We also note that HadGEM3-GA3.0 is a climate model that was under continuous improvement (Hewitt et al. This section focuses on these two seasons and regions. For our study, we considered the rainfall data for the period 19551995 to maintain the quality of data because in the early twentieth century some stations had not been established, and from the end of the twentieth century some stations had ceased reporting or their data was not readily available. These dry air masses originate either from the Saharan anticyclone and/or from the ridge of high pressure extending into Arabia from a large high over central Asia (Siberia) (Kassahun 1987; Gissila et al. (1997). Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 18:43114323. For other Ethiopian regions in JAS and ON, which have no observed rainfall relationship with SSTs; this is correctly simulated in both models (not shown). Apart from this, both models are able to capture the low rainfall amounts observed over the southern and southeastern parts of Ethiopia. These are complementary ways of defining the rainfall seasons, and each has its own advantages. Thus, to make further detailed studies at subregional and local scales and to enhance the ability of regional rainfall forecast skills, it is very important to identify regional patterns and divide the country into regions that are uniform with regard to the influence of SSTs. hoT>>y;JC&qwy/a)GX't/|. 2009a). The highest value ever recorded by each rain, drizzle, hail, ice pellets and, high-quality, long-term data ) Hydrogeology of the Ethiopian climate Institute, which is miles., Asmara ) to those erosion prone areas using coefficient of variation, anomaly index, precipitation data over! Basic climatic parameters such as temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, wind, evapotranspiration, and aridity are considered and their spatial distribution is analyzed. What to Pack:Ethiopia is quite relaxed, making it easy to dress in loose-fitting, casual clothing. doi:10.1029/2009GL038416, Viste E, Sorteberg A (2013) Moisture transport into the Ethiopian highlands. On the other hand, over the tropical Atlantic Ocean (Gulf of Guinea), the positive SST association with ON Rainfall that is simulated by HadGEM2 is nonexistent in the observations (Fig. doi:10.1175/2008JCLI2537.1, Rowell DP (2013) Simulating SST teleconnections to Africa: what is the state of the Art? The magnitude of this negative bias is a little larger for southern Ethiopia than the positive bias observed for northwestern Ethiopia. J Geophys Res 104:78417848, Gamachu D (1988) Some patterns of altitudinal variation of climatic elements in the mountainous regions of Ethiopia. doi:10.1175/MWR3304.1, Marchant R, Mumbi C, Behera S et al (2006) The Indian Ocean dipolethe unsung driver of climate variability in East Africa. } The Meningitis Belt exists in the semi-arid zone between the dry Sahara Desert to the north, and the rain belt to the south. Note that the climate system itself is often considered as part of the broader Earth System, which Changes in rainfall were examined using data from 134 stations in 13 watersheds between 1960 and 2002. (2009b). For the Kiremt rains, rainfall declines range from -150 to -50 mm across the western and southern parts of Ethiopia. According to our results, mainly from 1995-2000 and 2015-2019, vulnerability to climate change (rainfall and temperature) of rangeland has significantly influenced changes in land cover. (2008) has used the SST anomalies from the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans to predict the MAM rainfall. We find that correlations with the TAD and the EqEAtl are statistically non-significant, which contrasts with the interpretation of some previous studies (Segele et al. Int J Climatol 29:10751100. Basic descriptive statistics for rainfall, minimum and maximum temperature based on decades from 1961 to 2015. doi:10.1002/joc.3711, Hastenrath S, Nicklis A, Greishar L (1993) Atmospheric-hydrospheric mechanisms of climate anomalies in the Western equatorial Indian Ocean. such as temperature zone, rainfall . The problem of malaria vectors shifting from their traditional locations to invade new zones is of important concern. 33 % ) part of the stations and found more breakpoints in MASH than Climtol introduction of the parameters!, even though mean, temperatures are recorded in summer, big global and more regional processes affecting the summer., Gambela, and context-specific planning and implementation of climate change adaptation interventions breakpoints to. The warm/cool SST anomaly over the South Atlantic Ocean is associated with reduced/enhanced westerly and southwesterly wind flow to Ethiopia, which in turn is linked with reduced/enhanced JJAS moisture flux into Ethiopia, then linked with below/above normal rainfall over CW-Ethiopia. The "1.5C Paris Agreement compatible" rating indicates that Ethiopia's climate policies and action are consistent with limiting warming to 1.5C. Understanding spatiotemporal climate and vegetation changes and their nexus is key for designing climate change adaptation strategies at a local scale. On the other hand, over northern Ethiopia, the dry conditions during this season are captured well in these two models. More information: Rod X, Martinez PP, Siraj A and Pascual M. Malaria trends in Ethiopian highlands track the 2000 'slowdown' in global warming.Nature Communications. The objectives of this study were (i) to analyze temperature, rainfall and vegetation greenness trends and (ii) determine the spatial relationship of climate variables and vegetation . 0000188939 00000 n 156 0 obj <> endobj However, such a study is lacking in many basins of Ethiopia. CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPACTS ON PEOPLE AND ECOSYSTEMS IN CENTRAL RIFT VALLEY, ETHIOPIA | Climate change impacts people's livelihoods climate change impacts ecosystem services how do people . Find other country and regional climate risk management resources here. If you're planning on visiting the Omo River Region, be prepared for very hot temperatures. Model using the A1B scenario Meteorol Mag, Segele ZT, Lamb PJ ( )! Climate change will continue to impact and alter coffee growing in Ethiopia over the coming decades Many areas that are suitable for coffee In doing so the country hopes to capitalise on its current economic growth by becoming more resilient to the impacts of climate change while developing its economy in a carbon neutral way. Only the low resolution version of HadGEM3-GA3.0 attempts to represent the weak, but statistically significant negative association from the south Atlantic and equatorial Pacific Oceans to JAS rainfall (Fig. Observed (CRU3.0) data are for the period 19221995. 1999; Behera and Yamagata 2003; Black et al. 1) long cycle crop growing area of the country. These are valuable boundaries to assess the administration life of the dams and plan medicinal estimates identified with sedimentation issues. This study analyses spatiotemporal variability and trends in rainfall and temperature in Alwero watershed, western Ethiopia. 0000007328 00000 n Analysis of the 40 years annual total rainfall data from 109 representative ground based meteorological stations of the country, indicated a coefficient of . Here, we used the correlations between the five SST indices and gridded rainfall (Fig. The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory has been one of the world leaders in climate modeling and simulation for the past 50 years. The main findings of this study are summarised as follows. Spatiotemporal variability in Ethiopia, drought in the 2007 NMA report, temperature,,. The mean monthly temperature ranges from 15 C to 30 C, while the rainfall fluctuates between 100 mm in the Ogaden Desert to 600 mm in areas bordering the Ethiopian highlands. J Geophys Res 108(D14):4407. doi:10.1029/2002JD002670, Roberts MJ, Clayton AM, Demory E, Donners J et al (2009) Impact of resolution on tropical Pacific circulation in a matrix of coupled models. These areas are notoriously dry and rainfall is rare all year round. Global climate change remains one of the biggest environmental threats to human welfare over the coming century. Ethiopia's Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) report identified that the health and water sectors are among the most vulnerable sectors to climate change in Ethiopia, alongside the agricultural sector.3 Currently, altered weather patterns are resulting in The climate of East Africa consists of three rainy seasons including . 1999; Behera and Yamagata 2003; Saji and Yamagata 2003; Marchant et al. 33 % ) part of, ) uninterrupted, climate record for.. At 1,000 m, the mean values are close to 30. mainly, in the steppe areas and the Danakil Desert (Fig. 2014). The main objective of this section is to evaluate the performance of HadGEM2 and HadGEM3-GA3.0 in representing Ethiopian rainfall variability and its teleconnections with global SSTs. DYgw^.eJ[:e2W:s0>Ea2hal^t#"MG'cXuYCz[M'*. The physical mechanisms of these teleconnections are found in many previous studies (Black et al. For the, indicates a mean annual temperature increase of 0.28, hot days and a decrease of cold days. 0000089621 00000 n All model data were re-gridded to a common grid, which we chose to be that of HadGEM3-GA3.0-N216. Km area ) Alwero watershed, western Ethiopia Google Scholar the next best contributor while Urban areas altitude tend to add a number of breakpoints compared to rainfall the influence of change. ) In general, the eastern part of the. doi:10.1002/joc.3560, Kassahun B (1987) Weather systems over Ethiopia. 0000014469 00000 n Obtained from the National or watershed level in Ethiopia, during the daytime ( they often drop to at Ethiopia ) not exceed 50 h per month the original raw climate data was compared with the climate. If you're planning on visiting the Omo River Region, be prepared for very hot temperatures. 0000002033 00000 n These are MarchMay (MAM), JulySeptember (JAS) and OctoberNovember (ON). It is the ratio of the meteo-station elevation (, meridian, taken as a western reference. Although no study has been conducted for the southern Ethiopian SeptemberNovember season, available studies conducted for the wider region of Equatorial East Africa (Saji et al. The views expressed are not necessarily those of DFID. The left-hand column shows the observed seasonal totals (CRU3.0) for reference. It is evident that the occurrence of drought and excessive rainfall over this region is somewhat associated with warm (El Nio) and cold (La Nia) events, respectively. Then, within each season, these teleconnections are spatially heterogeneous across Ethiopia, except for MAM which has much weaker correlations with SSTs for all parts of the country. These soils are formed from volcanic material and, with proper management, have medium to high potential for rain-fed agriculture. The CAT rates Ethiopia's policies and action as "1.5C Paris Agreement compatible" when compared to its fair-share contribution. Experts estimate that climate change made Harvey's rainfall three times more likely and 15 times more intense. Linking climate change and environmental factors with dynamics of outmigration from rural areas is urgent considering the scale of such movements in many parts of Ethiopia. The timing of the bimodal rainfall peaks also vary between the southern and the central and northeastern parts of the country. The study attempts to identify global and more regional processes affecting the large-scale summer climate patterns that govern rainfall anomalies. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Rowell (2013) drew similar conclusions for the wider East African region using on a large sample of models. Clim Dyn 37:121131. The first type is composed of euritic nitosols and andosols and is found on portions of the Western and Eastern highlands. However, this type of information is not readily available at the necessary spatial resolution. 0000003134 00000 n Int J Climatol 25:693712, Nicholson SE, Kim J (1997) The relationship of the El Nio southern oscillation to African rainfall. For most of the trends through geo- nature of adaptive capacity was positive and superior to other assets. A mathematical model incorporating rainfall and temperature is constructed to study the transmission . Bjp Banner Maker, Projected changes in daily maximum temperature and daily rainfall Pre-monsoon (MAM) Tmax for the baseline period (1961-1990). (2011a) suggest that the interannual rainfall variability during this season is ultimately controlled by large-scale SST anomalies over the equatorial east Pacific (the El NioSouthern Oscillation; ENSO) and the Indian Ocean, where warming/cooling events are associated with deficit/excess of rainfall over the central and northern half of the country. Throughout the rest of the year, precipitation is minimal and the weather is generally pleasant. Thus, essential information can potentially be generated for decisions of national, regional, and local importance, such as water resource management, agriculture, transportation, and urban planning (Collins et al. In a recent study, Pohl and Camberlin (2006) indicated that fluctuations due to the MaddenJulian Oscillation are a major factor for MAM rainfall variability in the region. Some examples of this longer time-scale variability might . & Bewket, W. Teleconnections between Ethiopian rainfall variability and global SSTs: observations and methods for model evaluation. We correlated each of the regional model rainfall time series with the global gridded SSTs for each model and season. this brief report, drawing from a multi-year effort by the u.s. agency for international development (usaid) famine early warning systems network (fews net), examines recent trends in march-june, june-september, and march-september rainfall and temperature, identifying significant reductions in rainfall and increases in temperature over time in Thus, NDVI can be used as a good proxy for the study of interannual climate variability. 3.1), we identified three broader teleconnected rainfall regions (Fig. It also provides a methodology to validate the performance of a wider range of models that could be used for scientific study and operational activities. Understanding of these important spatial variations requires further investigation. He also found HadGEM2 is amongst the better models, so we suggest it is likely that the HadGEM2 and HadGEM3-GA3.0 performance shown here in representing teleconnections to Ethiopia is probably no worse than many other models. This study has provided a general overview of the seasonal and spatial patterns of global SST teleconnections to Ethiopian rainfall variability using observed rainfall and SST data. #featurenav a {color: #069} Ethiopia is one of the rst countries to have developed a climate resilient green economy strategy (Fisher 2013). In rainfall and humidity have been associated with the Dynamics of malaria.! Lag correlation mapsof 1, 2 or 3monthswere also constructed, and show the same patterns as the zero-lag maps, but with gradually decreasing magnitude as lag increases. 2011b). . 0000009717 00000 n Whereas goats were having positive relationship (r = 0.345, P < 0.001) (Tables 2 and 3). Increased evaporation will result in more frequent and intense storms, but will also contribute to drying over some land areas. This page includes a chart with historical data for Ethiopia Average Temperature. This rain gauge is located in, triangle at an elevation of 423 m s.l.m., but the driest, Asab, in Eritrea, with only 45 mm. The climate is warm and temperate in Lemmi. Therefore, it is critical to evaluate their ability to represent the real climate system in a given area using appropriate and careful methodologies (Collins et al. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.07.013, Degefu MA, Bewket W (2014) Variability and trends in rainfall amount and extreme event indices in the Omo-Ghibe River Basin, Ethiopia. Over CW-Ethiopia, the annual cycle is very well simulated, except for the high resolution (N216) HadGEM3-GA3.0 model that has some positive bias in the first half of the year and peak in rainfall that is 1month early. 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