting and thought-provoking, but ultimately not very convincing. But I thought that 19th centiury preconceptions were like this: that primitive languages have simpler morphology. Both also happen to be the oldest attested (modulo some very short texts in the latter case), but this is in no way relevant to their basal status. We conclude that African taurines received as much as 26% (estimated as 0.263 in the network, p-value<2.2e-308) of their ancestry from admixture with wild African auroch, with the rest being Fertile Crescent domesticate in origin.". In biology all that happened more slowly and came with more explanation. Including his primary evidence for a relationship cognates among the 20 most stable Niger-Congo roots; Blench talked about the 50 most stable in Eastern Sudanic, and I wondered how that list might have been cherry-picked. But no, apparently his reconstructions really did have triple vowels, here and in several other places. That reminds me of this Russian paper on Hadza finding that some 20% of the most basic vocabulary of this outlier language, and a bit of the grammar, is AA. The worst error you can make in phylogenetics in biology is to score identical things as different because they could be convergent. These are some of the more familiar schemes. Its not as crude as early lexicostatistics. YBP = years before present (presumably 1950 as typical in that sort of thing), so the dates are 850 BC for Akkadian, 150 AD for Aramaic, 250 AD for Geez, 650 BC for Hebrew, and 1450 BC for Ugaritic. And what it says is that these are the the kind of people who see everything in terms of darkness and light and Great Scholars. The last-mentioned two verbs both have indeed PIE ancestry (dewk-, terh-), but end up being lost altogether also in modern Nordic as far as I can see. The issue has several other articles of interest. This assumption is not made it may creep in in the Discussion section (I havent read the paper yet), but its not made by the computer program. Because authors use slightly different datasets, pick up cognacy judgments from prior researchers or use their own, consider grammatical data or only use lexical data, use variations on the methods of calculation etc. J.Pystynen: Okay, Ill bite: what is the Helsinki slang word for fish? But Ill leave it as potentially inspiring new conversation even though its an assertion I cant support. Phases, from pregrammatical to structure-dependent to appropriate use like this: that languages! 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