I think that I hear the reading of the register, the muster-roll. But if one reads each passage in Greek, light bulbs start turning on. May he, by his Holy Spirit, seal the message with his blessing to everyone in this house, for his own name's sake! It was for our sins, and in our stead, that our Lord Jesus suffered. A true husband and a true spouse are always lovers: they are always linked together by strong ties of affection; and it is so with that model husband, the Lord Christ, and his perfect church above. Look at him: look at his rags; how foul they are! He would also prolong His days by resurrecting Him (cf. I keep looking out from this pulpit for that small portion of them that may be born in this place; and there are many watchful brethren and sisters here, who try to speak to all that come into the place in whom there are movings of the Spirit. True believers are the seed of Christ; the Father gave them to him to be so, John 17:6. Thus have I expounded the first part of the subject the origin of our Saviour's worst sufferings, the Father's pleasure. He shall see his seed; or, "a seed"; a spiritual seed and offspring; a large number of souls, that shall be born again, of incorruptible seed, as the fruit of his sufferings and death; see John 12:24, this he presently began to see after his resurrection from the dead, and ascension to heaven; when great numbers were converted among the Jews, and after that multitudes in the Gentile world, and more or less in all ages; ever since has he had a seed to serve him; and so he will in the latter day, and to the end of time: he shall prolong his days: live long, throughout all ages, to all eternity; though he was dead, he is alive, and lives for evermore; lives to see all the children that the Father gave him, and he has gathered together by his death, when scattered abroad, and see them all born again, and brought to glory. The Lord enable you to believe in Jesus now, to take him now as a complete and finished salvation for you, though you may be the most sunken and abandoned and hopeless of all characters. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he poured out his soul unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors: yet he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.". Seek his healing hand; then beg for his company; get it; keep it; and you shall find that it makes life below like heaven above. Ye are complete in Christ. Yes, the hour is coming when swords and spears shall be forgotten things when the harness of war and the pageantry of pomp shall all be laid aside for the food of the worm or the contemplation of the curious. [*a] 8:2 Then find me reliable witnesses, Uriah the priest and Zechariah son of Jeberechiah.' 8:3 I went to the prophetess, she conceived and gave birth to a son. "In the fullness of time" God did rend his Son from his bosom, his only-begotten Son, and freely delivered him up for us all. But it was known by those who printed the bill that they were misrepresenting our faith. Christ died for me; that does not prove much. I do implore you, do not look upon the sacrifice of Christ as an act of mere vengeance on the Father's part. When he shall have offered his soul as a sacrifice. Do not doubt this message: God has sent it to you. He was chosen as the covenant-head in election; he was ordained in the divine decree to stand for his people. That lip is not fit to kiss; those filthy lips cannot be permitted to touch that holy cheek of the glorious Father! While the world stands Christ will have a church in it, which he himself will be the life of. Doubtless 'universal,' and 'redemption,' where the greatest part of men perish, are as irreconcilable as 'Roman, and 'Catholic.' That done, the victim being selected, the offerer put his hand upon the sin-offering and this indeed was the essence of the whole transaction putting his hand on the victim, he confessed his sin, and a transferrence took place, in type at least, from the offender to the victim. Let us try if we can see it is so. He it was that put the bitter cup into his hand, and obliged him to drink it (John 18:11), having laid upon him our iniquity. Who shall venture to say that the Divine Lord, amidst the glories of heaven, owed to his father anything? They will be struck dumb, as it were, as they witness a sight more glorious than they or anyone else could ever have imagined (13-15).Many people find it hard to believe that God will give his servant such power and magnificence, because when they look at the servant they see just an ordinary person of insignificant beginnings. Isaiah 53:10. 10.Yet Jehovah was pleased to bruise him. It is here equivalent to himself - when he himself is made a sin-offering, or sacrifice for sin. And now where is the artist that can depict the anguish of the fathers countenance, when the knife is unsheathed, and he holds it up, ready to slay his son? If there be a universal redemption of all, then all men are redeemed. Impossible! Thus much on our first point. Remember, too, that acceptance is finished. (1.) Pardon, full and free, is now presented in the name of Jesus, proclaimed to every creature under heaven, for sins past, for sins present, and for sins to come; for blasphemies and murders; for drunkenness and whoredom; for all manner of sin under heaven. Isaiah 53:9). And are we ever in our right senses, brethren, till the Holy Spirit really brings us into them? A mere man could at most only substitute for one other man. "Of all whom thou hast given me, I have lost none." [Note: Archer, p. the father has communicated to his son the fact that God has demanded his life. Now, we begin by opposing all this, and asserting, and we believe we have God's warrant of it, that sin intrinsically and in itself demands and deserves the just anger of God, and that that anger should be displayed in the form of a punishment. See how the cruel iron drags through his tender hands! He will see all his seed to the last. Those who hate him leave him to die in disgrace like a criminal, but those who love him give him an honourable burial. All this is found in the sin-offering; for thou needest not find it. Shall prosper - (See the notes at Isaiah 52:13, where the same word occurs). But hark! The Church of England was asleep, too; and everywhere it seemed as if there was a kind of orthodox heterodoxy that did not believe anything in particular, and did not hold that there was a doctrine worth anybody's living for or dying for, but that all religious teaching should be like a nose of wax, that you might shape whichever way you liked. We do not read here that the Lord Christ has followers. The gift of a Saviour, such as he was, evinced boundless benevolence; his sufferings in behalf of the guilty showed the holiness of his nature and law; and all demonstrated that he was at the same time disposed to save, and yet resolved that no one should be saved by dishonoring his law, or without expiation for the evil which had been done by sin. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. We know that he died. (Isaiah 53:10-12) Hebrew translation. There's just the face and that's it.One of the most miserable dates I ever had in my life was with a girl with a pretty face. We are out of the spiritual world altogether that world of which he is the Head, the Creator, the Lord. He looks beyond the Roman spear and nail, beyond the Jewish taunt and jeer, up to the Sacred Fount, whence all things flow, and traces the crucifixion of Christ to the breast of Deity. We will consider the Story of the Cross. Because these sorrows would result in the pardon and recovery of an innumerable multitude of lost sinners, and in their eternal happiness and salvation. Let me put it to you, beloved hearers. This section of the Prophets, also known as the "Suffering Servant," has been. Many, when they see their seed, their seed's seed, wish to depart in peace; but Christ will not commit the care of his family to any other, no, he shall himself live long, and of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, for he ever lives. Brethren, pray for me, and all who are faithful to the truth of God, that we may be upheld in our steadfastness. Though I do not think that the version is correct, it shows that still it was thought and believed that the Messiah would have a perpetual seed. The prey shall not be taken from the mighty; the lawful captive shall be delivered. 2. In short, Isaiah teaches that sins cannot be pardoned in any other way than by betaking ourselves to the death of Christ. That prayer was the language of his blood, crying, not for vengeance, but for mercy, and therein it speaks better things than that of Abel, even for those who with wicked hands shed it. Peter called our attention to the verse in 1 Peter 2:22 "He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.". How no rags of yours are wanted; not a stitch of yours is needed to perfect what Christ has done. Do not mistake me; that same life which abides in Christ, at the right hand of God, is that everlasting life which he has bestowed upon all those who put their trust in him. But he was wounded for our transgressions ( Isaiah 53:4-5 ). He will not come short of his end in any part of his work, but will himself see that he has not laboured in vain. The fact is, that the Father as much decreed salvation, as much effected it, and as much delighted in it, as did either God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit. The language here is taken from that which was regarded as the highest blessing among the Hebrews. II. The meaning here is, that the Messiah, though he should be put to death, would yet see great multitudes who should be his spiritual children. 6All we as sheep have gone astray; every one has gone astray in his way; and the Lord gave him up for our sins. The English translation of The Septuagint by Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851). Wilt thou now trust Christ with thy soul? Isaiah Chapter 53. "Now we are told in the gospel that they covered His face and they began to buffet Him. The same mischievous experiment is being tried now, and there will be the same result; for the living Christ is still to the front. (2.) glorious doctrine! He it was that made him sin and a curse for us, and turned to ashes all his burnt-offering, in token of the acceptance of it, Psalms 20:3. And the pleasure of the Lord - That is, that which shall please Yahweh; the work which he desire and appoints. As many were astonished at thee; his visage [or face] was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men ( Isaiah 52:14 ): In the Hebrew this reads more literally, "His face was so marred that He could not be recognized as a man or as a human being. Septuagint: Isaiah 53:10d (Tanakh) Table Isaiah 53:10d (NET) Isaiah 53:10d (NETS) Isaiah 53:11a (Elpenor English) and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand ().and the Lord's purpose will be accomplished through him (y, ).And the Lord wishes to take away ()the Lord also is pleased to take away () from As to our own country, read the story of persecutions here. The sacrifice of one man would not even wipe out that one man's sins, much less the sins of all men. Do not think that there is a great gulf between you, a living man, and him. It is an historical fact, better proved than almost any other which is commonly received as historical, that he did really rise again from the grave. Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father, took upon himself the form of man, and offered unto Divine Justice that which was accepted as an equivalent for the punishment due to all his people. There is no divine composure there. At the outset, one should know that the relation of the Hebrew text of Isaiah (as we know it in modern editions) to the Septuagint version is . Methinks I heard some one say, "Do you mean us to understand this atonement that you have now preached as being a literal fact?" Put your hand in My side." It may possibly be gloomy with some of you; but it is not often dark at death-time. (2.) But if you don't see that big tackle barreling in on you, and he hits you without your having any ability to defend yourself by the feigning that a person does, that's when you get the broken bones. but the great arms of the Eternal Father are ready to save you as you are, because the great work of Christ has effected all that is wanted before God for the acceptance of the vilest sinner. He is one of those that I'm looking forward to just really spending some time with in the future. Ah! The ram caught in the thicket supplies the substitute, and faith's obedience need go no further. For He's cut off. You will have enough if you only read Foxe's "Book of Martyrs." But things are said about him after death that set him apart from all others." No more drops of blood; no more pangs of heart; no more bitterness and darkness, with exceeding heaviness, even unto death, are needed. Wisdom stepped in, and said, "It shall be done thus;" and Love agreed with Wisdom. He doesn't even look like a human being. First, we have THE ORIGIN OF CHRIST'S DEATH. You guys that watch the Monday night football, you know that. It's being forsaken of God. Isaiah Chapter 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31. And so here the cross is predicted, prophesied in Isaiah. 4. Now, when a ransom is paid for the liberty of a prisoner, does not justice demand that he should have and enjoy the liberty so purchased for him by a valuable consideration? My, what this man has given to us of his great depth of understanding and background. Isaiah 53:10 (WYC) and the Lord would defoul him in sickness. So sad is his heart, that he faints in the streets. Such is Jesus Christ. Added to the exaltation prophesied in the first stanza, the eternity of The Lord Jesus Christ is clearly visible. The death-knell of the penalty rings in the dying words of the Saviour, "It is finished." Therefore [the Father says] will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong ( Isaiah 53:12 ); "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and if sons, then heirs, joint-heirs with Jesus Christ" ( Romans 8:16-17 ), as He divides the spoil with the strong. z "quum posueris delictum animam ejus", De Dieu. Most of us are in the category of we can get by. Now, dear friends, this grace of God is yet further magnified not only in the allowance of the principle of substitution, but in the providing of such a substitute as Christ on Christ's part that he should give up himself, the Prince of Life to die; the King of glory to be despised and rejected of men; the Lord of angels to be a servant of servants; and the Ancient of days to become an infant of a span long. But I will say no more about it. 1. Now Jesus when He was referring to being lifted up was referring to the death that He was to die upon the cross, as He would be lifted up upon a cross. In Christ there was no fault; why, then, was the Lord pleased that he should suffer? Beware, ye who forget God in this matter, lest he tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver you. 11: The father takes his son, binds his hands behind his back, piles up the stones, makes an altar, lays the wood, and has his fire ready. I may be called Antinomian or Calvinist for preaching a limited atonement; but I had rather believe a limited atonement that is efficacious for all men for whom it was intended, than an universal atonement that is not efficacious for anybody, except the will of man be joined with it. And he bore our pains. And, last of all, by Christ's death the Father's good pleasure was effected and prospered. As we have heard of a good woman, who, whenever a poor sailor came to her door, whoever he might be, would always make him welcome, because, she said, "I think I see my own dear son who has been these many years away, and I have never heard of him; but whenever I see a sailor, I think of him, and treat the stranger kindly for my son's sake." Shall prosper in his hand. O thou who feelest in thine own body the effect of thy sin, till thou art loathing thyself, and wishing thou hadst never been born perhaps thou sayest, like John Bunyan, "Oh that I had been a frog, or a toad, or a snake, sooner than have been a man, to have fallen into such sin, and to have become so foul!" Jerome's Latin Vulgate (405 A.D.) Isaiah 52 The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Return to Index. (5.) We are told here, "Thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin." There is a bearded patriarch, who rises early in the morning and awakes his son, a young man full of strength, and bids him arise and follow him.