Stay updated on the topics you care about with email alerts. For statistical purposes, LGAs (Districts) are further divided into wards or sub-districts which are administered by a Ward Councilor. 2 global climate envoy, joined FP editor in chiefRavi Agrawal to discuss Washingtons climate policy, and how it is being seen around the world. Western Africa Map showing the 16 countries of Western Africa Benin Burkina Faso Cabo Verde Gambia Ghana Guinea By the time British Southern Cameroons and French Cameroun gained independence in 1961, the French territory was more economically developed than its British counterpart. if (f.fbq) return; The Ambazonia and Biafra Alliance is critical in an area where Nigeria and Cameroon have established two autocracies that have used violence as political tools to suppress our own peoples.. [4], Each of the three states are entitled to a flag and an, a sign of their importance within the federation and their culture. Red stands for Blood and strength of the people. Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, also referred to as Amba Land, is an unrecognised breakaway state in West Africa which claims the Northwest Region and Southwest Region of Cameroon, though it currently controls almost none of the claimed territory. In 2005, the Southern Cameroons/Republic of Ambazonia became a member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) it was renewed in 2018. In 1858, the British missionary Alfred Boko Haram is an Islamist militant rebel group that has been carrying out brutal attacks on towns in Northern Nigeria since 2011. [35][36], Flag of Kupe-Manenguba. In Nigeria, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is a secessionist group that advocates for the creation of the independent country of Biafra. [54] Sako resisted, leading to the 2019 Ambazonian leadership crisis. This February, in an unprecedented surge of attacks, armed Fulani raided 18 villages in Nwa subdivision, killing at least 17 people and displacing 4,200 local residents. Delivered Monday-Saturday. n.callMethod.apply(n, arguments) : n.queue.push(arguments) if there were many agitations and co mments, the new social order of Fon . The Biafran and Ambazonian movements have individually grown increasingly violent in recent months and years. In 1972, Cameroon held a controversial referendum which changed the form of the state. The post-colonial philosophy that made most alliances with Africa and the West look like a beautiful young girl toasted around by suitors or bidders, and whose will does not count, led to the establishment of Transactional alliances and not genuine partnership alliances. Daniel, the Ambazonian deputy defense chief, acknowledged the potential regional impact of the alliance but said that after almost five years of low-level armed conflict in Cameroon, there was no other choice. [22][23][24] While many Southern Cameroonians resented the lack of an independence option, the disappointment with Nigerian administration which had fed the push for further autonomy and hope that a more equal federation could be had with Cameroon led to a majority in favor of "reunification" with Cameroon. In Nigeria, Biafrans battle with the Fulani for ethnic and political supremacy. Britain established Ambas Bay Protectorate in 1884 with Victoria as its capital. [27], In 1961, the government of Cameroon, with continuing assistance from France, was fighting a civil war against remnants of pro-independence fighters still dissatisfied with continued French influence in Cameroon or hoping to overthrow the pro-Western government and implement a Marxist program. This adds to the volatility engulfing Cameroon as the country gears up for a presidential election in 2018. Remember the adage that generals always fight the last war? [13], The flagpole of the National flag must always be higher than the flagpole of the State flag. Cameroon's Separatist Movement Is Going International - Foreign Policy Ambazonia Military Forces General John, who says he commands thousands of rebel soldiers in Ambazonia, poses with his. SCACUF unilaterally declared the region's independence as Ambazonia on October 1, the anniversary of Southern Cameroons' independence from the United Kingdom. All the roads in West Cameroon my government had either built, improved or maintained were allowed to deteriorate making Kumba-Mamfe, Mamfe-Bamenda, Bamenda-Wum-Nkambe, Bamenda-Mom inaccessible by road. Two of its border regions with Nigeria (northwest and southwest) are Anglophone, while the rest of the country . The name Ambazonia comes from Ambas Bay, the area of a settlement of freed slaves which is regarded as the boundary between Anglophone and Francophone Cameroon. fbq('track', 'ViewContent'); Tensions between the groups date back decades. Weekly update on developments in India and its neighbors. In 2016 and 2017, a widespread protest movement was met with a violent government crackdown, which led to rioting and violence against security forces and, in 2017, a unilateral declaration of independence by Ambazonian leaders. [16], The Federal Republic of Southern Cameroon/Ambazonia is a federation made up of Three Autonomous States, namely Equatorial State, Midland State and Savannah State. Biafrans and Ambazonians are predominantly Christians, while the Fulani are mostly Muslim. German administration was focused on establishing plantations for cash crops, and improving transportation and communication infrastructure to bring products and natural resources swiftly to ports and thence to Europe. Symbolism (Green stands for the Fertility of the land. Download the new FP mobile app to read anytime, anywhere. From the east and southeast, it is surrounded by the Indian Ocean . Click + to receive email alerts when new stories are published on. How does industry define morality? The South Cameroons delegation lacked much leverage as the interests of the UN and colonial powers were to expedite the unification rather than guarantee the autonomy of Southern Cameroons. Two unequal former colonies became a single federal state; however, the disparities between the two were not addressed. European and Asian leaders began to call the IRA unfair competition and protectionist. The Sun stands for Prosperity and Justice (Kumba school massacre). More ways to stay updated on global news: By submitting your email, you agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and to receive email correspondence from us. List of countries in Africa. Black stands for the People and Culture. Green stands for the Fertility of the Land. The star stands for Leadership and prosperity. Want to read more on this topic or region? States are governed by Premiers or State Governors, who are elected by the people, through a plurality vote, during State Elections. Akole, a 45-year-old father from Menji in the southwest, says that when the government "realises that you are from the English-speaking part of the country, you don't deserve being alive". The Ambazonia dispute arose from the disposition of Germany's African colonies after World War I. Most recently, in early April, armed gunmen attacked a prison in Imo state, situated in the Biafra region, and aided in the escape of nearly 2,000 prisoners. [31], Flag of Manyu.Symbolism (Green stands for the growth. White flower stands for Purity, innocence, peace, respect and hope. White stands for Hope and peace. Blue stands for Liberty and perseverance). There is currently only a single permanent embassy, with Nigeria. Placing the blame for Cameroon's underdevelopment and poorly implemented public policies on the federal structure and arguing that managing separate governments in a poor country was too expensive, he announced a referendum on a new constitution, which did away with the federal structure in favor of a unitary state and granted more power to the President. The Federal Republic of Ambazonia ( Southern Cameroons) is an unrecognised and disputed region located in the armpit of Africa, a crossroad between west and central africa, on the Gulf of Guinea. [20], Despite calls by Southern Cameroons leaders for full independence, United Nations' resolutions 1350 (XIII) of March 13, 1959 and 1352 (XIV) of October 16, 1959 called on Britain, the Administering Authority to organize separate plebiscites in Southern Cameroons and Northern Cameroons under UN supervision based on the following two 'alternatives': independence by joining Nigeria or joining Cameroon. [7] Ongoing violence has led to widely reported human rights abuses by both sides, including indiscriminate killing of civilians, torture, rape and gender-based crimes, and unjustified detentions and kidnappings. n.queue = []; The flags also represent the traditional colours of the Mezam cultural wear (traditional clothes)). This African country is the second oldest democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa after Ghana and has access to natural wharfs on her Atlantic shore overlooked by the grandeur of the highest mountain peak in West Africa. A Biafra-Ambazonia weapons exchange will bolster the Anglophone separatist movement. Moreover, Nigerian and Cameroonian security forces have repeatedly violated human rights to quell the protests. From the mid-1980s, the break between the Southern Cameroon elites and the Francophone-dominated central government became increasingly apparent. Many inhabitants identify as Anglophones and resent what they perceive as discrimination and efforts to eliminate Anglophone legal, administrative, educational, and cultural institutions by the Cameroonian government. fbq('init', '157204581336210'); Most of Ambazonia has a tropical monsoon climate, with the coastal plain containing some of the rainiest places in the world (such as the village of Debundscha). The Indian government has tread carefullyand invited trouble. Blue stands for The Bui River and Liberty. Emblem of Ambazonia.svg 512 512; 140 KB. West Cameroon was divided into two administrative regions, which survive today: the "North West" and "South West" regions.[32]. White stands for Hope and wisdom under God. The party with a majority vote within a county forms the county government. The National flag is raised at federal institutions or on federal property. Nigeria and Cameroon, both critical international partners in U.S. anti-terrorism campaigns and once beacons of economic stability in the region, may be on track to becoming failed states, which would have a devastating regional and global impact. [60] France, the UK as well as the European Parliament have also expressed concern and pushed for negotiations between the parties to resolve the crisis. [51] On 4 February 2018, it was announced that US-based preacher Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako would become the Interim President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, temporarily succeeding Ayuk Tabe. Symbolism (Black stands for the People and Culture. Red disk stands for the blood of those who died for the struggle. Demonstrators carry banners as they take part in a march voicing their opposition to independence for the . The self-declared state borders Cameroon to the east, Nigeria to the west and north and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. Address: 11207A Lockwood Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20901, Phone Number: (301) 593-4879 No country has formally recognized Ambazonia's independence, and it is currently the site of an armed conflict between . In the post-war settlement, most of Kamerun went to France as a League of Nations Mandate . The Sun stands for a new era. In recent years, the death toll from ethnic and intercommunal violence has reached unprecedented levels, even exceeding that of violent extremism and terrorism in Mali, according to ACLED. This is going to be a very good opportunity for us, because what we see on the field is there have been some alliances between the Cameroon government and Fulani, Daniel, the Ambazonian deputy military leader, said. 21 April 1961. Prince Ojong. Green stands Fertility of the land. Consequently, Biafra and Ambazonia loyalists have found common ground in each others movements. Security. And what happens if the United States and China continue down a path of decoupling? Black stands for the People and Culture. function facebookTracking() { In 1858, British missionary Alfred Saker founded a settlement for freed slaves at the bay which was later renamed Victoria. That kind of posture reminds the Africa psyche of the infamous era of slavery. A bit isolated from the other volcanoes is the Mount Fako (Mount Cameroon) near the very Southern Tip of Ambazonia. Read more:Cameroon: colonial past and present frictions. The biggest city in Eastern Africa is Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, which has a population of approximately 6.5 million people. Surrounded by water from all directions, Africa is a continent with clearly defined borders. [25], On 21 April 1961, UN resolution 1608 (XV) set 1 October 1961 as the date of independence for the Southern Cameroons. Grievances of Anglophone Cameroonians date back to 1961, when the region was granted independence from Britain. Red disk stands for the Blood and strength of the people. The term "Ambazonia" is derived from the word Ambozes, the local name for the bay area at the mouth of the Wouri (now Douala) river. In 1984, a group of English speaking people, led by renowned lawyer and leader of the Widikum people, Fon Gorji Dinka, unilaterally declared the Republic of Ambazonia. This was in retaliation to the move by French speaking President Paul Biya to unilaterally change the name of the country from United Republic of Cameroon to Republic of Cameroon. In early April, Cho Ayaba, the leader of the Ambazonia Governing Council, one of two major Anglophone separatist groups, and the well-known Biafran leader Nnamdi Kanu appeared in a press conference, livestreamed on social media, to announce a strategic and military alliance. Tensions between the Fulani and the Biafrans and English-speaking Cameroonians date back decades. Ambazonia is admitted to the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization. facebookTracking(); Violence by both sides undermined negotiations in early 2017, which fell apart without an agreement. The separatist group, however, stated that there would not be peace in the sub-Saharan region of Africa until Biafra and Ambazonia agitators in Nigeria and Cameroon respectively get their . Teachers and students have been kidnapped and killed and many schools and school materials burned while many children have had no schooling since the crisis began. Golden Star stands for Leadership).[32]. The referendum was held on 20 May 1972 and in the one-party state, the outcome was never in doubt. Endeley emerged as leader of the Quasi-Region of Southern Cameroons, with his official title being Leader of Government Business. The top of Mount Cameroon has a polar climate of the tundra variant, unique in West Africa and extremely rare so close to the Equator.[64]. During this period various independence and federalist factions joined to form the Southern Cameroons National Council, a pressure group which undertook initiatives at the UN, the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights, the Commonwealth, and with national embassies to bring attention to the region and Anglophone issues in Cameroon. [8], The term "Ambazonia" is derived from the word Ambozes, the local name for the bay at the mouth of the Wouri river, known in English as Ambas Bay. Last month, leaders from both movements announced a formal alliance, which could ignite violence and instability in the two countries and across the West and Central African regions where violent extremist organizations affiliated with the Islamic State and al Qaeda are establishing a strong foothold. [38][39] Due to harassment and arrests by the government, many leaders of he SCNC and other organizations fled the country. [29], Flag of Momo. The flagpole of the State Flag must always be higher than the flagpole of the county flag. Still, escalating violence in southeastern Nigeria and western Cameroon will only add to national and regional security challenges at a time when the region is already struggling with plummeting economies, democratic backsliding, and a resurgence of violent extremism and terrorism. Essential analysis of the stories shaping geopolitics on the continent. Red disk stands for the blood shed by the people for the struggle and courage. [17] The districts are made up of tribal territories run by Chiefs, Fon etc or villages. A few weeks later, Britain and France issued a statement known as the Simon-Milner Declaration, delineating the frontiers between the British Cameroons and French Cameroon. Despite the violence, both governments and the international community have failed to address long-standing grievances. ar, and how can we apply those lessons to make sure we dont sleepwalk into yet another war? This list is courtesy of OPEC's monthly oil report. Green strip stands for the fertility of the land. The scope of the alliance will include joint operations and training bases, Capo Daniel, the deputy defense chief of the Ambazonia Defense Forces, the military wing of the Ambazonia Governing Council, told Foreign Policy. Overview. IPOB was designated a terrorist group in Nigeria in September 2017. In November 2016, a number of large protests and strikes were organized, initially by Anglophone lawyers, students, and teachers focused on the growing marginalization of English and Anglophone institutions in the law and education. A curated selection of our very best long reads. [27], Increasing pressure for autonomy or independence reduced trust and engagement between the government and the Anglophone minority, with the result that by 2017 there was only one Anglophone among 36 ministers with portfolio in the Cameroonian government.[27]. Many militias have sought to enforce a total school strike since 2017 due to concerns over the lack of Anglophone teachers and curriculum. Symbolism (Red stands for the strength and blood of the people. The anchor stands for Stability despite the turbulence. The policy represents a fig leaf, not genuine decentralization, and will not resolve a crisis of Biyas own making. One-stop digest of politics, economics, and culture. There are protected areas like the Korup National Park[62] or the Takamanda National Park. [44] At least 17 people were killed in protests following the declaration of independence, while fourteen Cameroonian troops were killed in attacks claimed by the Ambazonia Defence Forces. Source link, Your email address will not be published. Symbolism (Green stand for the Land. These political changes were viewed by many Anglophone people as an attempt to absorb or do away with all that they brought into the union-including the legal, political and educational systems. Tribal leaders are recognized by the constitution and have tribal authority. White stands for Hope, Peace and wisdom under God. Symbolism (Black stands for the People and Culture. Britain established Ambas Bay Protectorate in [] Ambazonia is a country with her own international borders between the Republic of Cameroon, Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea. [17], As the Thirteen counties are represented on the national flag (as stars), to represent their importance in the nation and in the fight for the struggle, each county is entitled to its own flag and emblem. Located between the Gulf of Guinea and Central Africa, during the colonial era the country's southern part . Gorji Dinka became the first head of the Ambazonia Restoration Council. Under the Lyttleton Constitution of Nigeria in 1954, Southern Cameroons gained limited autonomy as a Quasi-Region within the Nigerian Federation. Your guide to the most important world stories of the day. Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, also referred to as Amba Land, is an unrecognised breakaway state in West Africa which claims the Northwest Region and Southwest Region of Cameroon, though it currently controls almost none of the claimed territory. Beyond the vast opportunity manifest in African markets, we highlight people who make a difference; leaders turning the tide, youth driving change, and an indefatigable business community. Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, also referred to as Amba Land, is an unrecognised breakaway state in West Africa which claims the Northwest Region and Southwest Region of Cameroon, though it currently controls almost none of the claimed territory.No country has formally recognized Ambazonia's independence, and it is currently the site of an armed conflict between . The Sun stands for the Birth of a new day, prosperity. [17] A Ward Councilor is responsible for surveying the territory, alerting the District Council of any disturbance (terrorism, ethnic violence etc. There are 54 countries in Africa today, according to the United Nations. De facto, Buea is the capital. Tribal regions exist to preserve Ambazonian culture and Heritage. However, such referendum can only occur based on how the federal government treats that state (religious discrimination, tribal discrimination, exploitation of the state with no forms of developing it and marginalization). The self-declared state borders Cameroon to the east, Nigeria to the west and north and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. [6] Ambazonian forces have struggled to form a united front, and internecine conflicts have hampered efforts to negotiate with Cameroon or establish control over the various militia groups engaged in the fighting. Cameroon has maintained a bilingual system but the English speakers feel oppressed, The 1961 [Cameroon] constitution gave room for a federation, attorney Henry Baaboh said. How does industry define morality? Delivered Friday. The government of 83-year-old President Paul Biya has showed no signsto compromise. I was to be used now only as window dressing and not listened to. }(window, document, 'script', However, many towns and villages in the hinterlands had no German administration and may have only seen German soldiers a handful of times. The panelists included Anne Richards, CEO of Fidelity International; Carmine Di Sibio, CEO of Ernst & Young; Mathias Miedreich, CEO of Umicore; and Lubna S. Olayan, chair of the executive committee of Olayan Financing Company. Nigeria has also aided the Cameroonian government in attempts to suppress the Anglophone uprising. Many of the problems from the initial draft have been solved. The problem is that when European powers partitioned Africa, they split up families, relatives and communities that got along very well, whereas in some cases, communities that were enemies or competed against each other were bundled together into one territory, Jrgen Zimmerer, a historian at the University of Hamburg, told DW. The successful joining of the two increasingly violent groups is likely to trigger a heightened response from both Cameroonian and Nigerian armed forces, which already work together to counter a Boko Haram insurgency in the northern regions of both countries. The bay which is located in southwestern Cameroon is considered as the boundary between Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroon. n = f.fbq = function () { As the Egyptian economy falters, Sisi is turning to the Chinese government for support. Watch the full interview for insights on how industry thinks about deglobalization, the U.S.-China rivalry, the war in Ukraine, and much more. Calls for secession are growing and an Anglophone separatist movement in the south-west and north-w. Despite long years of fighting, the two countries now work together after a negotiated agreement to grant Ethiopia access to the sea; something that underscores that everything always ends up at the negotiating table, regardless of the outcome. I still do not understand why the United Nations did not give a third option, Feh Henry Baaboh, a legal expert in Doula, told DW. Despite a shared religion, the increasing involvement of Fulani in Cameroons Anglophone conflict is unlikely to fuse with the Boko Haram insurgency in the Far North region, and there is no evidence to suggest there has been a merging of the conflicts thus far, according to Akem Kelvin Nkwain, a human rights officer at CHRDA. He. FPs Ravi Agrawal sat down with industry leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss how businesses can build resilience amid a turbulent geopolitical era. In 1993, the All Anglophone Conference took place in Buea bringing together all Southern Cameroons citizens who called for the restoration of the federal system. I think it is that third option which is disturbing Southern Cameroonians up to this day. Ever since the two territories became one, Anglophone Cameroonians have complained they arepolitically and economically marginalized. 2 global climate envoy, joined FP editor in chiefRavi Agrawal to discuss Washingtons climate policy, and how it is being seen around the world. By 1914, the Germans had established control either directly or through local leaders well into the hinterlands of the territory now claimed by Ambazonia, conquering communities such as Nkambe and establishing a garrison fort at Bamenda in 1912. And what happens if the United States and China continue down a path of decoupling? Recognized by the constitution and have tribal authority concerns over the lack of Anglophone Cameroonians have complained they and! Cameroonian government in attempts to suppress the Anglophone separatist movement isolated from the disposition of Germany & # x27 s! Happens if the United States and China continue down a path of?! 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