Paul, we have some bad news for you, SEALs do not refer themselves as naval commandos. I feel very betrayed by Paul for mentoring me on stuff he had no idea about. Hi John can you check your email please. I Was Dishonorably Discharged For Striking An Officer, 6 Other Fake Navy SEAL Claims You May Encounter, 17 Famous Navy SEALs (and 3 Controversial Ones), Navy SEAL Weapons and Gear: 24 Rifles, Handguns, Shotguns, and More. They are eventually caught and embarrassed. ', The Ohio license plate read ``SKIP M.' Smaller letters at the bottom spelled ``NAVY SEAL.'. If a guy claiming to be a SEAL says he was the one who shot Osama Bin Laden, you can rest assured that youre likely talking to a fake. Halden was born in 1955 so, it's most unlikely that he was a 18 - 20 year old USN Naval Flight Officer / F4 Phantom back-seater flying in the Vietnam War. 12. ry wc rh lm cl rn rf mh ok ze et ik cm kr bu So the obstacle course, or O-course, is a 20 obstacle course that all first phase trainees have to complete in 12 minutes or less. The only Robert Alexander that served in the Navy is a Robert Dean Alexander, who was awarded the purple heart for his actions in World War 2. 8. A faker better know most of the obstacles regardless. Between 1947 and 2013, only 3,208 people had successfully qualified as a US Air Force Pararescue, with approximately 500 serving members in 2013 (Kendall, 2013).On average, only 15%-20% of personnel will graduate from the Pararescue training pipeline. Rope Swing This is a common way people think they can trip up a fraudulent seal claim. ', ``I made no boasts, no claims that I did anything heroic, that I fought anywhere, that I won any medals. As far as the teams are concerned these individuals are persona non gratis. Wait until the mother fer is dead and check on his headstone. We've gone to 7 states and confronted 15 phonies to date and were only getting warmed up. A quick and easy way to trip up a potential fake navy SEAL is to ask him something like: Is a Draeger a semi-auto or fully-auto weapon?. Isnt he John Allen? Nolan, referring to the businessman and his colleagues, said, ``They better stay out of the United States because they didn't know who they were messing with,' the agent testified. Hooyah Logs 7. There were no SEALs back then but the part about getting USN put on that granite slab is 100% true. What is the point? Paul Puccillo - Fake Navy SEAL, Blog of Shame. Very disappointed in paul for doing this, and really wish he didnt fake but you cant truly fix being a POS because habits follow you no matter what. ``He told me, `Surviving that was the easy part. If a guy claiming to be a SEAL ever mentions that, you know hes full of it. Vaults. 2,450 Active Duty SEALs X 1,000 / SEAL = 2,450,000 phony Navy SEALs. You are correct, Craig. Qty.. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. A couple years ago he met a retired Air Force colonel and Medal of Honor winner . I have nothing but respect for the military. Lee, then a Marine captain, led several members of his company on a bloody and daring mission that began Aug. 8 and did not end until the next day. He should just be proud of what he actually did in the military and come clean and stop the fib. Hey Kurt, One of the members was kind enough to screen shot a conversation with Paul. Truly amazing how much time and effort these guys put into these fake profiles. And just what was the truth? If a guy doesnt completely get the obstacles correct, it may depend on the year he went through training. He declined requests for an interview. My husband has been having horrible PTSD thinking about theft of Valor and how Henry got a contractor job because of a lie. Enrollment is voluntary as there is no comprehensive list of Purple Heart recipients, Similarly, the Hall of Valor project explicitly says, We are in the midst of a multi-year effort to identify recipients of Silver Star and below. Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin. I was in the last Class Class 52 chronologically between West Coast classes 63 and 64. Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. All Rights Reserved. Detached with them to the Caribbean for a year. The events surrounding both those incidents leave lots of unanswered questions. The USN stopped flying combat missions in 1973 although, an aircraft carrier remained on station until 1975. Great guys. He is the brother of Los Angeles Chargers tight end Virgil Green Professional career Jacksonville Jaguars. Copyright 2023 ``I had heard about the phonies and it dawned on me that I may have worked with one,' wrote another. More info. Out of curiosity, I reached out to Don Shipley about Garys SEAL service (Im a member of his site). He passed away 5 years ago. What a tool, he actually sounds like an idiot. Instead, they essentially received on the job training. But there was something fishy about the guy. There's always something to worry about - do you know what it is? My son in laws father served in Vietnam as a UDT. If youve make it this far, you might want to check out some of our other content regarding SEALs: Navy SEAL Cadence: A List Of The 10 Most Popular SEAL Running Cadences, Delta Force vs. Navy SEALs: Differences In Training, Selection, and More,, Navy Medal Of Honor, Navy Cross, and Silver Star recipients: However, not everyone knows where the bell is. If the story sounds a little too unbelievable, it likely is. ', ``That was the most profound thing I've ever heard,' Schantag said. Several people told The Virginian-Pilot that Moeller had told such stories, including the Navy vet and others who live or work at Woodberry Forest, where Moeller rents an apartment. Capt. Ive contacted Mr Shipley regarding my ex and received an email back stating that he was NOT a SEAL as he has always claimed. The Used to Be Phony Navy SEAL. . How could you fake this and think someone wasnt going to catch on. All SEALs pay serious attention to detail, and would be very difficult to imagine one making a spelling error such as that. Its such a treacherous course that even active-duty SEALs sometimes use it as part of their deployment workups. BTW, Don Shipley just verified a guy from the class right before you. When Moeller spoke of his SEAL duties, he was always vague about dates and tours of duty, they said. He knew his colleague was an imposter. What a douche. One way to prove whether or not someone was a Navy SEAL is to do a FOIA request. After seeing his shoddy work and lackluster motivation, my husband questioned him about his service. Always make your living doing something you enjoy. 6. Related to the above. He is a rather portly rotund guy. He was questioned about being a SEAL and he states he was in Class 230. And to avoid a court-martial, Nolan received a less-than-honorable discharge from the Navy in June 1992 after going AWOL for 53 days. A hero, You are married and have a child why even risk losing your family and or getting an ass beating from a real hero. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. Navy SEAL Ranks And Pay: How Much Do SEALS Make Anyway? Its a paid membership site that costs just $10 a month, and will give you access to all of his Phony SEAL Of The Week videos, among many others. That changed when some tard missed a stump and tore his satchel wide open after landing crotch first on one of the taller stumps. Anyone who falsely claims to be a SEAL, Green Beret, Ranger or any other serviceman/woman should be held accountable. Paul had a post regarding HIS SEAL platoon during September 11, 2001, its a long read but worth seeing where his mind is at: In the post above he refers his platoon as naval commandos. This guy is a real loser. He had made false statements to federal agents regarding bank loans and fraudulent insurance invoices, according to papers filed in Norfolk federal court. He almost made a whole career out of being a Navy SEAL in Vietnam starting out very early in the war. A "Wall of Shame" compiled by former Navy SEAL R.D. The same goes for a commanding officer, guys he might have served on a SEAL Team with, etc. The Navy SEAL museum has parallel bars replicas in their courtyard. Someone commented about him having a girlfriend that was the only thing that came out of the posers mouth that sounded legit sad to say when he would ramble on about his pathetic life with a fat ass bitch wife. A couple years ago he met a retired Air Force colonel and Medal of Honor winner, George E. ``Bud' Day, who endured years of torture in North Vietnam. ``Skip' Moeller, 54, who drove the Chevrolet Cavalier with the Ohio plates, had been telling his war stories long enough, the old vet said. A website dedicated to exposing fake SEALs had given him a five-star rating on its "Wall of Shame," its most ignoble designation, meaning the "claimant is 'incorrigible' and continues to make.The officer version of an Enlisted Pararescue is the Combat Rescue Officer (CRO). Phone: 619-537-1133 He ``claims his body is a registered lethal weapon. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame'' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. But Schantag, a former Marine, cares little about the psychological makeup of fake military heroes. Search: Isis Killing Video Gore. Paul likes to demonstrate his motivation and leadership skills. Paul loves to wear SEAL shirts, some from SEAL Team Four, plus nothing says sexy more than going on a date with your wife wearing your standard mail order U.S. Navy SEAL shirt. Some hope to impress women with tales of derring-do, others to boost their self-image or even use the SEAL cachet to get a job or a promotion, according to those who would like to see them ``outed.'. ', When Mike Arrowood joined the Western Branch faculty in 1999, Ashman said he was still telling students that he was an ex-SEAL, ``but only to set up an example for kids to look at.'. Jim Gilmore and Attorney General Mark Earley, Sen. George Allen and U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, lauding his business accomplishments. Hey Delana, It takes a special person to give their life for their country, and these brave men and women have a piece of my heart (its a big one) 2000 Trident Way The Navy gathers the information and provides it to the Warfare Archives. He lives in Arlington Heights, Illinois and is renting there someplace. According to the National PersonnelRecords Center and the United States Navy,Paul NEVER served in the military, was never a US Navy SEAL, and hes never seen combat. Apparently it is advertised as a work of fiction with the main character named Michael Daniels. Like red, gold, June 28, 2005: 19 Americans died including 11, 363 shares England's Lionesses put Love Island's preening prima donnas to, Consider carefully the added cost of advice, Use past performance only to determine consistency and risk, It's futile to predict the economy and interest rates, You have plenty of time to identify and recognize exceptional companies, Good management is very important - buy good businesses, Be flexible and humble, and learn from mistakes, Before you make a purchase, you should be able to explain why you are buying. I always go out of my way to say i was NOT a SEAL but worked with and for them. Thanks to you folks here for doing the heavy lifting, and sparing us all the disgust in exposing these phonies. ``I had some students that were very, very marginal,' Ashman said. FITH. But it was all a lie, according to federal authorities and military personnel records. ', But he said he never told his students war stories, ``all that Rambo garbage. Some pretenders to glory spin wondrous yarns. Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. I had a brother who died in a motorcycle accident in July of 87. Unfortunately, Shipleys Youtube channel was terminated in February of 2019. Arrowood, 43, demanded that Ashman apologize and set the record straight with his students. If he claims anything other than it being a dive rig, you know hes an impostor. [] partners at Military Phonies share their work on this fellow, Paul Puccillo, who claims to be a Navy SEAL (what else?). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rob V. is the founder of ``They started asking questions. He said he was screwing his neighbor since he moved into Arlington Heights last year, meeting her at hotels and bars when we got off work and used to brag about it all the time, saying how easy it was to get away with it. They are NOT lowering the standards Paul and SEALs dont do water drills. Dirty Name 11. I requested to serve there when i left Iceland Navcomm station Keflavik. And I never paid attention to the name of BUD/S. Heres his site:, My Father was a Frogman\ Seal. But I know it kept some kids in school. Employees at the Virginia Beach office building that housed OmniTrade International said that one day early this year, a small green car with the license plate REPO 1 pulled up behind the late-model Lexus Nolan then drove. In the posts below from the Facebook Mentors page, members speak about Paul being a SEAL. July 29, 1967 while on the deck and in his plane on the carrier U. I ran into a guy whos name is Hank Williams Jr. (not the country singer) who claimed he was Recruited by the SEAL teams. 518K views 5 years ago Guy poses to be a NAVY SEAL..timelines and story doesn't add up..Comes into Retail Store with Cover on indoors wearing a seal trident on his "uniform" with medals not. I think Mr. Long was referring to the guys that say they were recruited into the SEALs AND didnt have to go through BUD/S, UDTR, etc. Others pose as former prisoners of war. Yeah, I thought of that when I was writing the article, and it crossed my mind again just the other day. PART 2: KURT CHRISTOPHER AHLERS (KC AHLERS) Very Brave United States Marine Person Make Fight on Russia Girly Man for Glorious Ukraine Victory. 4. He was a SEAL too,' ' Arrowood recalled in an interview. He works at a place called Salsa 17 in Arlington Heights. 1: the second obstacle on the O course used to be a stump jump (10 diameter logs sticking up out of the sand between 2 to 4 in the air. Continued on to quote scenes from the Charlie Sheen/ Michael Bien movie Navy Seals. Many of the tales he has told bespeak . Not sure where he works I am coming back to Chicago in a few weeks and will have a surprise for Mr Poser. If you need more info, just let me know. Thanks to these guys that served. 53 or 54 was a SEAL as he told me? If you take nothing else away from this article, when in doubt, contact him. They will be able to tell you what branch of the military the individual signed up for, the date he entered and left, and what exactly he did while serving. R. Cherry (106). The Tower was rebuilt also but because MCPO was tall, he made the freaking levels higher in between so it was a little harder for us short dudes. It also appears that he didnt give all of his shirts away because this is a new photo, FaceBook;, Category: Combat veteran, Stolen Valor, US Navy Posers & Embellish-ers, US Navy SEAL - Poser -R. Robbins (172). . The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of. He used the same bullshit that I just read. In July, after OmniTrade had fallen behind on its rent and was preparing to leave the office building, two men showed up at Nolan's office and repossessed the exotic fish he kept, leaving behind the empty tank, employees said. What an idiot. All of the odd numbered Teams (1, 3, 5, and 7) are based in Coronado, CA. I was so good, I didnt need to go to BUD/S, They didnt have to go through BUD/S to become a SEAL. Its a bell that crushes dreams, echoes throughout the BUD/S compound, and endlessly haunts students. Paul madea video regarding Memorial Day in 2016. Peter Toth, 58, faces one count under Section 419 of the Criminal Code of Canada for unlawful use of military uniforms or certificates. About Shame Wall Of Seals Navy Fake. Here are 11 steps / questions to help you get the right answer. Went through SERE training, had a great time. If you really want to know for sure, get in touch with Don Shipley. SEAL Teams 1, 3, 5, and 7 are based out of Coronado, CA, and SEAL Teams 2, 4, 8, and 10 are based out of Little Creek, VA. Charles A. Moeller, USN-Ret.' Hes a busy guy, so reluctantly (but not surprisingly) turned it down. Also, if I was a gonna order a drink where they put a cherry in it, I would leave the SEAL shirt at home. He always used to brag about being like an old school Italian mobster also that would have a wife and girlfriend. Works friday nights for sure. We simply posted this article in the hopes ofstymieing a surge of bogus Navy SEAL claims. I just cant see it. Several other obstacles were added but probably torn down or replaced. However, Stolen Valour points out he previously claimed to have retired from the USMC in 1985, before any conflicts involving North America ever took place in Afghanistan. Records show that Moeller did not graduate from the Naval Academy. Theres an epidemic of phony SEALs in this country, and the odds are stacked in my favor that my suggestion is likely right. This is somewhat related to the question above. Would like someone to verify someone for me please. The classes got t-shirts later than the early 70s. The star-shaped medal, which hangs from a blue sash adorned with 13 white stars, has lost its original sheen and is tarnished with age. Of course he has an American Flag flying, to included a Navy SEAL flag. He used to say how he deserved to be someone with special treatment for what he said was for being a hero and a seal to the end. Some people started making comments and stating they felt he was a BS artist. 6. You can learn how to make a FOIA request in this article. Yeah, I was a SEAL. ', Arrowood reported Ashman to CyberSEALs. Randy Everette, Medal of Honor sleuth, was on the case. Sorry for the late reply. Hampton Roads is rich in the romance of frogmen and the famed SEAL Team 2 and owns bragging rights to TV ``Survivor' Rudy Boesch, probably the most celebrated SEAL of all. After Paul was exposed in the group he contacted a SEAL to post this in the SEAL Mentors page, youre only sorry once you get caught. Robbie has been listed as a fraud and resigned from the VFW. No such thing. Try as we may to find his records, the United States Navy seems to have no idea who he is. Since the beginning of Naval Special Warfare in early 1943, there have been roughly 17,600 men who completed training of some sort and served with the Naval Special Warfare Teams (including the Underwater Demolition Teams, the SEAL Teams and the earlier NSW units of WWII). Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. Once they pass Hell Week, they are given brown T-Shirts. Retired Navy Capt. Paul seems to give advice on being a SEAL while disrespecting the Air Force and Coast Guard. (Source), 2. He had a training accident and was sent stateside in mid-October. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, 6 Ways To Check If Someone Was In The Military / Verify Military Service. Not happening. Its gotten so bad that some estimates put it at 1,000 phony SEALs for every 1 real SEAL. His videos are a joke and where did he come up with these stories he deserves to be punished and a real seal and soldier to explain how things really are out there and not in his fairytale land. Hes a regular Ansel Adamsbut more colorful. While a guard stood sentry, the camp dog accidentally fell into the pit. Fake Navy Seals Wall Of Shame Customize Card + Wishlist Add to Cart. 5. Related Article: 6 Ways To Check If Someone Was In The Military / Verify Military Service. Jose Carlos Montanez - Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame. Paul is asked if he is a Navy SEAL, Im sure each of you can guess his answer because hes a humble man. Thanks for that, R. Im sure the obstacles have changed over the years, as well as many other little things. Charles A. Schantag said complaints mushroomed from two in 1997 to 7,000 last year. He will be able to verify with 100% accuracy the claims, heres where to get in touch with him: And for anyone else doubting if Craig is a real SEAL, I just verified him with Don Shipley. Two minor amplifications. Balance Logs The dog tags were a dead giveaway though. Click Here to see what a FOIA is and how to request one, and heres the contact info for WARCOM: Naval Special Warfare Command And all men and women who serve now. He carries badges in his car and displays them on driverside window. Does anyone know where he lives in Arlington I know a few people who would like to speak with him. FT BENNING JUMP SCHOOL 1985. ``And I'm glad you are.'. SEAL Team 6 doesnt count, because theyre basically their own thing. Rob V., you need to take a minute and think carefully about what you are doing, here. If youre looking to find out 100% if someone was a SEAL or not, Don Shipley is your guy. Cargo Net 7. Is there anyway that I can find out anything about that? I have nothing but contempt for the piece of crap Ive just been reading about. cv. Low Wall However, there is NO such thing as a SEAL Team 9. He faces up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. As word of the Web site and. Slide For Life I feel like its better to have the info out there and take the chance vs. keeping it under wraps. The masquerade surfaced in February when an organization that exposes SEAL imposters posted his name on its Internet ``Wall of Shame.'. And Freedom of Information requests filed with the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis and the Navy Personnel Command in Millington, Tenn. turned up the same result: Charles A. Moeller never served in the Navy. Balance Logs 8. They have a "wall of shame" webpage and you can now research. It was tough finding enough men to join the service during the Vietnam war, and the Navy SEALs were no exception. 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