} Cumbria Archive and Local Studies Centre, Barrow, About our There are all sorts of game options - you could tell them about an episode and challenge them to act it out, you could give them actual challenges such as Guides in past eras reallyfaced - 30 evacuees are coming to this hall tonight, it's up to you to organise how toclean it, cover all the windows for the blackout and feed them on a 2-ring cooker with whatever food you can buy locally (no cars! Pinterest. Be able to teach a Tenderfoot the Health Rules. With the men away and older women called up to the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, Women's Royal Navy, and the Female Aid Nursing Yeomanry, Guides stepped in as much needed nursery nurses and teachers. Be able to read a map, and know to which places the main roads lead. When the Blitz broke out, the Guides knew what to do. Thy choicest gifts in store, On her be pleased to pour, Long may she reign. Whichever you use, you need to cut down several inches (the depth of a sheath knife or small garden spade) before youthen cut sideways so that youare cutting underneath the roots of thegrass, and don't damage them any more than can be helped. Read about our approach to external linking. You could even gift it to a friend or family member if you want to. A tripod or cooking grate are handy here, as they will allow you to keep the pot away from too much heat. I will never write anything that might hurt or upset someone. Some of these Countries were in what was then known as the British Empire (nowthe Commonwealth), so were closely connected to Britain in that way, and in some cases they were ruled directlyfrom Britain, hence the early introduction of Scouting/Guiding by British people living there whobrought the idea over with them, having encountered it while back in Britainon furlough breaks. a food bag). So in Norway, some Guides buried their uniforms to keep them safe, and only dug them up after peace was declared. If the flag has loose joints, then the person receiving should be quietly reminded of this, so they can make sure theygraspthe flagpole above and below thejoint, to avoid embarassments! Brownie Pockets on the Brownie dresses were used to hold all sorts of useful stuff so the Brownie was ready and equipped for doing good turns at any time. Tie a reef knot and a packer's knot. At a campfire, prepare and cook dampers. Have a go at making at least one of the healthier meals youve come up with. In an age when travel abroad was prohibitively expensive for all but the extremely rich or those fortunate enough to work abroad,and the chances ofmost Brownies ever getting to actuallygo abroad for realseemingly slim to nil, this make-believe was the next best thing. For example, your curry could lose the cream, or use yogurt instead. The words of the Six songs were: Bwbachod - We're the Bwbachod from Wales,Filling farmers' milking pails, Elf - This is whatwe do as Elves, Think of others, not ourselves, Fairy - We're the Fairies glad and gay, helping others every day, Ghillie Dhu - Ghillie Dhu it is our name, We guard the bairns and lead them hame, Gnome - Here you see the laughing Gnomes, Helping mother in our homes, Imp - We're the ever-helpful Imps, Quick and quiet as any shrimps, Kelpie - We're the little Scottish Kelpies, Smart and quick and ready helpers, Leprechaun - We're the Irish Leprechaun, Guiding strangers when forlorn, Little People - We, though known as Little People, Aim as high as any steeple, Pixie - Look out, we're the jolly Pixies, Helping people when in fixes, Sprite - Here we come, the sprightly Sprites, Brave and helpful like the knights, Tylwyth Teg - We're from Wales, the Tylwyth Teg, Dance and work and never beg. A clenched hand raised rapidly up and down meant run away, and perhaps most importantly, a hand waved several times across the face meant cancel instruction or resume what you were doing! Thoughtreally does have to be given to durability - will those crossed pieces of grass you laid on the groundbeblown awaybefore the trackers arrive? 7. If holsters are leather, a little brown boot polish well worked or meltedin helps to keep them supple, shiningand smart, but needs to be polished up well so it doesn't stain clothes. It is customary to fill the centre of the twist with jam (although marmalade, chocolate spread etchave been known), as the damper doughitself is rather tasteless. At all times, remember the risks of causing fire in the countryside - always have water to hand to put out your fire in an emergency, make sure the earth is totally cold before you put turf back, make sure your fire is away from overhanging trees, fences etc - and most important of all, have the full approval of the landowner for your firelighting plansbefore you set foot on his/her land. Guides also shared the wartime recipes they had invented, for instance, mock fishcakes made from potato and anchovy sauce. } Whip the end of a rope to stop it fraying. During the First and Second World Wars, thousands of Guides helped their communities in lots of ways like giving first aid and making aid packages. Some newspapers have searchable databases which would help you to trace period newspaper articles about early Guiding in your localarea(I've read some original newspaper accounts of the Crystal Palace rally in national and regional newspapersthis way, and several fascinating accounts of various Scout and Guide rallies in my home city pre-1914) -both national and local papers can help, and local libraries can often help with free online access. What about your Guide Company, Brownie Pack or Rainbow Unit? stew or casserole? Commonly used knots include Turks' Heads, Rolling Boatswain, Flat Sennit, etc. { Finally, plan and make your meal. Lastly, bend forward again, breathing out the last bit of breath in you, and saying the number of times you have done it, in order to keep count. You can almost smell the warm, sweet scents swirling . Hold Cook, Needlewoman, and Child Nurse Badges. Try four of them: Sing a Guiding song in another language or from another country, Adapt items of your own clothing to create another country's Guide uniform, Celebrate World Thinking Day in an unusual place. Then the Guider would give the command 'Company Salute the Colour' and all in the horseshoe would do likewise. Magic Carpet - many Brownie Packs had special totems such as an Owl,Toadstool, Pool or Pack Pennantat the centre of their Brownie Ring (thenknown as a Fairy Ring, after the naturalrings of mushrooms/toadstools in the woods which some believed were caused by fairies dancing in a ring)- and these totemsweretraditionally placed on a specialpiece ofcloth, which was their pack's Magic Carpet. Read more in detail here: blitz meaning. Tell my parent/carer, teacher or leader if something online worries or upsets me. Because countries regularly change uniform designs, it is the best source of information and photographs. 2. Have you found an error with this catalogue description? And as they are still of general interest, I have retained them below. So as well as retaining the information on the old 'Traditions' badges below, here is some information to help Guides working on the new "Guiding History" interest badge. A folded napkin/serviette (whichever term you prefer) would either be placed on the mat or on the side plate. Our heritage is really something to be proud of. What will you cook - soup? Thanks, thanks, thanks for food, thanks for all who'rehere. . 4 0 obj http://guidinguk.freeservers.com/flag.html. Make a single plait with thin rope or cord. . But - this clause doesn't ask us to do the usual. This entailed constructing emergency ovens. } A lanyard is a neck cord which is used to hang a useful item so it is to hand - for sailors the itemwould be their Bosun's whistle or sheath knife, for Guides it can be awhistle or even a pen. This uniformwas worn with a brown tie (which was folded from a triangular bandage) as shown on the left,later in the 1930s the option of a gold coloured tie was introduced, so long as everyone in the pack wore the same colour - most packs then chose the more colourfulgold as shown on the right. For teaching purposes you can get someone who knows (perhaps yourself) to lead off for the first time or two, as that way the Guides just have to follow you, and you can stop at the bottom and direct the Patrols to the left and right while you stand there, so they see what to do! For fancy folding, fabric napkins have to be well-starched, and paper ones sharply-creased - a number of internet sites will give instructions for fancy folds, but whatever folding you do, fold them neatly and accurately to avoid corrections and crumples - a simpletrianglecrisply done will always look neater than a crumpled rag which sort oflooks like a flower if viewed from acertain angle! There had been all sorts of suggestions of what they should be called, and finallyRosebuds was chosen, with the idea that they would 'flower into Guides'. Since the war, Guides have been thought of as rather "uncool", says Ms Hampton, and their contribution to British life forgotten. 1. I also think that, as part of your research, you should be able to talk about more than just the national picture - not just mention how Guiding started in the UK, or inyour Country,as given in whichever of those books you studied -but should also be able tosay something of how it gotstarted in your particular district,town or village -can you find out when your current unit started and why, perhaps also who the first leaders were? They had free access to other raw or basic ingredients if they could afford them - so could obtain any vegetables they could afford, fruit in season, bread, and milk. The Rosebuds wore a navy jumper and skirt, with a large floppy beret-stylenavyhat and a loosely-tied tie in pale blue. This exercise is to move the inside organs, such as liver and intestines, and help their work, as well as to strengthen the outside muscles round the ribs and stomach. Check the oven and other cooking appliances are turned off before you leave the kitchen. Firstly, lay a fresh, well-ironed fabrictablecloth so it hangs evenly over the edges of the table. . Where will your imagination take you? She would then step backwards to her place in the Colour Party, and give the command 'Colour Party Salute the Colour' and they would give Guide salutes. Traditionally, many would start with the 'first circle' using one arm, both because it offers a reasonable mix of vowels and consonants for making up practice words and sentences with, but also becauseit is easier to become used towhich arm you are meant to use in both signalling and receiving if you start off only using the same one all the time. The first Union Flag was created following the joining of Scotland and England, through the union of both the Monarchy, and Parliament. The most important and relevant custom is that the fabric ofa flag should never normally touch theground - so every effort should be made to preventthis, and the flag escorts (when used) who march either side of the flag bearer aretasked withhelping ensure this does not happen. (It seems that either modern torsos are longer, or necks may belarger, as it's sometimes difficult to get the tie to regulation length at the front and still be able to tie it at the neck without discomfort - in the past older Guides were advised toadd strips of cotton tape to the endsof original ties in order to provide extra length for the tying so that is an option for taller Brownies. If you associate the instruction with a phrase of the correct rhythm such as some ofthe ones aboveit is easier to learn them - like'Leaders come here' or 'run run run'. There is the flag of St George of England -a red + on a white background,the flag of St Patrick of Ireland -a red X on a white background, and the flag of St Andrew of Scotland -a white X on a sky blue background. Bake scrumptious desserts and cakes from all over the world in this top rated FREE ADDICTIVE time-management game! If youcan find a suitable clearing of bare earth to light your fire you may not need to turf,but if you are lighting a fire in a grassy field, you must removethe grass layer to expose bare earth before you can start to build a fire there, otherwise you will scorch the turf and leave an unGuide-like ugly scar on the grass formonths. Do them both for a week. You could use either simple whipping, or West Countrywhipping. Then think about how you could improvise a fireplace - do you have access to bricks which you could use to build up a fireplace? "Guides"then have a slight pause(so the group know who the command is being given to and sothe relevant people are listening), then the rest of the phrase withthe last word said firmly and sharplyso that the instantit is said, the group shouldobey it. Do an activity that shows a camping skill; eg pitch and strike a tent, make a gadget, light a fire. Brownie First Class and Wings - Before 1968, Brownies did not tackle the Adventure books we do now, instead they had set tests to pass - and every Brownie in the country had to learn the very same skills and pass the exact same tests. Once you have peeled back enough turf, cut the piece(s) and lay them to one side, grass to grass or earth to earth. . . In this eye-opening history, Janie Hampton explores how the Guides' work was crucial to Britain's victory. Use ingredients only that were available on rations. Always direct a knife away from your body when cutting, and use a cutting or chopping board. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Be able to use a clinical thermometer and apply fomentations. "At a time when most girls would have left school at 14, this was a form of formal education. Most of the Sixes (and their rhymes) date from 1918, Ghillie Dhu was introduced in c1928, Fairy, Little People and Tylwyth Teg were dropped in 1968. To learn semaphore, it's best to start with the first batch of letters, which are signaled with one arm, so you get used to which arm you are using for them. Once she is comfortable with the basic carrying, she can trydoorways - slipping the bucket of the holster round to the outside of her right legwith her right hand enables the Guide to lower the top of the flag down to a diagonal, supported by the left hand,so it can go through the doorway trefoil first -but ittakes practice to work out how early to start lowering as you march towards the doorway, in order toget the flag low enough to pass through without pausing or reversing! . In 1967 a new uniform dress was brought in, in a brighter,red-brown shade, with pocketson the front of the skirt rather than the chest, a beret (soon replaced by a warmer and more practicalknitted woolly hat with pom pom) and a yellow cross-over tie which didn't needto be folded! Set yourself a week-long challenge to cook nutritious meals, eat healthy foods and try healthier ingredients you havent had before. Others add badges from across all aspects of their life such as swimming or gymnastics awards, badges from places on interest they have visited, etc. Knitting, baking and singing hymns. You should be supervised by an adult when cooking, and follow good hygiene rules. With your Patrol, plan and do a pioneering activity; eg make a rope ladder, haymaker bridge or swing. Then gradually add in more letters, and the basic commands, numbers and punctuation. In more modern times, sew-on badges have come to dominate instead of the more imaginative designs- some people choose to stick solely to sewing on Guiding badges which they have earned, orpatches from Guide events they have been to and Guide campsites they have stayed at. BDSo 61 - GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION, CUMBRIA SOUTH. Breathe in through the nose (not through the mouth) while pointing to the right rear; breathe out through the mouth as you come round and point to the left rear, and at the same time count aloud the number of the swing, or, what is better, thinking of it as part of your morning prayer with God, say aloud: "Bless Tim", "Bless Father," and any of your family or friends in turn. The aim, as with all Guide outings,is to leave absolutelyno trace of where you have been. Sitting round the campfire, the front of you is warmed by the flames - but there can be cold draughts at your back, so in the early days of Scouting and Guiding, there developed a custom of each persontaking a blanket to the campfire, to wear wrapped round theirshoulders for warmth. and when you do arrive, take a couple ofseconds to gather your breath andthoughts so you can give themessage in a clear and logical way, not blurt out what's uppermost then have to waste valuable timeexplaining, orwaffling before you get to the keypoint . Present your ideas creatively. It is a tin can, filledas tightly as possible with a strip of corrugated cardboard, with a wick placed in the middle, and the whole filled up with melted candle wax to make a sort of long-lasting candle. Guides made meals for hundreds in bombed areas, with no kitchens, feeding those who had been made homeless until they could be found temporary accommodation. If they passed 'Golden Hand'before they moved on to Guides, they got a special badge, 'Brownie Wings',to wear on the sleeve of their Guide uniform (shown on the right) to show they had been a Golden Hand Brownie, and they had a special 'Flying Up' ceremony when they left Browies tomove to Guides (often there would be a joint meeting just before their firstGuide meeting attended by both units, with a special ceremony, invented by the units, to hand the Brownie over). . Girl Guides have been at the heart of women's equality since the early 20th century - when they were garnering badges like Electrician and Telegraphist. For this challenge, the verses normally used are: God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen, Send her Victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, God save the Queen. Each was handmade by the unit, so sizes and designs varied, but it would usually be decorated with the badges of the Sixes in that Pack, and with any other pack awards, honoursor special souvernirs which the pack had obtained. These Girl Guides often went on umpteen-mile longall-day hikes into the countryside, carrying alltheirkit in home-made daysacks, exploring, spending some time spotting wildlife and cookinglunch on wood fires, and playing some games, then marching all the way back home again in the evening when it was getting dark. The WAGGGS website - https://www.wagggs.org - will give access to pictures of Guide uniforms from other countries on various national organisations' websites. "It became a family to many girls, providing them with structure in the form of patrols, achievements in the form of proficiency badges, and friendships that often lasted their whole lives.". Going on a Cookie Blitz We're going to sell a lot of them We're going on a cookie blitz We're going on a cookie blitz We're going to sell a lot of them I hope we sell enough of them I hope we sell enough of them So we can plan a field trip So we can plan a field trip It could be things belonging to you personally, or things which belong to your unit - what would give you inspiration, what would you need to share with others an idea of what Guiding is, and is about? Strike a match correctly and light a candle. hQ@. 4. Not share any personal information on the internet (my full name, my home or school address, my phone number or my email address). Read about our approach to external linking. In this eye-opening history, Janie Hampton explores how the Guides' work was crucial to Britain's victory. By the 1950s berets were the most common hat option seen,although variations and hand-knitted hatscould still be seen - some packs did still hand out knitting patterns and woolto the parents of new recruits in the 1950s, for them toknit their own hats! Given the level that Commonwealth Award is at - the age group it is for and the level of effort expected from candidates, the last thing I want to do is supply chunks of text which people can just copy and paste verbatim to put in front of an assessor,giving that assessor the impression thatit was all their own research work, when it was actually myhard work and many hours of research! Research a guiding tradition in another section. Jan 8, 2021 - Explore Tabitha Egan's board "Girl Guides Cooking", followed by 156 people on Pinterest. Made by Blitz 2020 | Website by Freehouse. "Girls think they'll be learning knitting, or knotting, or doing semaphore, she adds, but the majority of the time you're street dancing, or doing floristry - whatever you want really. A pace or two from the pole, she would command 'Colour Party Halt' and would then walk forward to the flagpole by herself. First, gain permission from an adult in charge of youto light a match. Fitness Exercise - aka 'Daily Dozen' - from the 1918 handbook. A good website is: www.scoutbase.org.uk/library/hqdocs/facts/pdfs/fs315074.pdf. it is easier to quickly sketchtwo lines for the arm positions on paper as they are sent, and once you have them all noted down,use a chart to work out the letters they representand writethem inunderneath your sketches, and thensplit them into words and work out what the message said. -=BtG>*ojn?@XF +WO^P'D%P [lF nPySM6kU87%t])b:944bwj~Z~ak*xg5>.}d9#1kZ\K,1`0-Xclc `TYVmj ;/%P8zAwr"}W *Know the first verse of the national anthem. Use Scout's pace to cover 1.6km or one mile. When not worn the woolly hat was usually tucked through the belt. These are activities to attempt onlyif you have already done some gadget making and pioneering, and know how to both tie and tighten the basic lashings securely(if you don't, why not ask your Guider if she could arrange a pioneering training session? You should certainly try to get hold of and read a copy of "Scouting for Boys", of whichever edition -and a copy of "How Girls Can Help to Build Up the Empire" if you possibly can - a facsimile was issued a few years ago, so your County Archivist should be able to help you with accessing a copy to borrow. meals. Then first Patrol turn leftand march up towards the Guiders, the next turn right and march up, and so on - once they arrive in place they march on the spot. Perhaps some of the Brownies would be able to play it on recorder, piano or some other suitable instrument? 12. She would then step backwards to her place in the Colour Party, and then give the command 'Colour Party Salute the Colour', and they would give Guide salutes. Somewhere with an international link? % Big questions, which only you can answer from your experience and related to the Guiding you have known in your locality. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, 25 - Cumbria Archive and Local Studies Centre, Barrow. They were contained in a rhyme - ". Know how to deal with the following: shock, haemorhage (various methods), asphyxiation (artificial respiration), fire accident and ice accident, unconsciousness from accidents, fits and fainting. Set the candle up securely so it can't topple/be knocked over once lit, and the wick is stickingup. Work out how you can make the same meal healthier yet still super tasty. When worn, the bottom of the tie is meant tosit about three fingers above the belt . And help us now to spread our love to people far and near. Then think about the rationing they had in WW2 - the foods which were rationed during WW2 were meat, sugar, butter, tea, margarine, cooking fat, cheese, jam, marmalade, treacle, syrup, eggs, milk, sweets. The front Patrol Leader marches off round behind the Guiders, followed byher Patrol and then theother Patrols follow on in turn. Check the ingredients you use to make sure you, or other people eating, are not allergic to them. Or could you use logs to build a 'reflector' fire? By the 1940s it wasbecoming okayfor girls to wear jodhpurs for horse riding, anddungarees or trousers for gardeningorfarm work where skirts and stockings could be an inconvenience, but normally not otherwise. Make sure long hair is tied back and dangling clothing such as hoody cordstucked in. For Ms Hampton, the process of compiling her book changed her view. There are several differentways of marching into a horseshoe, and it's far easier to do it yourselfor see it done than it is to try toexplain it on paper! The girls were a little shocked to see how little the rations were. endobj So it featured the cross of St George on that of St Andrew. . When the Blitz broke out, the Guides knew what to do. So they campaigned again, and just a year later, in 1915, the name was changed to Brownies - Thus Brownies started in 1914 - 2 years before Cubs officially started! . Guides should make theirs in white (which was traditionally the colour of a Patrol Leader's lanyard), as other colours were used for Camp Licence holders and Brownie Holiday Licence holders (green and brown respectively). If you contact your local archivist, she may well be able to lend uniforms for the girls to see and perhaps evenget to try on - much more fun to try wearingthem than just learn the theory! The moment that war was declared in 1939, Margaret Collins, at the time a guide living in Maidstone, Kent, knew exactly where she was - helping out in the town hall, where she listened in the Mayor's parlour to the declaration of war. Walk two miles in 30 minutes (Scout's pace if necessary) and arrive in good condition. She then goes round and back down the middle of the hall until she is nearly at the bottom, where the last Guides are still marching round. So where could you go that would be a bit different? window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { The test changed at various times over the years, but the 1938 syllabus was: You must be a Second Class Guide and have a good influence in your company. Six Songs - at the start of meetings, as part of their opening ceremony, each Six would skip round the centrepiece in the middle of the circlein turn, singing their Six song, to the same tune as the then Brownie opening song, "We're the Brownies, here's our aim, Lend A Hand and play the game". Everything you need for Alistar Support. Take some sticks, ideally at least 1.5cm diameter and smooth. At that time, too, you couldn't start to work for anyinterest badges until after you had gainedGolden Hand, which is why most Brownies of the era didn'tgain very many interest badges - there often wasn't much time after finishing Golden Hand to gain them,before it was time to move on to Guides. Who was Ukrainian minister Denys Monastyrsky? In this badge you're going to take on three volunteering challenges: Challenge one - volunteer supporting people Challenge two - volunteer supporting places Flying it upside down is a distress signal or plea for help! Found this gem in the archives from a few months. I know clicking links can download viruses or other harmful files onto my devices. It's also useful to have a ceremony of some sort tosignal that the meeting proper has started, and the time for chat and nonsense is over. })(); Plant based isnt complicated. http://www.guidinguk.freeservers.com/icelandic.html, http://www.guidinguk.freeservers.com/gadgets.html, http://www.guidinguk.freeservers.com/firelighting.html. For example, poach eggs, grill food instead of frying, use spices instead of salt and find unrefined alternatives to sugar to sweeten food. Flags should be stored in their cases when not in use, with the flag carefully rolled neatly around the poles to avoid wrinkles. Here are some simple multifaith graces I've written to well-known tuneswhich you could use: Thanks forFood (tune - row, row, row your boat). Well these younger girls loved the Rosebud games and activities, were happy with the uniform - but hated the name! There were no organised evening classes or Open University. Then the Guider would give the command 'Company Salute the Colour' and all in the horseshoe would do likewise. The holstershould be adjusted for the individualGuide's height, so that the 'bucket' of the holster hangsdown the outside of the rightthigh at a comfortable mid-thighheight, making it easier to balance the flag's weight (you may need toadjust to make the bucketslightly lower than normalif the flag is being carried indoors by a tall Guide, in order to reduce difficulties with modern low ceilingsand low doorways!). callback: cb Blitz means to quickly mix ingredients together. Then the Colour Party Leader would say'Colour Party About Turn', and they would all turnto the right on the spot, then 'Colour Party Forward March' until they reached their place in the horseshoe, then 'Colour Party Halt' and 'Colour Party About Turn' sees them back in their place in the horseshoe. Have an intimate knowledge of the neighbourhood within a radius of half a mile from her home or Guide Headquarters (for country Guides, one mile), and be able to direct a stranger to the nearest doctor, fire, ambulance, telephone, police or railway station, or post or telegraph office, pillar-box, garage, and nearest place for petrol, etc, from any point within that district. At that time the Six Rhymes ceased to be an official part of the programme, but most units continued to use them. *Draw the Union flag and know how it is made up. All WAGGGS member organisations share a number of common principles: But the clause asks you not merely to have read them, but to understand them -so it sounds to me as though you have to interpret what they mean, and how they are applied in your country - what are the ideals behind your country'sPromise and Law, how open is the membership in your culture, to what extent is it self-governing, and to what extent governed 'from above'? Why not ask your friends and family to share their favourites too? Tie long hair back and wash your hands before you start. We must unite for what is right, in friendship true and strong, Until the earth in it's rebirth shall sing our song, shall sing our song. The government also realised it had a home army of willing volunteers. When the Blitz broke out, they knew how to dig bomb shelters and provide first aid. . The author Freda Collins, in her book "Pow Wow Stories" wrotestories for each Six explaining the alleged'origin' of the rhymes - but in fact by quite a margin the rhymes came first!
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