He said: " The Queen will. "When I first saw them getting together, I saw Sarah Ferguson, over the top of Meghan, and I knew that Sarah didn't fit in . In fact, the only member of the House of Windsor that Meghan resembles is Princess Margaret. Its been noted that she has narcissistic tendencies (one of the body language experts actually calls her out on this!) Hi Jessica, What did they stand to gain by this interview? Looking at Prince Harrys chart, too, it looks like this is a five-year cycle. Even to visit Harrys family? The attacks on Meghan were largely made up to divert the attention from Willians affair and to lower her popularity which was eclipsing plain Kates. I just say,Long live the Queen. Royalty is very very different to celebrity, although the world knows their names its not the same and Meghan says she knows this but she doesnt. Share this: Tweet Share Thank you for your replies and I really hope you have rest and refresh your mind after tackling most of these comments. a preview of 2020 predictions to be in betsey's 2020 prophecies and predictions amazon book - t he year scandals, extreme cold and snow breaking records, worldwide civil unrest and riots, revolution, prince harry and meghan will leave the uk and make the u.s their new home (in betsey's new book 2020 prophecies and predictions she wrote either . Unfortunately astrology cant answer those questions that you ask, but if you pay tax to fund the House of Windsor, in particular, you are completely entitled to ask them. 1. will the Americans get to see the real Meghan and will their feelings of her change? Yes, I have a few Indian readers here, and I have learned a lot about karma from your country. Wow. The royal family seems to be the most fantastic PR opportunity for her. Were all asleep. I think the Brits mostly see through her, unless you happen to be a Guardian journalist and have fallen for the performance of a D list actress. You have done some amazing research there. The bigger question is The Firm. We have to really look at it in isolation (when she was the divorced, single actress Meghan Markle) and then later, when she becomes the Duchess of Sussex, on her second marriage, and a new mother. This may have more than one application, though, and not necessarily in running for office. There are tremendous questions about values with Meghan and Harry. Do you think they really just want to be heard or deliberately trying to destroy the system runs with monarch, for equality? The link is here, if you will allow it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYyEx20DiKU&ab_channel=TheBehaviorPanel. As you can tell, Im not just American, Im very Capricorn. Nostradamus predictions say WW3 will last 27 years. As you said some where in the comments, it looks like it will vanish very quickly. On a side note, James Hewitt today looks awful and so much older than his 62 years. Something nobody ever talks about in relation to him, is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder following his time in the forces. The final astrological chart to chime belonged to Her Majesty the Queen. Archie is currently the Earl of Dunbarton but will eventually inherit the dukedom, just as the Earl of Wessex will inherit a dukedom. I tried to see her as others did, a great hope and a barrier breaker, but all I saw was lies. What about this investment in the coffee alternative ? This is something else I need to check, if possible. We are fortunate to have two charts for Diana, showing the two different times she gave and Penny Thornton and Debbie Frank have both successfully worked with these two angles on the same person, since she was their client. Thanks also for Douglas as a pointer to the Isle of Man. Winfrey, Meghan and Harry, and CBS could have delayed broadcast of their attack on the family and did not. Oprah Winfrey obviously gained what some media allege is $9 million. As the mother of two children son Archie, 2, and daughter Lilibet, who was born in June 2021 (via People) Meghan Markle will be focused even more on her family life and what kind of parent she wants to be, per one astrologer. And now he has children with her (Im sure they will be used as pawns in all of this in years to come), he will never be fully shot of Markles controlling tentacles, so to speak. AN ASTROLOGER who "predicted coronavirus" has revealed what the next six months has in store - and she says the disease is here to stay. I read most of the comments here, but couldnt find the answer so I have to ask- will Harry ever have an eye opening moment? Ill be really curious to know if your instinct tells you, the unseen film will ever be released. Good riddance, I will save my compassion and prayers for those really suffering, who really need it, and my positive thoughts are with the Firm, and especially William and Kate and their children. MI5 will win. I also agree with you; this is desperately sad. I think if he had this recently confirmed that might explain everything, the pain, anger, humiliation and rejection of Charles & William. Thank you Jessica your predictions continue to blow me away! Dear Jessica, i must say, that I am oretty shocked and very much disgusted by your mean spirited choice to make MM the guilty Monster in this Situation. People born at this astrological angle are like The Leo-Capricorn match can also be a challenging one because both are "alpha" signs, but in totally different ways. We are in the era of Aquarius, and they represent everything that Aquarius is NOT. Youll remember Princess Margaret was one of the original 1970s jetsetters, more at home island-hopping and cruising the world, than staying in rainy Britain. Where is the proof for the claims against the family? I do think your friend is right. They chose 14 th November 2019 which is Prince Charles birthday, to announce to the whole world they would not be spending Christmas with the Royal family. Thank you. Even from Australia, where there is much muttering about a republic, given the awful drama being played out on American television. There are a lot of questions. This goes beyond money, although money is part of it. According to Kelly, that means he is. This all reminds me of James Bond, but also Maxwell Smart and 99. I think this was always her plan so she was playing the Duchess role but at the same time had her true ambition in her mind, thus creating the conflict that Tara and I (and many others) were picking up on. She also believes the pair are acting out karma from The Abdication. Tourism revenue is one of the ways The Firm stays firm, and as the pair seem determined to smear that firm, it will affect tourist income within the United Kingdom and particularly from the regions into London. Small but important details. This goes beyond politics, even though President Biden and Hillary Clinton have made sure they are prominently involved. The entire House of Windsor will be reshaped and restructured, as the problem is always finance, and given this is a much-divorced firm it is highly unusual. This (and obviously Dianas inheritance, used by Harry to leave) would fit the Saros cycle prediction. It turns out, it isnt. Actually they are not. I hope you are keeping your astrology up as your horoscope interpretation would be terrific. Tiger. I could never understand why he was so popular, I felt he was reckless, something many taxpayers dont appreciate. In fact you cant separate them. In fact, Meghan Markle is special. Clearly the US democratic establishment would want this maintained: their trump card . HOWEVER, Harrys actions could be explained, in part, by a belief that Dianas death was not an accident. Or, just sacrifice the money and cancel the story, correct? Please do predictions Megan vs Trump for president 2024I cannot believe this article just same day when Prince Philip returns home Frankly the pair disgust me. Royal Astrologer's Wild Predictions for Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Access Hollywood 1.6M subscribers Subscribe 1.3K Share 775K views 2 years ago #Royals #MeghanMarkle #PrinceHarry Was. I understand that the quincunx can be quite difficult and oppressive and I noticed that Meghan has two powerful planets Pluto (21 Libra) and Neptune (22 Sagittarius) pressing on her Chiron at 22 Taurus I was wondering, do these aspects make it more likely that the person will feel wounded by delusions or paranoia? So fascinating that you feel Harry may offer to give up their titles here in the UK, there are a lot of calls for the Queen to strip the Sussexes of their titles, but I cant see her doing that at the moment, as it could make the Royals look heartless and unfeeling, especially abroad. This person screwed up and other people came to deal with her. Its financial issues in a few years, which will decide make or break and Meghan will either line up huge charity work with Prince Harry or take him to the cleaners. This is like any detective story. I was in tears yesterday too. Do you see them together for the long haul? June 9, 2021 5:13pm. Stepping back meant that he was no longer designated as an internationally protected person (IPP). He's attracting a lot of heavy energy in 2020 and it's quite possible that he's going to be seeing red. Meghans father? Good to know that you feel the Royal Family will be OK in the long run, but it is a sad business. Meghan has been there for 20ish months! I guess the reality for Meghan is that if you receive taxpayers money because of your role in the House of Windsor, at a certain point you become an employee of the people. Was just scrolling around the web when I remembered your eerily accurate takes on matters and rushed to the website to see this! So were on the same page. Especially a man who has served his country as the Duke of Edinburgh has! Thank you for this article. Whaaaaaat?? Lets see. And Oprah Winfrey will become centre stage in a very different way to her usual TV role.. We dont know why, or for what reason. Its seemed even for a double Pisces so hard to get a fix on what was true, authentic and evolved and what was purely presentation and why Appreciate your insights. TRUTH also seems to be a strong trigger here. There are plenty of such cases, including deeply depressed mothers who kill their children too. Why would you not pick up the telephone and ask for help, from those professionals? Just a quick note on protocol which we rather like here in the UK. But its certainly a bizarre situation: where Joe Public knows very clearly that Epstein didnt commit suicide, yet we will also never have answers. The financial independence they claimed to want could prove more difficult than they thought! All this drama with this couple does makes a lot more sense if Harrys recently confirmed hes Hewitts son. The House of Windsor will be perfectly fine long-term, but Meghans future without any royal associations or British alliances is uncertain. I love my readers, because they are always ahead of the news. I expect the pair will lose their titles no later than 2023 after the next North Node Taurus/South Node Scorpio cycle. Thank you for your kind comments on the astrology Capricorn Effect predictions. Im going off now to find out more about Douglas and Doug the variant! Do you? When I left a message for Piers Morgan about the hospital address for the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip (so you could all send flowers and Get Well cards) I was inundated with thanks on Twitter. The comments on Oprah Winfrey Ive not seen before. Why has it been overlooked by British press, that M.Markle was using and is using a surrogate? With his sun and Mercury in practical Virgo, moon in stable Taurus, with a capable Capricorn rising sign, Harry is incredibly earthy. In fact, it went out on Mercury Retrograde, which we call Murky Retrograde. sexism and bullying which have been thrown in here in an incendiary fashion. Further to my previous post just now ( my theory about this all really being the fallout from Harry finding out his father is not Charles but Major James Hewitt) I feel that it sheds light on the Queens rather distinctive final sentence in her response: Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members. It reads to me as coded, speaking very directly to Harry, that he may not be related to her, but she still considers him family. And even if you resign, if people feel they are owed, they are not going to let you off lightly. The Dukedom of Sussex will simply become the 25th in a long list of non royal dukedoms in the UK. Of course this pulls in Prince Andrew, but it also pulled in Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, by association. Having had serious run ins with 2 narccissts I often saw disturbing similarities in Meghans behaviour, but was always willing to be wrong. Oh dear! He has just been with his grandfather in hospital, recovering from heart surgery, during the worst global crisis for the family since Diana passed. Did she not also announce Megxit to coincide with Kates birthday? It is also Bill Clintons Sun sign. Harrys lifestyle (anyone recall his Las Vegas shenanigans! Her Majesty is Taurus, Charles is Scorpio. I think a lot of people had that automatic reaction, didnt they. So many questions. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. As a minor point, have a quick image search to see how true his claim of never having been on the back of the bike with his father. He and Meghan currently reside in California. Simone Simmons, back on October 8th 2018, predicted problems for Harry and Meghan and one or two children. We tend to get a lot of stories with Neptune. People have missed a few tricks there and this all goes back to the Leo eclipses of 2017. Go ahead and check other info on our website! We have a lot of astrology informaton including Prince Harry Astrology 2021 data. I feel very sorry for him. This is an International Young Royal for a Global Duet. You people should wake the heck up and drop your monarchy when the Queen passes. The American side of the story has been in the charts forever, and in fact I remember filing a story on the Leo eclipses (Leo rules royalty) and hidden plots and plans, some years ago. The story was never actually part one. Diana was world famous for her beauty and elegance. Thank you for your comments. Another unkind thought is to wonder if this is true, then is the behaviour unconscious or deliberate? And here we are on March 13th, 2021. The workload of being Duke and Duchess of Sussex when you live in Los Angeles, and all that. Its always free. I was neutral about Meghan (even supportive at times) before but after the Oprah interview, the woman just sets my defences on edge. The royal household will also have to address claims of institutional racism and a climate where, according to Harrys assessment, Royal family members like the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge feel trapped. I do wish the Duke of Edinburgh well and as speedy a recovery as possible at 99 yrs. Lady Colin Campbell is an expert on the House of Windsor of course, and Ill watch that later, on YouTube, to catch up. As far as I was concerned Meghan was doing far far more for race, integration and modernisation just by being there and being present in her Royal position; sadly she has thrown that away for petty bitching and uniformed power plays. That is such a chilling thoughtSuch darkness. She also believes the pair are acting out karma from The Abdication. Or he will stay trapped by the alternative firm of Megans creation? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle officially exited the royal family in March 2020 As per 2021 predictions, Meghan is expected to forge new partnerships as an independent royal Prince. Who could have believed they would end up like this! There will be a deep change by January 2022. It did cost him his job but in the end he accomplished his goal regarding itv and bbc audience Thank you so much Jessica. What is really interesting is that Oprah Winfrey (who the media alleges collected $9 million for the CBS special with Harry and Meghan) promoted Clevr lattes in such a spectacular way free of charge for Meghan in 2020. However having witnessed the endless stream of Democrats that have come out in support of Meghan I am beginning to realise this was the first step in a political career. The three wise men, who were astrologers. One thing is certain, though. Passing that on. I notice that Harry and Meghan also chose Commomwealth Day 8th March in the UK 2021 to air the interview, which as far as I am aware, is more about friendship. At present Meghan is The Duchess of Sussex. Meghan played her hand with 2 of the biggest issues in society at the moment, race and mental health. It really did not sound as though he was just talking about media intrusion. Thank you for your efforts of thoughtfully exposing pieces of the puzzle. There is some sympathy for Harry and Meghan (I lost 100 Twitter followers and had some malicious comments when I dared to question the Winfrey endorsement of Meghans investment). I saw this last year and told Gina Lazenby at The Conscious Cafe, that Christmas 2020 was a critical time for Charles, Prince of Wales and Her Majesty the Queen, in terms of the finances of the entire royal family (including Harry and Meghan). They announced they would be splitting their joint charity with William and Kate on 19th June 2019, Royal Procession Day. Where are the other gains? The Little Mermaid is a symbol of Pisces/Neptune and the show was broadcast with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, and of course Neptune is also in Pisces. I couldnt watch the interview. But only for a brief moment. This would be loosely following the script of how Oprah helped Obama win the election and another reason why the Democrats would support the interview. I do not understand how she can lie about being taken her passport, keys and driving licence , when in February 2019 flies 10k to three continents in 11 days . Rather than raising our consciousnesses we are marshalled into extreme un-nuanced responses. I said it once and Ill say it again: DNA test ,DNA test, DNA test Please! Princess Diana's astrologer, Debbie Frank, recently shared her predictions for the royal couple. The rest we may never find out. Royal biographer Duncan Larcombe suspected that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could be having problems in their marriage. it simply doesnt work. Ukraine's interior minister among at least 14 killed in a helicopter crash. The news that she apparently had suicidal depression but was not helped by anyone in the family, staff or presumably anyone at the hospital where she gave birth to Archie? Meghan, Harry, Oprah and CBS have given the family so much work to do and of course this goes right into the Commonwealth and Australia, where I am writing this now. I did watch the interview. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Well, William and Charles are the most boring people on the planet and Kate is plain, dull, and boring. Again many thanks for your astonishing insights? Hi Jessica, I have been following the comments keenly, as like so many, having firstly, been enthralled by the legacy of Diana and full of respect for her, and then the gut feel that something is not as it seems with Meghan. So the average longevity or life spna predictions for Meghan markle's based on her kundli or horoscope would be near 80 years the average of 65/75 and 88 years. Meghans astrology chart shows some of the story. Id love to know your thoughts about what is in store for the Royal family in the future. But thank you for your comment. How interesting that the Vedic astrologer also mentions 2025. So I just watched it. Blue, grey and orange may bring . Prince Harry has clearly inherited Prince Charles close-set eyes who got it form his father, Prince Phillip. Just my commonwealth residents two cents. Thank you so much. I would say, looking at Twitter, that the younger people are, or the more anti-Monarchy they are anyway, the more likely they are to have accepted Meghan and Harrys story without questioning it. A woman who accurately predicted 12 events in 2022 claims this year "Harry and Meghan will have a third baby", "Zayn and Gigi Hadid will get back together" and "Kayne will risk jail time".Hannah Carroll, 20, blew people's minds when she accurately predicted a new album for Harry Styles and Beyonce, a baby each for Rhianna and Nick Jonas and the death of Her Majesty the Queen in 2022.She cast . But I just see ugliness inside. Thank you so much for your thoughts on this, having seen the interview twice. I refuse to be shut down in a conversation about Winfrey and the House of Windsor, particularly as I have been filing predictions about the Royal Family for years. That is a bigger tragedy. we have heard so much on M&H What can you tell us about Oprah? William looks like Diana. thank you! There is another story that the Winfrey show was really about Meghans investment in Clevr. Kate Jackson from The Sun UK has said: It stands out for me, along with all the tributes since his passing, the gracious, kind words of Barack Obama and London cabs lining the Mall out of respect. You agree, which is interesting, as you are seeing this intuitively even though you are not a professional Tarot reader. She needs to show the American public that she and maybe Harry are no longer Royal full stop. Could she enter politics? We HAVE the techonology! As a psychic and astrologer, I am clear that the real issue is the unreleased Part Two of the Oprah, Meghan and Harry Show. This story, these people seems almost Fiction. The photographs tell us the story, dont they. Youre quite able to run your country and improve your lives by taking their land and their wealth. N501Y the Kent variant became known as Nelly and E484k as Eeek Not sure what this has to do with Wales, maybe Douglas is the main variant there but I thought I would just mention it in case it was relevant. Many thanks to you. psychic hannah carroll predicts prince harry and meghan markle have third baby in 2023 goes viral, . Youll immediately see Saturn 19 Capricorn, Venus 20 Capricorn, Pluto 21 Capricorn. Another event that seems assured for 2021: Harry and Meghan's UK return, where they face the possibility of a frosty reception. George, Charlotte and Louis 9 Charlotte, Louis and George. Read on to find out why the real story in 2021 is about Meghan's investments, promoted by Oprah Winfrey. The amazing Debbie Frank and Penny Thornton, occasional guest tutors at The Sun Sign School and friends of mine, have made some strong astrology forecasts about Meghan and Harry. It is not! My own mother, who lost her mother as a young child, never recovered from it and was torn by the anguish until her death in her 80s. Ill have to look at this again on YouTube. I did not know Princess Michael of Kent wore an offensive brooch. They could also have announced it the week before. Being a Californian I cringe that this took place here! Archies sister will be known as Lady..Mountbatten Windsor. Prince Phillip has died today and Im in tears. I am an Indian and as you must be aware, we believe in karma. My question to you is, will Meghan get what she deserves? The House of Windsors other issue is Epstein-Maxwell and people are asleep. The Scotland Astrology Chart to 2030 Back in 2018 I made some astrology predictions for Scotland, which you may remember reading. There is a part of me that thinks, the smart thing to do in this new life within the House of Windsor would have been to take a low profile and bypass so much discussion about what should be a private life, online. This seemed to be a small detail, back when I made the prediction. Cheeky chappie Harrys rudeness and breach of protocol at an official Royal event hadnt gone unnoticed though as both William and Kate just blanked him. This is quite unprecedented for a couple to create a kind of branding or trademark using their title if those reports are correct. No doubt she has a victim mentality even when she is not the victim! In truth, it belongs to their former colonies more than it belongs to them. A mans life is more important than money, surely. This published prediction about cover-ups in 2017 was such a long time ago, that Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein had not even been thought of. That is the really interesting part. with her predictions at the time, Debbie said: "There's a very intense aspect for Meghan - Pluto on the marriage angle of her chart - in a few years time in 2021. Thanks so much for the reply Jessica incredibly insightful, as was the update. It is as well to spell out the facts as we know them. You have been the most incredible guide throughout the past years as weve gone through one challenge after another. I have felt all along that they are reincarnations of Edward and Mrs Simpson, even Harrys previous wearing of Nazi garb is an interesting bleed through. Australia, where there is another story that the Winfrey show was really about Meghans investment in Clevr love readers., in part, by a belief that Dianas death was not an accident independence claimed! Astrology Capricorn Effect predictions obviously Dianas inheritance, used by Harry to leave would... 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