fill in more details. The more of HIS truth we know, the greater our peace, and our burden to share His Salvation message and prophetic truth with others, so they can be ready. Each Spiritual gift used for His Glory, helps the entire Body of Christ. James warns that after the saints pass through a door into heaven, they will come before the Judgment Seat of Christ (James 5:8-9). Bible prophecy is defined as Gods ability to speak the future into existenceAs the Alpha and Omegaeverything has already happened for the Creator and Author. It's a summary of the Sheep and Goat judgment, and does not describe the rapture. It does not use the word rapture but it does use the word harpagsometha . vs. 14. 5 And the light (Jesus) shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. No wayit is so much more! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. But the textual and scholarly evidence on this question is overwhelming. vs. 17 THEN, after those Christians that have died have their bodies miraculously put back together and raptured, or caught up to Him in the cloudsthen the Overcomers, which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with THEM in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Since Paul does not define it, the trump mentioned, had to be a trump that all were familiar with, and is derived from other biblical or related sources. This is covered in Systematic Eschatology with resources, mostly on pages 32-38. There is a jump of 2,000 years within the single prophetic verse of Isaiah 11:4. As such, both passages contain material that was completely unknown and unknowable at our human level, before Jesus revealed it to us. And so do all other MSS. Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: Chapter 21 starts with who and where we are as believers, and where we need to seek to be, as we learn from Jesus about the End. The implication of this belief is that Jesus was less than perfect in His deity when He was on the earth. 19 In your patience possess ye your souls. Evaluate our teaching based on whether it truly satisfies the standard, set by the Holy Spirit, that Jesus Christ should at all times be fully glorified. If one denies that Matthew 24:36-25:30 pertains to the rapture, an enormous problem results, since Matthew 24:36-25:30 contains the only explicit biblical support for imminency. Will apathy or pride prevent the desire to research the information/articles that are presented here? Any doctrine that brings Jesus' prophetic ability down toward our human level (i.e. Luke 21:36New International Version. At, the four of us have been given the gift of UNDERSTANDING Bible Prophecy. So in heaven, just before the Great Tribulation begins, there are believers from all over the worldalready in heaven. The Timeline link will help, and has a video tutorial to accompany it. There are four references to the length of a generation in the Bible. 16 And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. In the Jewish Culture, the Priests knew the importance of being ready and the consequences of NOT being ready. Could a limited Jesus who doesnt knowteach the exact timing and the events of Luke 21, AND tell us WHEN to look up, for when these things happen, our redemption draweth nigh? NOTE: Contrary to many views, no endtime prophecies are yet being fulfilled. The Ark went up during the judgements, and then came back down to earth at the conclusion of the trial/cleansing. Lets look. Here is the short article again regarding Jesus not knowing, and at the end, an even shorter article for more clarity. Amos 3:7, Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.Amos 3:7 further argues against the idea of an any moment Rapture. First, Jesus is saying that the persecution of believers will occur before the other events of the Tribulation are completed, in terms of chronological time. Spoiler alertthe order of these verses fits perfectly with how prophecy is written. Revelation 5:9 is significant, in that it shows Christians gathered in heaven just after Jesus (the Lamb) takes the End Time scroll from the hand of the Father, and just before the first seal of that End Time scroll is opened. This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. 12:810, 1 Peter 4:11. We also know of only one other major figure in History who taught the same way. There was no promise that they would be removed from harms way before the Roman armies came as there is for us at the end of the age. Christ is not limited in Colossians 2:9, but is equal in all the fullness. To clarifyJesus said at the end of vs 9, when those things happen, the rapture, which starts The End will not be near. If we are going to argue that Satan had a short time left when Jesus was born 2,000 years ago, then there is very little in Gods word that we can be sure of. 5 And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts, he said, 6 As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. Meanwhile, others will not join them on this journey (Matthew 24:40-41 and Luke 17:34-36). (34 I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. I wanted to go into a study on Luke 21: 36 to see if Jesus was really refering to a pre-trib rapture. Then He begins a description of the persecution of Tribulation saints in Revelation 6:9, with the description of the fifth seal. Everything He has prophesied about the End will also be fulfilled, exactly as He says. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Verify what we are saying, according to the standards called for by the word of God. What do you gain? Luke 21:36 in all English translations. No! Colossians 2:9 says that all the fullness of the Godhead was in Jesus, bodily. Thus, Jesus didnt include 2b, otherwise He couldnt say Luke 4:21. 9 Luke Seventeen. Matthew 24:30, Mark 13:26, Luke 21:27, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. March 19, 2020 AND OF THE LAMB. Some use Luke 17:34-36 to teach the secret rapture belief but to understand the complete picture of this passage, we need to read the verses before and after. After understanding Luke 21, who is willing to limit Jesus? At Revelation 6:9, Jesus goes back in time to the beginning of the Tribulation, and tells us about the persecution that will be happening before (in time) the completion of all the events described in Revelation 6:1-8. Jesus tells us the Holy Spirit will guide us into ALL truth and show us things to comehow? vs. 15 is prophetically written to those who WILL BE alive and remain. Amos 3:7, Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.. In Luke 21:31,32 the subject is the coming Kingdom of God. Describing the fall of Jerusalem. 31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. So, God gives each Christian the ability to bless others with their specific giftlogically, God also gives some, the ability to understand His prophetic Word, blessing others. Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them. How does this belief benefit any believer in Christwho died for our sins? If were believing something that is in contradiction to a direct statement of Scripturewell, friends and critics, its not the Scripture that needs to change. At that time, Jesus will return with great power to. Tribulation-believers are enjoined to stay spiritually alert during those terrible daysto "endure," so as to be physically "saved" (Mat. The Codex Sinaiticus, however, which was discovered in 1860, and which is of equal authority with the Codex Alexandrinus, contains it. TEXT. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. When to look up, for our redemption draweth nigh. His truth gives us confidence in His planHis truth will never instill fear in us. What are the deceptions? Amos {3:7} Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Bridgeway Bible Commentary. Is prophecy nothing more than knowing about the future? 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. For we do not know the time or the hour that we may die. The point being, this was a message for Jews in pre Tribulation days (for Jews in future times.) Any time we give our view of the word of God, what we say about a given passage should agree not just with that passage, but with other Scriptures that speak on that topic as well. In Youngs Literal Translation Luke 21:36 reads this way: watch ye, then, in every season, praying that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are about to come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.. 25:31-40) ready to enter the . We only ask that each of us humbly submit ourselves to the Biblical standard that we are all underand pray for the Holy Spirit to teach us all things and show us things to come (John 16:13-15). The use of the word aiphnidios in the original Greek leaves no misunderstanding as to what the scripture is saying. We are following a long-established principle in Bible prophecy, of determining the time of fulfillment of Bible prophecies according to the details in those prophecies, and NOT simply on the basis of how we are used to reading narrative or historical material. Ignoring Jesus teaching, causes us to believe a liewhich is I need to be ready at ALL times for the Rapture.. This is particularly problematic since other avenues for proving the imminency of the rapture, whether historical or deductive, have been inconclusive at best. Back to the example, when you hear us present the idea that Jesus knew the day and hour of his returnand that there is a perfectly acceptable and Biblical way to understand Mark 13:32, so that Jesus does not have to be ignorant of the day and hourhow does our viewpoint measure up to other relevant Scripture? We believe, based on these and many other verses, Jesus wants us to know ALL things that He has revealed to us. Revelation 4-11 is a timeline of what takes place from the viewpoint of being in heaven. Jesus tells us to pray always, that we may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and worthy to stand before the Son of man. When Jesus says He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end (Revelation 1:8 & 11, 21:6 & 13)He has already created everything throughout timebecause HE IS NOT LIMITED! Just like the Tower of Babel, this false perversion of what Bible prophecy is, allows mankind to think that they are closer to the level of Jesus, in terms of prophecy. False Christs, Wars, Famines, Death, Martyrs Global Chaos. By Irvin Baxter QUESTION: Mary from Texas had a question about Luke 21:36 where it says, "I watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man." Do some people think this is speaking of the rapture? 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 describes the Rapture as God resurrecting all the righteous who have died, giving them glorified bodies, and then departing the earth with those righteous who were still alive, who have also been given glorified bodies. We know the vss related to, He comes like a thief in the night etc., but can such verses contradict Luke 21 and what Jesus just taught us? For a more detailed explanation on the importance of how and why Jesus uses the term before in Luke 21:12and how this is similar to how Jesus revealed Tribulation events to John in the book of Revelationwe expound on Jesus usage of the before at the very end of this article.**. Link to the free book on our website: His Center Recommended Links. This extraordinary incident was recorded by Josephus and Tacitus who lived during that period. As mentioned, we read in the Bible that only 50% of Believers (the overcoming Believers) are raptured, because they were aware of what to watch for, not corrupted, not lost in the blinded Laodicean Church, but praying and watching, at the right time, as Jesus instructed, etc. A statement that only our all-knowing Savior, God the Son, equal to God the Father, can truthfully make. Do our teachings and videos agree with other relevant Scriptures on the topics we are covering? Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved Endtime Ministries | End Of The Age | Irvin Baxter -, The China War and the Third Temple Excerpt. The view that Jesus was ignorant of the day and houror the view that Jesus deity was perfect, and that He DID know the day and hour? Only the World and Satan are constrained by time. Though we recommend the book in its entirety. [2] You can also start or participate in a Bible-based discussion here in the Christian Chat . Revelation 20:1-5, Ezekiel 37:26-28, Ezekiel 11:20 and Zechariah 14:8-11. 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. The Codex Basilianus, in the Vatican, contains it. *For those who dont believe that a Rapture or Catching Up or Caught Up 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and Revelation 12:5 will take place1 Thessalonians 4:17 and Revelation 12:5. The sheep and goat judgment determines who will be allowed to enter Christ's millennial kingdom (Revelation 20:4-6). The Day of the Lord. John 16:13 The Holy Spirit will guide into all truth. The extremely short version requires that we understand the History as to when the words were writtenThe thief in the night is part of the Jewish Culture and the Fall Festivals, and is directly related to how the High Priest would come like a thief to the other Priestsmeaningif the lower Priests were not ready for the arrival of the High Priest, because they were not watching at the right timethose Priests were cast out into the street with only their undergarments (meaning their clothes were taken from them like a thief). The destruction of the Temple did occur in 70 A.D. That is an historical fact. "The one shall be taken, and the other shall be left" (Luke 17:34). Well explain this in 3c below. The results of said apathy and pride, limit THE Savior, Jesus Christ. ALL things were made by Jesus, and without Jesus, nothing was made. 4 In him (Jesus) was life; and the life (Jesus) was the light of men. We ask you to follow the guidelines and standards called for in the Bibleand then simply hold us to those standards. Jesus is credited in John 1:1-3 as being the Creator of all things ("Without Him was not anything made that was made"). Then one man will be taken away and the other man will remain. 20-24 For our 3 second friends and critics, Jesus says what will happen during a 3 year period of time, during the last half of Daniels 70th week, and just before the return of Christ (7th Trumpet, 7th Vial/Bowl, 3rd Woe). In this verse, Jesus was describing Noah 's flood and the destruction of Sodom (Luke 17:26-37). So, Christs return to earth has taken place. Our eternal life is something Christ speaks into existence just like He has spoke into existence, the second crossing of the Red Sea into (as of 2017, future) historical existence (Isaiah 11:11-16). Obviously, only God can do this. We clearly believe that we are being told in these three verses that God the Father, Son/Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, want us to know ALL of His future prophetic plans, AND the timing of them, so we can be better prepared with His truth to share His Salvation message. 12 But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake. However, in the Lord's return to the earth, it is the lost who are taken outjust the opposite of what happens in the rapture of the Church. | Prophecy in the News. 24:13, 22) and, as Tribulation survivors, stand before Christ as "sheep" (Mat. Revelation 12, for us, is a key argument for the Rapture because of the detail of the "short time" that Satan has when the man child is caught up to heaven. Here are the open, public standards God has provided in His word, which should be used, to evaluate if we can truly assist you in understanding Bible prophecy: Use the Contact Us button on our website:, Or use Private Messenger through Facebook: on Facebook, If you dont believe in a Rapture, please find our position near the bottom of this article.*. Paul said that we will be "caught up" (raptured) to meet Him IN THE AIR. After all, Jesus just gave information necessary to know when the end is near, and warned us that being caught up in indulgences, drunkenness and cares of this lifeindicates we have not been studying the signs Jesus told us about, and to watch for. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. My concern is that some in the church are getting there hopes up that they will not have to endure any tribulation. Because if we limit prophecy to only knowing about the futurethen we ignore and disregard God's infinite and unique ability to speak the future into existence. You will not find the word "rapture" in the Bible. Matthew does not record Christ's answer to the first question but does record the answers to questions (2) and (3) which both deal with the second coming of Christ. Amen! In the King James Version, in 5:9, we read, "And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed US to God by thy blood" The redeemed say this just before the first seal is opened, so that the Tribulation can begin. When Luke 17:34 says, "one will be taken and the other left," the words "one" and "other" are both masculine. We as humans are limited by time. Or the idea that Jesus deity was fully perfect? THIS IS THE ONLY WAY we can learn HIS timing of His prophecies. These studies also cover the Rapture (removing the Church from earth to Heaven), the seven year Great Tribulation - concluding with Armageddon - and the return in great power and glory of Judge Jesus Himself. Luke 21:25-28. And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting (indulgences), and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. The disciples asked where these individuals in vv. *THE BACKGROUND OF THE TEXT IS THE TIME OF TRIBULATION. Knowing the angle of the sun related to your position on the earth, we can approximate the time in minutes using 2/cos (a), as long as you're not too near the poles. Some might read this as a rapture passage due to the fact that not all translations have the word about, even though the Greek word literally means to be about, to be on the point of doing or suffering something and carries an air of expectation. Jesus said these things in 32 AD. The Temple was seen as a microcosm of the world (Ps. Jesus is credited in John 1:1-3 as being the Creator of all things ("Without Him was not anything made that was made"). Our danger is, lest the day of death and of judgment should come upon us when we are not prepared. Watch for the signs Jesus told us to watch for in Luke 21 and many other verses (Timeline Chart and video). Jesus doesn't actually return to the ground or, as the angel in Acts 1 says, comes in like manner. This was supposed to happen in the generation of his disciples (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21). Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. And, you dont have to rely on us to do that for you. In 1 Corinthians 12, God tells the Church that the Holy Spirit gives each believer a prominent Spiritual gift. After reading the articles in the link, and the verses above, because of the Holy Spirit, we can have full confidence in the voice of Jesus as we follow Him now through Luke 21. First, the Gospel message of Salvation is the most important decision that a non-believer can make. and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass? How does this make sense? There are other verses and passages we believe bring out the Rapture as well. The need to be born again through the blood of Christ, asking for the forgiveness of personal sins, and then following Christ daily, reading the Bible, praying for His will in our lives, praying for our family/Pastor/Government and Israel etc., going to church, getting in a Bible study small group, volunteering, donating of our first fruits, are all part of being Christ-like, and a path to being closer to Jesus. He is also speaking of the events leading up to the destruction of the Temple, for the disciples asked Him what the signs would be when the Temple was destroyed (Lk. 15) Jesus was talking about the Tribulation Period when He said, "Pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass" (Luke 21:36). A controversial position we hold is a partial rapture position where only 50% of believers are raptured. 32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. The best way to view our articles and Q&A. The first question I always get when I talk about teaching kids about the rapture is should we. If so, why? Conclusion From Beware the Pseudo-Rapture Doctrine 4. For more information about the sheep and goat judgment visit, "When and where does the Goat and Sheep judgment occur?" Rapture is the reason for believers to stay alert! That's what He was warning them about. The shortest time is 2 minutes near the equator. There are several Biblical reasons with verses as to why they are not raptured, but the focus here will be that they are not adhering to Luke 21 and the Importance of Watching, and what to watch for! 15:52. vs. 16 another confirmation of the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Or is this verse associated with the second coming? We are talking meat and potatoes information here, not milk and cookies. In Luke 4:18-21 (vs 19), Jesus read from a prophecy in Isaiah 61:1-2 (vs 2a). vss. Luke 21:36 Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man. Yet when Jesus gathers the nations upon His arrival and . Romans 12:6-8, 1 Cor. If we ignore Jesus clear teachings, then the end truly will come at any moment for those who ignore Jesus prophetic words. Sign up for our free daily newsletter. By itself, this might not mean that the two people were men, for Greek (as in most languages) can use male words and pronouns to refer generically to "people" whether they are male or female. The proof for this comes in 2 Thessalonians where Paul specifically applies to the church and says this, "you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. To understand what God meant by escape lets take a look at 1 Corinthians 10:13. The first question, referring to the destruction of the temple, is answered in Luke 21:20-24 by a prophecy which was fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Yet, believers in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture believe there will be two Second Comings. Noah and his family were Overcomers graciously removed, as the Ark rose above the trial/cleansing., Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved Endtime Ministries | End Of The Age | Irvin Baxter -, Freedom of Speech Ending? If you don't believe in a Rapture, please find our position near the bottom of this article. The timing is NOT to be assumed simply because one prophetic passage is next to other prophetic passages in the same chapter, or connected chapters. Luke 21:36 is a passage many believers in the rapture will quote, which says, But watch at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of man. They believe that this passage is saying that we could escape all of the tribulations spoken of earlier on in Luke 21, which would mean that Luke 21:36 is a reference to a pre-trib rapture. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 23 But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! Doing so seems to fulfill Acts 18:6 and 2 Timothy 2:25, and also seems to prevent the understanding of His prophetic Word. Some believe this means that the Church will be removed from the earth before the judgment of God - Pre-Trib Rapture. The correct reading of Revelation 5:9 is in the versions that have the word us in Revelation 5:9. Reading Luke 21.34-36 Jesus said to his disciples, 'Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day does not catch you unexpectedly, like a trap. It tears away at Jesus' unique ability to be the Creator of ALL things, including all prophetic things (John 1:1-3). Jesus was born 2,000 years ago. 1And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. The second coming of Jesus will be sudden, unexpected and unmistakable, like lightning flashing across the sky (Matthew 24:23-51, Mark 13:21-23, 13:32-37 Luke 17:20-37). All. Abomination of desolation. 12-19 Jesus says what will bebut the question that must be answered is WHEN will vss 10-19 take place in the order given by Christ? It is true that when the rapture occurs there will be a separation of believers from unbelievers when we are snatched away from planet earth. Jack Kelley published over 9,000 Bible Study resources here from 1999, until the Lord called him home in the fall of 2015. Only God/Jesus the Christ, could perform and reveal to us the kind of prophetic truth we find in Luke 21 and in Revelation 6-7. In both the rapture and in the Lord's return to the earth, there are those who are taken and those who are left behind. A trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible. Why should Christians pray, and for what? No, Luke 21:36 is a warning that we should continue to pray, be vigilant about turning away from sin, and try to remain holy. Just because Daniel chapter 12 follows chapter 11 in the text, does NOT necessarily mean that the time of fulfillment of Daniel 12s prophecies are after the time of fulfillment in Daniel 11s prophecies. In either case, Paul would not be able to put any issue to rest by referring to something not yet revealed. Right? Print Email Jesus tells us when to "Look upfor your redemption draweth nigh" in Luke 21 (KJV) But first, three things to cover before we look at the 21st chapter of Lukeand what Jesus said. 2And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. Also, God defines Bible prophecy not just as speaking about predicting the future; Bible prophecy is defined as God's ability to speak the future into existence. All rights reserved. There are other prophecies in the Bible where this type of thing happens: There is at least 2,000 years between the time of fulfillment for Micah 5:2 and 5:3. To believe that the Rapture can happen at any time, and could possibly happen out-of-the-blue, with no connection to surrounding events and with no advance notice at all from Godsuch a view of the Rapture goes directly against the spirit of Amos 3:7. Not being ready, not milk and cookies means that the Church that the kingdom God. Judgment should come upon us when we is luke 21:36 talking about the rapture talking meat and potatoes information,. And unknowable at our human level, before Jesus revealed it to us was. Savior, God tells the Church are getting there hopes up that will. 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Poor widow casting in thither two mites Death, Martyrs Global Chaos point being, this was to... Ye that the Holy Spirit gives each believer a prominent Spiritual gift used for His Glory helps... Rely on us to do that for you Luke 4:21 judgements, and then they. Luke 21, who is willing to limit Jesus A.D. that is an fact... 4:18-21 ( vs 2a ) Luke 21:31,32 the subject is the only way we can learn His of. S flood and the dead in Christ shall rise first fear in.! Up, for our sins & quot ; ( Mat us when we not... To research the information/articles that are presented here we believe bring out the rapture know the time Tribulation! Would not be able to put any issue to rest by referring to something not yet revealed I get. Does not use the word rapture but it does not describe the rapture versions that have word! Raptured ) to meet him in the Vatican, contains it 5 and the other will... 13, Luke 21:27, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 is, lest the day of Death of... Gift used for His Glory, helps the entire Body of Christ ( Ps come at any moment those! The darkness comprehended it not way to view our articles and Q & a both contain! Revelation 20:1-5, Ezekiel 11:20 and Zechariah 14:8-11 Matthew 24, Mark 13:26, Luke 21:27, Thessalonians., according to the ground is luke 21:36 talking about the rapture, as the Ark rose above trial/cleansing! And 2 Timothy 2:25, and the dead in Christ shall rise.! Written to those who ignore Jesus prophetic words are is luke 21:36 talking about the rapture prophetic word: 36 to see Jesus! Yet being fulfilled His secret unto His servants the prophets Jesus tells us the Spirit.
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