On June 5, 2020, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Boren violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; he shall pay a $1,000.00 fine; he shall reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him; he shall not reactivate his license without Board approval, and he shall let his license expire on June 30, 2021. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners approved, accepted and adopted a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Soong violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that Dr. Soong receive a public reprimand, pay a fine of $1,000 and reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case, payable within 60 days of the acceptance of the Settlement Agreement by the Board. On December 3, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Washington violated NRS 630.301(4), NRS 630.305(1)(e), NRS 630.306(1)(b)(3), NRS 630.3062(1)(h) and NRS 630.306(1)(p), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that his license to practice medicine in Nevada be placed on probation for a period of 24 months from the date of the Boards acceptance, adoption and approval of the Agreement, subject to various terms and conditions, including the following: he shall receive a public reprimand; pay a fine of $5,000.00; complete 22 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. On December 5, 2014, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Anson violated Nevada Revised Statute 630.301(4), as set forth in the Complaint against him, and ordering that he make a contribution of $3,500.00 to a non-profit medical organization of his choice, with proof of payment provided to the Board within 60 days of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the Agreement; complete 20 hours of CME regarding the subject of cervical surgeries, which must include at least 5 hours of CME regarding complications associated with cervical surgeries, within 1 year of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the Agreement; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him, payable within 60 days of the Boards acceptance, adoption and approval of the Agreement. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners approved, accepted and adopted a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Murray violated NRS 630.304(1), as he provided inaccurate or incomplete statements on his 2007 and 2009 renewal applications for licensure, and ordering that Dr. Murray receive a public reprimand and reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case, payable within 120 days of the acceptance of the Settlement Agreement by the Board. Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Santos violated Dr. Willard entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with the Board and it was ordered that he shall not perform any Cryohemorrhoidectomy procedure upon any patient in the state of Nevada, he will receive a public reprimand, he is fined $2,500.00, placed on probation for 2 years, he will take an additional 30 hours of CME in pediatrics, an additional 15 hours of CME in medical record keeping, and an additional 15 hours of CME in medical ethics. his possession to the Nevada State Board of Pharmacy, and shall not sell or There's Denver, CO 80202-5146, Connecticut guilty of the three counts of the complaint filed against him: one count of malpractice for failing to use the reasonable care, skill or knowledge ordinarily used under similar circumstances in providing care or treatment to a patient, a violation of NRS 630.301(4); one count of administering, dispensing or prescribing any controlled substance, or any dangerous drug as defined in chapter 454 of NRS, to or for himself or to others except as authorized by law, a violation of NRS 630.306(3); and one count of failure to maintain timely, legible, accurate and complete medical records relating to the diagnosis, treatment and care of a patient, a violation of NRS 630.3062. Dr. Lee shall receive a public reprimand, complete ten (10) hours of continuing medical education (CME) on the topic of medical record keeping; and shall reimburse the Board the costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of this case. incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. A Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, whereby Dr. Luh, although not conceding to or admitting to the allegations as set forth in Count I of the Complaint , did not wish to contest the same and therefore agreed that the Board has sufficient evidence to proceed with its complaint that Dr. Luh engaged in conduct that is grounds for discipline pursuant to the Medical Practice Act to wit; one count of malpractice, when he performed a surgical repair of an aneurysm that was not medically indicated, which evidence Dr. Luh disputes and denies, and but for his desire to reach a compromise of this matter, he would contest at formal hearing. Counts II and III of the Complaint were dismissed with prejudice. Ms. Atkins was licensed to practice respiratory care in the state of Nevada in Active-Probation status. Concord, NH 03302 On June 10, 2022, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding that Dr. Johnson violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint, and ordering the following: that he receive a public reprimand; that he pay a fine in the amount of $2,500.00; that he complete 15 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements to maintain licensure in the State of Nevada; and that he reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. The Board entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with Dr. Olgin whereby it was ordered that his license to practice medicine in Nevada be revoked, with the revocation stayed and Dr. Olgin being placed on probation for 10 years, and that he abide by all terms and conditions of his probation in California. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners found Dr. Greiss guilty of one count of inability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety because of an illness, a mental or physical condition, or the use of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, or any other substance, a violation of NRS 630.306(1); one count of being habitually dependent on controlled substances and/or alcohol, a violation of NRS 630.306(10); and one count of willfully failing to comply with a condition for licensure imposed by the Board, a violation of NRS 630.3065. Board of Examiners in Veterinary Medicine, Colorado The Board found Dr. Wagner violated NRS 630.306(2), for failing to maintain accurate and complete medical records relating to the diagnosis, treatment and care of a patient. On March 6, 2015, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Estela violated Nevada Revised Statute 630.301(4), as set forth in Count II of the Complaint against him, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him, payable within 60 days of the Boards acceptance, adoption and approval of the Agreement. Subsequently failed SPEX, constituting violation of NRS 630.306(12), failure to be found competent to practice medicine. Count I of the Complaint was dismissed with prejudice. The Board accepted a Stipulation for Settlement with Dr. McDonald whereby the Board accepted Dr. McDonald's voluntary surrender of her license to practice medicine in Nevada while under investigation by the Board. On March 4, 2022, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding that Dr. Kingsberg violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint, and ordering the following: that she receive a public reprimand; pay a fine of $1,500.00; complete 8 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to her statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her. It was further ordered that Dr. Martin receive a public reprimand; pay a $1,000.00 fine; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. A Settlement Waiver and Consent Agreement was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, whereby the Board entered an order finding that Dr. Grigoryev Grigg violated NRS 630.3062(1) and ordered that Dr. Grigoryev Grigg receive a public reprimand; that within one year he complete 10 hours continuing medical education (CME) on the subject of medical record keeping, in addition to CME required as a condition of licensure; and that he reimburse the Board's costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him, payable within 60 days of the Board's acceptance, approval and adoption of the settlement agreement. 301 South Park Dr. Handsfield entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with the Board and it was ordered that his license to practice medicine in the state of Nevada be suspended until further order of the Board, he shall participate in a, program to correct alcohol or drug dependence or any other impairment, he is ordered to enter Talbot Recovery campus for an evaluation and treatment and upon release from Talbot he is to enter into a contract with the Diversion. MGL c.112, 54-60 Licensing provisions for registration of veterinarians; veterinary board; veterinary records and disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners. Whilst the Board can withhold some information from notice to the veterinarian who is the . The Board revoked Dr. Thayer's (Minsky's) license to practice medicine in the state of Nevada. License Renewal Continuing Education Official Forms & Reports Change Licensee Information License Assistance Programs File a Complaint Disciplinary Information Important Patient Links Approved Pharmacy Websites Practitioners . The Board also ordered costs and a fine to be paid to the Board within 30 days. 402.471.3121, Nevada The Board ordered that Dr. Fox be publicly reprimanded; that he shall, within one year of the acceptance of the Settlement Agreement, complete 20 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) regarding the subject of prenatal care, to be approved by the IC Chairman in advance of their accomplishment and in addition to any CME requirements regularly imposed as a condition of licensure; that he shall reimburse the Board the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the matter and that he be fined in the amount of $5,000.00. On September 8, 2017, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Paul violated. and Court House, Idaho State Board of On December 4, 2020, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Addo-Quaye violated NRS 630.306(1)(b)(3), as set forth in the First Amended Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; pay a $500.00 fine; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Counts II, III and IV of the Complaint shall be dismissed.