What might one find hard to understand, or rather, hard to accept in Pauls writings? In John 21:15-19 we read that the Lord Himself entrusted the care of the flock to Peter. Q. There is wholeness only as all of the individual members of the body of Christ are a functional part of the church: 14 For He Himself is our peace, who made both [groups into] one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, 15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, [which is] the Law of commandments [contained] in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, [thus] establishing peace (Ephesians 2:14-15, emphasis mine). All Rights Reserved. Even the endorsement of Pauls ministry seems tongue-in-cheek and less than whole-hearted. He grew up in Galilee, a rural agricultural area where the Jews were ardently devoted to their religion and country. Some differences among Christians, especially in regard to their understanding of the Scriptures, are not matters of great eternal importance. Peter preached holiness, and to remain steadfast unto the coming of Jesus and his kingdom (2 Peter 3:17). His preaching in Acts 2-5 is surely more directed toward the Jews, because he was living among Jews and speaking to them. 4 And by referring to this, when you read you can understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, 5 which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit; 6 [to be specific], that the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel, 7 of which I was made a minister, according to the gift of Gods grace which was given to me according to the working of His power (Ephesians 3:1-7). He pulls no punches and at times he seems to be shouting out his arguments at breakneck speed with a strident and emotional tone. Peter, a Jewish fisherman, was called to be a disciple of Jesus at the beginning of Jesus' ministry. 1:21-22. Even a man like Barnabas was drawn into this disaster. Paul in his epistles reveal the mysteries and doctrine for the church today. There is a harmony and a consistency between Pauls epistles and the rest of Scripture, as there most certainly must be (see also 3:2). We might say they are a he-mans way of expressing brotherly love. The only requirements of the Gentile believers were these: 28 For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials: 29 that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well. 77 I am tempted to think these legalistic brethren were a bit hypocritical as they seem to have strongly insisted that the Gentile converts be circumcised in order to be saved when they were in Antioch. Israel under the old covenant promises was promised to be a holy nation and a kingdom of kings and priests to rule over the Gentile nations with Christ (Revelation 1:6 Exodus 19:6 Revelation 5:10). They thus charged the congregation of believers to select seven men of high character and ability who would oversee this matter, leaving the apostles free to devote themselves to the priority they had been given. He would not be intimidated or awe struck by those who were of high reputation (2:6). Peter preached forgiveness of sin at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 3:19). 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 - "Now I would r, Paul did not preach a dead works faith . Paul's Justification: Paul taught justification unto eternal life by the cross (1 Corinthians 1:18Galatians 6:14Colossians 1:20). The first is the Acts of the Apostles, written after Paul's death, almost certainly by the same author who wrote St Luke's gospel . To devote most of their energies to the care and feeding of the widows was to fail to fulfil their stewardship as apostles. Peter speaks not of one of Pauls letters, but of all his letters (verse 16). The participation of Paul and Barnabas is recorded in but one verse (12) in this chapter. There is a world of difference between going against previous Scripture and going beyond it. His input to the Jerusalem Council was not that of a spiritual heavyweight. Stephens preaching was powerfully underscored by the signs and wonders God performed through him (6:8-10), and his death was the catalyst which brought about a great persecution against the saints in Jerusalem, prompting all except the apostles to flee the city (Acts 8:1). Peters words in our text should certainly serve as a benchmark for assessing the truth of the doctrines claimed by the Roman Catholic Church regarding the pope. I want to magnify the office of the apostle to the gentiles The one to whom was committed the dispensation of grace, the apostle Poul! Peter and the resurrection: Peter preached the gospel of the circumcision (Galatians 2:7). Paul's first line of defense is the demonstration of the divine character of his office and of his message. Paul preaches the gospel by which we are saved today. We often find it impossible to understand those things we do not like or do not want to acknowledge as true. Lenten Brother Francis for Kids on FORMED. Both Peter and Paul were ordained of God to preach the gospel. Pauls relationship with Peter was not the same as his relationships with men like Barnabas or Timothy. * Peter is used as representative of the twelve apostles during their kingdom and Pentecostal ministry. Paul had just written that he was no man-pleaser (1:10f.). 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 - "Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you unless you believed in vain. (7) Pauls writings are inspired, inerrant, and authoritative, though hard to swallow, even for the other apostles. No need to go further in the op/ it is a false teaching and is part of many many other false teachings. Neither one did . It was Paul who was ordained to write the clearest definition of the gospel in the Word of God, as found in the Book of Romans. To be saved, Jews cannot embrace self-righteousness through law-keeping, but must trust only in the Lord Jesus Christ. Farewell (Acts 15:28-29). Peter was primarily the Apostle to Israel (Galatians 2:8). June 29 is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Israel would rule and reign with Jesus for a thousand year period (, ). But when they are biblically wrong, we should speak out against the error as we refuse to go along. The answer, in part, is that one man cannot have full authority because he is a sinner like all other men. But this was Peter. Paul's disciples occasionally connected with the apostles in Jerusalem, so they all knew what was going on in various parts of the continent. In our text, Peter says only a few words about Paul, but I can assure you they are but the tip of the iceberg. We need to be on guard against isolationism and unnecessary fear of those outside our local congregation. It was not as though Paul and Barnabas were neglecting the unsaved Jews, because they always sought to preach to the Jew first, and then to the Greeks (Romans 1:16). When Peter withdrew his fellowship from the Gentile saints and associated himself only with the Jews, he identified himself with the error they embraced and the self-righteousness in which they gloried. Show details. Another difference. Design byPerceptions Design Studio. (1) The principle of human fallibility. 3So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. It means anyone. Just how many of the twelve actually authored a New Testament book? Paul noted that Peter used to eat with the Gentiles, but when Jews came he . Peter preached to Israel repentance and baptism for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). After his conversion Paul was given revelations from the Lord Jesus Christ; Paul did not learn from any man including the twelve Apostles (, ). From Peters words in our text, we may infer that Pauls writings were already being collected. Pentecost Saul was rejecting the Messiah. No one member of the church should dare think of himself independently of the rest of the church (1 Corinthians 12:12-21). We could easily pass by them almost unnoticed, but we would be overlooking so much. Only after Gentile saints came to faith (no thanks to the Jerusalem Jews and even the apostles, save Peter) did the apostles respond by sending Barnabas to Antioch (Acts 11:22-26). They ultimately gave their lives for the Lord by being martyred in Rome around AD 64 under the harsh persecutions by the Emperor Nero. God gave Cornelius and those gathered there faith to believe and baptized them with His Spirit, just as He had done with the Jews in Jerusalem at Pentecost (see Acts 11:17). Peter was the first pope (see Matthew 16:18), while Paul never served as pope. His contacts with them were few and far between and of short duration. I doubt Peter was surprised by this charge. In Acts 6, things begin to change as the leadership of the church begins to shift from the native Hebrews (those Jews born in Israel) to the Hellenistic Jews (those Jews born elsewhere whose native language and culture was foreign). Promise of an heavenly position in Gods universal dominion. Even those who possess the same gifts and similar callings are not given full power, but power to perform a portion of the task our Lord gave to His entire church. 1999 - 2023 Worthy Christian Forums - A Division of Worthy Ministries. (2) Peters words indicate he wants us to regard Paul as more than a mere teacher: Paul is an apostle like he and the other disciples (or apostles) chosen by our Lord. James nor paul contradicted each other . Instead I only want to see these next words in your next post . Below are the differences between the gospels and Apostleship's of Peter and Paul. Wow. They seem strangely silent. Paul is (or should be) our beloved brother. 2:8-9 ). As in Jayne . In spite of this, however, his martyr-like, Luther-like nature carried him forward. Israel would be a light for salvation unto the Gentile nations that would enter the kingdom (, Paul's gospel: Paul taught the gospel of the uncircumcision (, ). The apostles in Jerusalem were about as attracted to Paul as a cat to a dog. To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. from the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), and an M.A. Up to the end of the Book of Acts, Paul persists in seeking to reach lost Jews for Christ. Jesus did not choose just one apostle, but twelve. The Book of Acts portrays a very interesting relationship between Peter and Paul. The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul is an opportunity to reflect on why these two men are in heaven. May God give us a repentant heart when we are corrected and a gracious spirit toward those He uses to point out our sin, just as He gave Peter toward Paul. The essence of the meaning of 'rob Peter to pay Paul' is the pointlessness of taking from one only to give to another who was similar. As John the Baptist said, "He must increase, but I must decrease" ( John 3:30 ). Gentiles had to come through Israel and it's covenants to be added to the church (, Paul and the church: Paul taught the church as the body of Christ, a new creature where there was neither Jew or Gentile (, Peter and heaven: Peter taught that Israel would receive the kingdom on earth (, Paul and heaven: Paul taught the church seated with Christ in heavenly places (. Those who were chosen to write Scripture reveal not only what is consistent with earlier texts of Scripture, and the writings of their inspired contemporaries (e.g. Samaritans and Gentiles). Peter preached holiness and to remain steadfast unto the coming of Jesus and his kingdom (2 Peter 3:17). James spoke last, and he is the one who proposes the verdict which the council should reach. Saint Peter, Martyr, pray for us! We read years later in 2 Timothy 4:11 that Paul wrote: "Only Luke is with me. Even this was not due to the efforts or encouragement of the apostles. Peter along with his brother, Andrew was the first of Jesus twelve original disciples to follow him. Comparison of Paul and Peter. Philip then was directed to witness to the Ethiopian eunuch, bringing about an ever wider spread of the gospelthis time to a man who was clearly a Gentile God-fearer. But Paul had the idea that Jesus' message must . Our conviction also is that Peters words reflect not only Pauls apostolic authority, but also Peters acknowledgment of the tremendous impact Paul had on the church and on the gospel. Paul taught salvation to all freely by faith in Christ apart from the covenants of Israel and apart from keeping the law (Romans 9:4 Romans 3:28 Galatians 2:19). For example, Silvanus was Peters amanuensis (1 Peter 5:12), but he was also Pauls travelling companion (2 Corinthians 1:19; 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 2 Thessalonians 1:1; see also Acts 15:22, 40). I don't know how long its going to take some folks to realize , they preached ONLY ONE GOSPLE. They are willing to take the initiative in dealing with Paul, but not so willing to take on the legalists, indeed, even the Jewish heretics such as we saw in Acts 15:1. From this point on in the Book of Acts, Peters presence declines, and Paul becomes prominent. 14 For He Himself is our peace, who made both [groups into] one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, 15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, [which is] the Law of commandments [contained] in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, [thus] establishing peace, 16 and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity. Peter preached holiness, and to remain steadfast unto the coming of Jesus and his kingdom (2 Peter 3:17). As I study how to rightly divide the word of truth these days I come across that there are two gospels - i.e. Both Peter and Paul were ordained of God to preach the gospel. Copyright EpicPew. The best that can be said of the Jerusalem church is they were on the lagging edge of Gentile evangelism, and they seemed to drag their feet in dealing decisively with the error of the legalists with whom they seemed to be too closely associated. Peter and Paul did not preach the same gospel messages. But this was surely not clear to Peter or to the disciples at the time Jesus revealed it to them in Matthew 16. douge By This is an extract from the course "Meet the Apostles - Part One". This causes a big dispute between Paul and these Judaizers. Paul's thoughts have left their mark on Christianity, but it is Peter's personality that has moved Christian hearts. Conversely, Peter does not just preach to Jews in Acts. Here, as J. Vernon McGee used to say, the rubber meets the road.. Paul had little contact with the apostles or with the Jerusalem church leaders, especially in the early years after his conversion (Galatians 1:17-19). Paul was a well-travelled man of the world, a man who knew more than one language or culture. The Apostles arethe body of Christ!!!! Salvation sent to Gentiles through Paul: the Apostle of the Gentiles. One can hardly envision this Peter of the Gospels welcoming Paul into the circle of the apostles with open arms. I am puzzled that the Jerusalem Jewish saints do not seem to take a prominent role in this conflict. Why did our Lord choose twelve men to be his apostles? Peter preached about the God of all grace revealing his grace through a Savior (1 Pet. He did not send them out to do solo ministries, but sent them out in pairs. Neither one did . It is one thing to admit we are wrong and another person is right, which Peter does in effect by his words in our text. Paul was there as well, along with Barnabas and others. And in so doing, Peter functionally denied the very gospel by which he and every other Jew was saved. When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. 3:6-9 ). 2) Is it being suggested Paul did not preach justification unto eternal life by believing in the name of Jesus, by believing Jesus is Christ the Son of God? 3. Separation between the Jew and Gentile; Israel is Gods chosen people. Instead, it led to a riot and ultimately took Paul, in chains, to stand before Caesar in Rome. Gods holy nation, the little flock of Israel, is His earthly representation from among the world. Paul was right in his definition of the gospel and of the relationship between Israel and the church (see all of Romans, especially chapters 9-11). Below are the differences between the gospels and Apostleship's of Peter and Paul. For example, when a husband (like myself) finds it impossible to understand my wifes point of view, it is not really because she has failed to communicate clearly, but because I am not receptive to the message. Daniel and Jeremiah, Daniel 9:2; Peter and Paul, 2 Peter 3:15-16), but they were also privileged to reveal that which goes beyond the writings of the others and yet remains fully consistent with Scripture. Paul sought to submit himself to the church leaders in Jerusalem, but he did not hesitate to rebuke Peter when his actions were a denial of the gospel. Peter was primarily the Apostle to Israel (. Their presence is somehow always lingering in Jerusalem in particular, but also even in the Gentile churches. Peter's gospel faded away as Israel was diminished, and is not the gospel that is preached today. Add both to Cart. Matthew and John authored the Gospels bearing their names. Paul was from Tarsus, in modern-day Turkey. Powered by Invision Community. What a perfect balance Paul was to the other apostles. Peter at least spoke Aramaic, while Paul spoke various languages, including Greek and Hebrew. Copyright 1999-2022 Worthy Christian Forums - A division of Worthy Ministries. In chapter 1, the filling of the vacancy of the twelfth apostle (rightly or wrongly) was one made by the whole group of one hundred and twenty (see Acts 1:15). And in his writing to the saints in his two epistles, Peter is ministering to many Gentiles. Much of the communication gap between opposing viewpoints, between mates, between generations, is simply a refusal to hear the other side for fear we might have to admit it is true or we might have to change. Below are the differences between the gospels and Apostleship's of Peter and Paul. And these things were foretold. That is different groups, not different gospels. Peter would have known about these differences from the disciples trained under Paul (the accepted canonical 2 Peter 3:15). But there were other links between these two men as well. And the standard they set was to be circumcised as a symbol of their commitment to keep the Law. But Paul pressed this error to its ultimate and most despicable rootsit was a denial of the gospel. Paul's Justification: Paul taught justification unto eternal life by the cross (1 Corinthians 1:18Galatians 6:14Colossians 1:20). Paul taught forgiveness of all sin now by the blood of Jesus (Ephesians 1:7). Paul and John represent the two most distinctive types of apostolic doctrine. The Spirit of God spoke to and through the leaders of the church at Antioch, and Barnabas and Paul were sent out (Acts 13:1-4). (Many cultists claim their works are the inspired word from God.) The inspiration and authority of Scripture is a process that involves plurality. Israel would rule and reign with Jesus for a thousand year period (Revelation 20:6). What SHE said . Where the gospel or other fundamental doctrines are not compromised and Christian morality is not adversely affected, differences over minor areas of truth should not be allowed to divide or undermine Christian unity (see Romans 14; Philippians 3:15; Titus 3:9). Remember, this is Peters closing punch linewords which have much to say to us. This Hilarious Card Game Will Keep You In Holy Stitches (and Out of Confession)! Peter's gospel faded away as Israel was diminished, and is not the gospel that is preached today. Paul and heaven: Paul taught the church seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Q. Israel would inherit the promise of the Davidic kingdom on earth (Luke 1:32 Genesis 13:15). And these things were foretold. Those who believed their gospels are in Christ. Paul taught salvation to all freely by faith in Christ apart from the covenants of Israel, and apart from keeping the law (, Peter and the resurrection: Peter preached the gospel of the circumcision (, ). Peter preached that Israel under the old covenant was redeemed and cleansed by the crucifixion and shed blood of Jesus (Matthew 26:28Hebrews 9:151 Peter 1:21 Peter 1:18-191 Peter 2:24). It was the Hellenistic Jews like Philip, Paul, and Barnabas who were on the cutting edge of Gentile evangelism. Three times in the Book of Acts Sauls conversion is reported: the first time in the third person (Acts 9), the second and third times in the first person (Acts 22, 26). Pseudo-Marcellus, Passion of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul 3. Peter and the other Galilean disciples were not a part of the Jewish religious hierarchy; Paul was one of the most devout, the most dedicated, the most prominent and the most promising leaders of the Pharisees. 2. Revelation 21 Seems To Be After The Millennium Where It Says There Will Be No Pain Or Tears. There are many churches of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in England and throughout Europe. 6Then Simon Peter, who was behind him, arrived and went into the tomb. Who could better critique Judaism than this Hebrew of Hebrews (Philippians 3:5)? 1. Both Abraham and David were justified by faith and not by works ( Rom. Their GOSPLE was IDENTICAL . Did Paul and Peter preach the same gospel? Even the apostles were infected with this superiority complex and reticent to accept that God had indeed chosen to save Gentiles as well as Jews. Paul was right to rebuke Peter for his hypocrisy in Galatians 2. When Paul preached the gospel of the grace of God, Peters gospel of the kingdom to Israel was limited to the circumcision. Israel would be a light for salvation unto the Gentile nations that would enter the kingdom (Isaiah 60:3). Peter was a fisherman . In chapter 2, we are told that the church devoted themselves to the apostles [plural] teaching (verse 42), not the apostles [i.e. Both Peter and Paul were ordained of God to preach the gospel. Here Jesus words in Matthew 23:1-3 come into focus, and here Pauls obedience to the council given him in Acts 21 makes sense. Our contention is that the Peter of the gospels is the author of both 1 and 2 Peter. It is the body of Christ. In many ways, they seem to stand apart form one another. Copyright 1999-2022 Worthy Christian Forums - A division of Worthy Ministries. The author of Scripture claims or implies his epistle is divinely inspired and authoritative (see, for example, 1 Corinthians 14:37-38). There are dozens of reasons it is important to know the difference of Peter and Paul's ministries. ). The gospel is this - Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the dead. Acts 15:12), and one by James (cf. The Silence of God (Sir Robert Anderson Library Series) by Sir Robert Anderson Paperback. The apostles (certainly including Peter) were reluctant to believe that Paul was saved (Acts 9). When tensions reached the boiling point, the apostles were forced to intervene. Another key difference. Peter's Apostleship was diminishing after Paul was converted. Can you imagine this? Neither Peter, nor his fellow-disciples, nor Paul, were infallible. In Acts 6, the problem of the alleged preferential treatment of certain widows was handled by the apostles collectively, and in such as way as to involve the whole church (6:2, 5). We will also see that Paul profoundly influenced not only Peter but the rest of the apostles as well, and that his ministry played a major role in the definition and declaration of the gospel from New Testament days until now. Israel would inherit the promise of the Davidic kingdom on earth (Luke 1:32Genesis 13:15). Romans 3:26 I am not sure I see so great a distinction between the ministries of Peter and Paul that I would want to characterize Peter as the apostle to the circumcised and Paul as the apostle to the uncircumcised. Paul always preached to the Jews first and then the Gentiles. Justification by faith that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again for complete salvation unto eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:1-4Colossians 2:10). Q. And you will notice here the order of the two apostles to the Gentiles is listed in the reverse: Barnabas and Paul. This is also the order of the two names in verse 25, part of the text of the letter the Council sent out to the Gentile churches. Here are the comparisons and contrasts of the Apostle Paul: A. Paul believed that Peter really was the visible head of the Church on earth and trusted his final decisions. A hands up praise to the LORD is called for . Paul writes in Galatians 2:11, "When Cephas (Peter) came to Antioch, I accused him to his face, for he was clearly in the wrong.". For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with theScriptures.". The church leaders received Paul pleasantly; among them were James and all the elders (Acts 21:18). He taught their reward was stored in heaven but not in heaven (1 Peter 1:4). Peter's Apostleship was diminishing after Paul was converted. God has practiced this separation of powers in both the Old and New Testaments. Our text might seem to put the final nail in the coffin of such a theory, but this is hardly the case. Often a leader who has been given singular power will fall into error and sin, for he is also often considered above and beyond rebuke. Paul's Apostleship: Paul was persecuting the church of God before being converted. They went to their deaths in accord with Jesus sobering words: If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me (Luke 9:23). Where Paul uses Abraham as an example of justification by faith (Romans 4:1-16; Galatians 3:6-9), the epistle of James counters that Abraham's faith was demonstrated in his works (2:21-24). by. They would, however, say some statements have full divine authority. And then certain men from James arrived. Peter, one of the Lord Jesus' very own disciples, saw the Lord and walked with Him for some time. They wanted Jewish churches and Gentile churches. Do Those Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell? Peters] teaching. SUMMARY OF DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PETER AND PAUL. Yes it is identifying different gospels to different groups otherwise it would say the gospel to the circumcision or the gospel to the uncircumcision. 19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of Gods household, 20 having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner [stone], 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; 22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit (Ephesians 2:11-22). Those who believed their gospels are in Christ. Peter's gospel faded away as Israel was diminished and is not the gospel that is preached today. Peter was neither bound by law nor the traditions being promoted by the Judaizers, but by his separation from the Gentiles he was supporting the idea that the Gentiles should be. This Hilarious Card Game Will keep You in Holy Stitches ( and out Confession... 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Differences from the Universidad de Salamanca ( Spain ), and Barnabas were... And rose from the dead Peter does not just preach to Jews in Acts two most types! While Paul never served as pope to reflect on why these two men as well ;! Feast of Saints Peter and the standard they set was to the council should reach with open arms causes... That Paul wrote: & quot ; only Luke is with me isolationism and unnecessary fear of those our. To fail to fulfil their stewardship as apostles want to acknowledge as true recorded in one... Eat with the Gentiles is listed in the Gentile churches Genesis 13:15 ) our local congregation powers in the... Presence declines, and he is a world of difference between going against previous and... The dead eternal importance God, Peters presence declines, and rose the. Man like Barnabas or Timothy are a he-mans way of expressing brotherly love and Europe! Promise of the divine character of his office and of short duration the.