7. It is with this layout of rulings that it is hoped that man and woman will come to love one another, hence making the marriage peaceful, fulfilling, and enjoyable. After all we will be questioned for our actions not what others did or did not do. Dua and her husband are a perfect married couple in the eyes of their family, but her life turns upside down when her husband seeks her permission to marry another woman. This does not mean husbands have the right to force their wives to engage in sex. Definition of Polygamy Polygamy means a system of marriage whereby one person has more than one spouse. I am a converted Muslim(Hindu to Muslim) bt I learned Urdu. As a knowledge of divorce, here are the rights of a woman in Islam during a divorce: 1. There is just not one reason why Man is allowed to have more than 1 wife in Islam. Ive been married 14 years and stayed firmly by my husbands side despite the fact hes never worked a days hard work to keep a roof over my head or put food on the table. Mentally. I read that, and I was shocked! From the point of view of religion: Probably, it is no longer a secret that Islam strictly forbids men and women to chat, unless they are close relatives of each other, or the marriage between them is forbidden by Shariah. While it is completely understandable that you are shocked and hurt, provided the situation, you may still have the chance to improve your family life with him in South Africa and keep it separate from his parents and wife in Egypt. Is this because you dont want to get blamed for something youve said? Like, she still performs her duties and obeys/respects her husband, but it hurts her so much she even cries during intercourse with her husband as he did the same with another woman. There was an immediate connection between us. what he wants and you were to get divorced from your husband Allaah forbid Then your info can get straight. (fyi their needs, desires, and emotions may be different from ours but their still there). The average life span of females is more than that of males, and at any given time one finds more widows in the world than widowers. i understand now whyand hope that we can adjust to each other more. When I came to know about this that girl got a girl child. He wasn't by my side, not even one bit. You cant know this because no one knows whats in the mind of every man. (3) Dispute over marriage between the lady and her husband. I have a lot more to say but I feel I have said enough. i am conservative about my appearance and how I dress. Yes, it is a sin for muslim man or muslim woman to have an extra-marital affair or a pre-marital affair, be it with a muslim or non-muslim. Being a woman and knowing tons of other women I know when respect is given and there is lots of communication, the man will get whatever he wants, trust me on that. You need more discipline in your life. What happens if you hate his touch or being intimate with him n never look forward to it ever. I am shocked by this backward/baseless thinking. I find this to be one of the most unsettling parts of Islam. Please reference your sources, maybe you need to be careful what you say cause you will be accountable for your intentions and whats in your heart. Its about consent on both sides. the loves comes from ALLAH. She took my hand and with tears in her eyes said: This is very hard for me, but I hope that we can be sisters her words broke my heart. Men have distorted Islam to the point its unrecognisable. Im living the same exact situation. it is not because during jihad that marriage more than one is permitted in islam . In Islam, limited polygyny is permitted and polyandry is completely prohibited. He told me that his first wife knows that he is intending to marry again but that she is obviously not supportive of the idea and that he doesnt know what her reaction will be when he tells her that he had found someone. The coworker response, he never told you? my response,tell me what?the coworker replies, he has been married for two yrs and has a child. I confronted him and he lied about having a wife and child. Answer (1 of 7): if you don't want your husband to marry another woman tell him. This is just how it is, in all schools of thought in Islam. It is narrated from Imm as-diq (as): Three ladies went to the Prophet (S) to complain. Now I realize how good I got it because Alhamdulillah my wife is not like most of you regurgitating your jahiliyya to an extent to commit major kufr. All Rights Reserved. If you are living off her money. it wasnt until 1 month before we married the he drops the bombshell on me, he tells me, I am married, have been 4 yrs now and I have 2 kids, Mind you we were together for 3. I am again into depression and dont know what to do. After all I have been to him. How she feels is less valuable than him getting off. I have 5 years old boy child. (ii) Mustahab i.e recommended or encouraged, (iv) Makruh i.e not recommended or discouraged. So you apparently know nothing about women. I have been married to a Pakistani man (we did nikah). The wife has the free will to either choose to have sex with her husband or not. I am not Muslim, however I respect/support his beliefs and the teachings/love of Allah. Yeah so what if a we chooses to aim higher at least we dont sit on our back sides everyday and live off JSA every week. Try to sort out the small things of your day by yourself, like your husband takes care of the major problems of the day himself, without even letting you know because he doesnt want to bother you. At first, first wife would perceive it as sharing of his husband which is true at sight but not if you think deeply. . Because of this my husband calls me disloyal yet if i dont confide and let my worries out i feel overwhelmed, anxious, miserable even to the extent of feeling ill. i would love nothing more than to see my husband off to work and welcome him home to a clean tidy house, a meal on the table and myself looking the way he likes me to look. Im in Saudi and not many men do it even though there are a ton of unmarried girls here in Saudi. The unending complaints of adultery, abuse and bad behavior is considered normal these days. Seeing your husband marrying his brother's wife in a dream may symbolize the feelings that you both . Salam Aleykum, by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami, no. One is polygyny where a man marries more than one woman, and the other is polyandry, where a woman marries more than one man. The article is sure a nice way of giving a heads up of how many men tend to think like. Perfect for me, but he wants me to be his second wife. Your email address will not be published. my husband love me lot of. There are more than 100 comments about polygamy and everyone wants to put their input. Above All, He Desires Your Respect Women should follow the good example of the wives of the She was loyal and pleased him sexually, why did he venture off? SubhanAllah ladies , stop being selfish . Not fair! High regard for women you have there. Yes, your right. Yes, your husband has to take permission from you to marry another woman. Bukhari and Muslim no you dont , he can married to 4 ladies you can be married to one . This article is informative. If one talaq or two talaqs are Bayina, then after three months or three menstrual periods can be remarried. By marrying second woman would grant that wife and her children with the right of having equal share of mans wealth not just that they would get father support in their upbringing which women mostly ignores when they heard of second marriage. Russia has nine million more females than males. Noor was recently married. Men get turned on, just by looking at other women. During the times of the Prophet (PBUH) this was allowed because of the wars and the widows left without anyone to care for them. I disagree with #4. Any true Muslim woman that follows the Quran and not her husbands list of expectations would know how to treat her husband, a stupid list like this is not even necessary. So what ..its his right to do so 2,3 or 4. Polygamy is a politically correct topic, yet it is a fact, it is allowed in Islam, also it is a fact that most women do not like it ( when it comes for the first wife) and it is a fact that a lot of the companions of the prophet did polygymy and most prophets as well, obviously it was a part of the life style back then for most men to have many women and if we look at it in a positive way, we would conclude that its out of the question that it is a noble thing to protect and respect many women and to make them wives rather than to have one wife and go to cheat with prostitutes as it is the case in many western countries nowadays including many catholic countries sadly. It was not something that occurred quickly, but over the course of several years we fell hopelessly in love with each other. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. For those who are saying that men have no obligation to inform first wife of seond marriage. It is genuine real life issue and needs to be answered islamically. I again put this in my nikkah. hello I am reading your article now in 2017. Im not even married but IN SHA ALLAH Ill marry the girl I love & the girl for whom Im praying. and she should realize that her husbands marrying another woman is Yes it says in the quran that men can have four wives, but it is for a reason, and the quran is written in such a way that you can argue Kays point. As his wife, you also need to contemplate if this is something you are willing to tolerate, adjust to, and understand. To all the women reading this post, understand that this was written with good intent, women constantly want to have a better understanding of a mans thinking, to be quite honest, the author only intended to shed more light on that, these are all mens nature, Allah built us this way. Most of comments are pointing to second marriage and bla bla. bestowed all these blessings upon you, so what you should do is be grateful Whatever Allaah makes easy for him but why would some one care like a muslim wife cares coa she wants to save her aakhirah.. hey sista. Life was very difficult for me and my children and I wasnt young anymore. Soon all went to waste and we started losing everything one by one. Second, if he is not agreeing to marriage, this is a sign he was only wanting to mess around you cant force someone to want to marry you, because if you do, it will cause you misery and heartache long term. my husband is the Muslim I am a Christian so I dont understand his Church he wanted me 2 be with him 2 his Church so I refused he said he is going 2 marry another wife I am unhappy please help me. We were happily married that is at least what I thought. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): who repress anger, and who pardon men; verily, Allaah I prayed that she will accept me. Those who hate and fail to forgive, build darkness in their own heart. Shame on these people. I loved it all. Sighhhh. fallen into a trap of the shaytaan, because he has made you attractive to A good wife is pressures, a husband sometime forgets what his got. I have just remarried another wonderful man. Perhaps hes not the best Muslim in the world.You can nudge him to make him better. They are just doing it for their selfish reasons. Most men wont admit it, but we do need women. Just a curious question: as for men racing to take 2,3 or 4 wives but why is it that in old age when sick and frail then the man races back to the first wife ? looking at women is natural and unsinnful is just YOUR THINKING AND NOT ALL MENS. husband, then in fact she is praying istikhaarah about wrecking her home and it helps me to console my upset mind and to love more my wouldbe. However, this is not the only opinion or interpretation of how to do this. But if he does not do it purposely then he wont get sins. Dear questioner! But what completely switches us off is when you expect us to be fragrant and beautiful continually, yet make no effort with your appearance yourself. Not young enough or just plain not ENOUGH! When we wrote our nikkah, I ask this to be added. According to scholars, the Shari`ah does not require the husband to get the consent of the first wife for a second marriage. Praise be to Allah. Your email address will not be published. 1. There are, however sir, double standards- and I think thats part of the root of what most people here contradicting you are getting mad about. May Allah grant you ease in your affairs ameen, Salam dis is remainder to our dear sister, jst vice-vasa may ALLAH c us tru.tanx, InSha Allah. My husband married his brother's wife. Ameen. I got married to him for my family, soon after marriage the day I went to his house the entire house burden n my father in laws responsibility was on me. You have both accepted something haraam and you have not The Jewish Sephardic communities living in Muslim countries continued the practice till as late as 1950, when an Act of the chief Rabbinate of Israel extended the ban on marrying more than one wife. we commited mistakes..i am asking allah to forgive everythingis wat he doing is right in islam?? Broadly, Islam has five categories of Dos and Donts. Other women and couldnt wait to taste a man as well he told me about, that he desires men too. Imaan will give you the strength you need to overcome the problems in your life and deal with things you are unhappy with. Polygyny is permitted in Judaism. If youre loyal to your husband, than rest assured hell be loyal to you. 3. 5.Do you expect that trust will Some scholars do not consider it an obligation for the husband to inform his wife of another marriage. He has passwords on his phone and computer and will not let me see. But when a marital relationship becomes toxic, and it becomes impossible to lead a peaceful life, divorce may then be the only solution. TO ME WHEN THINGS ARE ALLOWED IN AL QURANTHERE WILL ALWAYS BE A BLESSING IN DISGUISE So many women (same goes for men) just take for granted that their husband knows how she feels for him and dont ever say anything. Although I have watched horrible videos in the past, I try not to anymore. It is unfortunate that youfind yourself in this position, sister. What do you do when 13 years later you find yourself in the same position All because of the same women ??? The reason lies in the high rate of female infanticide in India, and the fact that more than one million female foetuses are aborted every year in this country, after they are identified as females. Im sorry but I will have to disagree. If he can be attracted to another woman to the extent that hed want to marry her then he never loved me enough. up his family? Because ISLAM is the only perfect way of lifestyle. There may be polygamy in order to spread Islam. Dont make things harms..where does it say men should ask their wives permission to many another???????? If some dont marry more than one wife, so many women are not going to marry. what I have noticed from the hadith When a man calls his wife to his bed, and she does not respond and he (the husband) spends the night angry with her, the angels curse her until morning. Please guide me in islamic way, I feel for you, you seem to have loved this guy and he seemed to be using you yeah sure , hell like that. I love my husband so deeply and wholeheartedly that i can never even imagine myself being attracted to another man. denying the rights of one who has treated her well. But this year, he told me many lies. I think the brother who wrote this article should re-edit this because he is giving off the wrong message to brothers. Nura [not her real name] is a 42-year-old Kenyan woman. If you cant except that get ready to be disappointed. What should I do if my has bansband doesnt tell me anything about the truth even very little things, Question, my fianc is muslan Im catholic, he dont want to do anything until we got married but we almost did everything is the right? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. I like to watch tv on the rare times Im not not being called for surgery. Seek safe counsel. If one partner doesnt want to be in this relation then nothing can stop that person from destroying his or her house. is what is good, but if he waits until he feels good about it or sees a He probably cheated on you because you didnt fulfill his sexual desires so he left you in the dust. Suppose my sister happens to be one of the unmarried women living in USA, or suppose your sister happens to be one of the unmarried women in USA. arguments. I just wanna say any believing women would except that her husband has taken a second wife. As it is an obligation for him to do this, then a similar punishment must apply inshaAllah. If he spends the night angry with her that means if you can convince him then he will not be angry and no angels curse you. Threaten her with divorce. Bukhari and Muslim. I have read it myself. One of them said: "My husband does not eat meat." The other said: "My husband does not smell perfurme and does not use perfume," and the third lady said: "My husband does not come near the ladies (i.e. disobeying Allaah or going against His commands, this is a sin for which he He committed to marrying one lady in 5 months. But we really would prefer to remember because we know it would make you happy. if you find such statements weird or too honest remember that a guy likes to know, with honesty, that he can perform to his very best and make best use of his skills and abilities to the natural requirements of his Quality Controller. Islam gives a man permission to marry two, three or four women, only on the condition that he deals with them justly. everyone mush read this article. thorn that pricks him, but Allaah will expiate his sins thereby.. It an obligation for him to make him better not even married in... Is at least what i thought not Muslim, however i respect/support his beliefs and the of! 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