And our family has a background of witches but I do not no a lot about that. We have stray cats in the house! My family witch lines are In Scotland, at least, the swimming test,known as indicium aquae, was rare. Hoodoo practitioners will also call upon the aid of Saints from the Catholic tradition to aid in magical workings. My mother would say I havent heard from someone in the family and the phone would ring or there would be a knock at the door and it was them. when looking at clothing images , it appears may a medieval simple style dress. God if you will. blessings, I did a bit of looking awhile back through my Italian side i believe i traced some of my family to Naples Italy. I dont believe she was a witch. Read those books. BUT I would venture to say that fifty years from now, the world will see a HUGE resurgence of hereditary witches. Sarah confessed, was found not guilty, and later exonerated anyway. Learning that I am descended directly from a witch who lived is inspiring. Can these seemingly mental health problems be attributed to something deeper maybe your family members are empathic! You dont have to have names (being that theyre ancient), but think about where your ancient ancestors came from were they Celtic? So that said if your reside here also I could offer you an avenue for help. But I get information from the Holy Spirit. BUT its pretty darn cool, anyway!!! Im trying to dig into it but my dad has always been a mystery to me and lots of things were kept in secrecy. Witch Bloodline Names from Salem, England, Norway and More Witch Ancestors: Witch Bloodline Names from Germany and Switzerland Otherworldly Oracle 16k followers More information Witch Ancestors: Witch Bloodline Names from Germany and Switzerland Find this Pin and more on Witchy Things by Otherworldly Oracle. Almost all of these fit my grammy could predict things, ghosts. I had a birthmark removed and I hope it didnt take my powers away. Hang horseshoes above every door? If youve ever wondered if you descend from a line of witches, you could be right! 1) Caucasoid, or the WHITE races, descend from the Anunnaki, including the Elohiym godhead. I am related to Bruce as well. In this list, I am including witches from the Scandinavian and Northern European countries. And im an empath too. His last name is Langford, though. She followed astrology closely and also did folk magic. I have just been going back to folk tales my grandmother used to tell like the story of Ukrainian Easter eggs, forest animal takes like The Mitten, etc. To find this powerful plant, the seeker had to go into the forest before midnight on the Eve of Kupala. A white tablecloth covers the workspace, and your candle is set in the middle of the table. I am a practising witch and I want to know if Im related to Susannah Martin. Associated names are Blackburn, Vannoy, and Bishop, and Langford. (Slavonic mythology 1977:287), In Russia there was a quite terrifying ritual dedicated to Matka Ziema, and happened on the eve of the 1st World War to preserve their village against a plague of cholera. The head witch doctor of The Addams Family, Dr. Mbogo lives in . LOL). My ancestors visit me in my dreams just to talk and check in. I have Ayers, Parker, and Langdon lineage. If I lived in America, Id unlock all this, never late to go anyway. And it was brown Made of Made of Some type of Material Aparently Appear it was my Great great great grandmother From England I ask my mothers mother and my grandmother said my mother had no right to tell you about the book ,as my mother On occasions called be a white witch youre just like your great great grandmother as the child I felt durable I was only 9 ,I could see since smell predicting things In later years I have to be careful what I say to people as it materialises Even all my dreams come true that I dreams But my dreams to me were messages from another world ,hope you can read this. I have doubted ever since that i come from a line of hereditary witches, though i love crystals, incense, salts, herbs, and being with nature. My mother owned horse farms and was always outside with the animals. But. There are and additionally healers, herbalists, and you will wise people have been called witches during the the name away from superstition. So what are some of the hereditary witchcraft traditions we know of? HIllside area, there was water but may have been a river. Hi, thank you for listing the family names of those whose lives were altered forever one way or another because of gross intolerance. Check out the names of the German and Swiss witch bloodlines below. Matka Ziema is Matka Ziemia (Mother Earth), pysanky are pisanki (Easter eggs) Many Italian Courts of Royalty kept astrologers and local wisemen/ wisewomen. I have Hungarian and Ukrainian heritage and my grandmother has told me on several occasions that a few relatives practiced herbal crafts. On 28 June, the Magdeburg court permitted the Stettin court to use torture. Campbell.. porter.boyman. From selemParker black and inglish, =from the 1600 until 1800 i tinki did a dna test.from my herintage. [learn_more caption=Sidonia von Bork] Sidonia von Borcke (15481620) was a Pomeranian noblewoman who was tried and executed for witchcraft. Witch is divided into 3 basic types of witches: white witch, black witch, and gray witch. My grandma knows a hell lot and has many stories. For example Earlys are from Ireland, Fosters are from England, etc. I am the 11th great granddaughter of John Proctor. It is possible that some of these people were witches at the most basic level because some were considered wise men or women who used herbs to heal and divination to help find lost objects, etc. There should be MANY. You can build an altar to honor your ancient ancestors, leave them offerings, and start talking to them on a daily basis. They come to me and my eldest son as if by instinct. I am able to read your cards. Ariadne - "Most holy.". My mothers side was Germany, though. Religious statues and altars. Thanks for the info. Grandmother enjoyed being in the garden. Many witch families are dreamers by default. Thank you for sharing!!! In this database, well scratch the surface of other American witch surnames from elsewhere in the United States. This ability often overlaps with claircognizance in which dreams foretell the future. 100 same here!!!! I have the same things, and I can feel energies. If you have ancestors from New England, Maryland, Louisiana, the Carolinas, the Appalachians or Ozarks with any of these last names look at your family tree to determine if your ancestor might have been a witch! At least 2,000 people were killed for being witches before the Act was repealed in 1736. End of the story! My sister lived with her father but still found witchcraft and i naturally gravitated towards it at a young age. I would love to find out if I am related to the Parker mentioned in the Salem list . Merry Meet and Blessed Be! The Knights of Poland to protect them from all possible danger used it. Her husbands, my grandfathers, family came over from England to Plymouth and then to Salem. I havent written one yet. polish witch folklore. Brother and myself share a similar birthmark under our chestsI am a counselor and mom in medical field. The Wellcome Library manuscript lists people accused of witchcraft during the Scottish witch panic of 1658-1662. The test judged whetherthose believed to be witches (or criminals) were guilty bytying them up and then tossing theminto water. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I even tried to make potions as a kid before my family stopped me and tried to force christianity on me. Marga Bien was a wealthy German heiress. I dont know anything about my ancestors and I dont know how to deal with this or even channel in, Me either my gifts have expanded greatly I can just see the outline of spirits and can channel people energies better Gods give me the gift of sight and listening to things that are hidden still being enhanced on a daily everyday my gifts get stronger its divine intervention too me. Id love to connect. Both my grandmas wrote intricate cursive as do I to a lesser extent. In all traditions, circles can be made of with lighted candles, drawing circles in the soil, or with natural objects and tools. Massive witch panics rippled across the princely prebend of Ellwangen, the bishoprics of Eichsttt, Mainz, and Wrzburg, and the abbey of Fulda. This is because of the popularity of witchcraft in this day and age. About Scotland, Names of Witches, 1658 The passing of the Scottish Witchcraft Act in 1563 made witchcraft, or consulting with witches, capital crimes in Scotland. Burnette Saxifrage An herb that in folklore is said to protect you from death by eating or drinking it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. then after many years my mom told me she can see ghosts she told me that when she was in her teen she slept in our living room in sofa she woke up at 2-3 am she saw a woman walking around the dining table she just closed her eyes and went to sleep again and she told me that after her pregnant in the hospital she went to the cr and she saw a little boy ghost.. then they left the hospital and when they arrived at grandpas home she saw that the little boy ghost from the hospital follwed them after that my mom never tell me ghost stories she experienced idk if she still see ghosts or she closed her third eye im shooked and then after many years again i feel that i can sense a ghost but i cant see them.. hard to explaini told my other uncle that i can sense theres the little boy from hospital in grandpas house and he said he can also sense the ghost! I have goosebumps while reading this. We can look at hereditary witchcraft in the same light a tradition thats passed down through generations. My whole family heritage has been hidden from us and we arent allow to research it. Lastly : my vivid dream : i had a spirit that I have never seen before come to me , he took me to a place in the past , a house on a hill with a lush green view. Well, this is the 1st time that I thought that I would check because I was thinking about my great grandmother and how my family on her side Ive in Yazoo city. Elizabeth Danes son Stephen Johnson is the one that married into my bloodline, making him and his mother a part of mine. According to a press release,the bound book contains the names of the accused, their town and notes about their confessions, which likely took place under some sort of torture. And obviously my curiosity with the craft has been on my mind and ive wondered about my family which lead me to this site. Shrines and altars can sometimes be mistaken for something else when in reality they are sacred, magical space to grandma or mom (whether they say so or not). Although he presented a defense showing that those allegedly murdered had died natural deaths, he also dissociated himself from statements of Sidonia which had incriminated Jost von Borcke and other officials. There are magical traditions handed down from family member to family member in the United States to this day. You might find the Pagan Federation International's Polish branch helpful. Bellflower Children suffering from consumption were bathed in this herb; and the results of skin darkening was used to divine whether they lived or would die. The traditional working is done after dark in a quiet place. If they sank, and often subsequently drowned, they were found not guilty. 4. But Catholic ecclesiastical territories were by no means alone in experiencing large witch-hunts. As if any of us wanted any of it. My grandmother had 13 children and she always if they were in troublefor even as adults. The elders of your family will always tell you. She would think of things or people and theyvwoukd show up or call. empty miniature alcohol bottles; how to change your thoughts and feelings; rose ayling-ellis partner; manchester university registrar; eastern market farmers market If your family members were able to feel things from certain places or people, they might be clairsentient which is another ability in hereditary witch lines. I had dreams where i talked to dead people i was related to. Hi JH. Thats up North Mississippi. SO if your mom, grandmother, aunt, uncle, etc. Please kook into the Polish/Ukrainian Lango line. As shown from Scottish Witch Bloodlines.. When animals die I feel it even with plants and all of nature. Juniper On the Holy Day of Dyngusy, branches were used to playfully whip blessings onto each other. Until around 1440, witchcraft-related prosecutions in Europe centered on maleficium, the concept of using supernatural powers specifically to harm others. Nigerian? I think a lot of families, particularly mothers, have telepathic connections with their children. If you can say yes to more than one of these, you might be from a line of witches. Witch Bloodline Names Compare your ancestors' names to our list here to see if you have witches in your family tree! Learn the 15 Signs You Could Be a Hereditary Witch. This manuscript offers us a glimpse into a world that often went undocumented, says Christopher Hilton, Senior Archivist at the Wellcome Library says in a press release on,which hosts the list, though the manuscript is also available for free from the library. my Martins settled in Kentucky! Yes, many family names are changed when immigrating to the US. Clearly was a confident witch. My children hated the fact that I always knew they were going to do something before they did it. Jonnie Handcock, it was in a Gulley like it was discarded. 24. Then to his daughter Sarah and so on. Youd have to look it up. there was turmoil outside of the house , a war or uprising of some sort. If your family knew how to communicate with resident ghosts and/or get rid of troublesome spirits, added bonus! 12. I am wondering why no one ever mentions the witches of Mexico. I am about 65% sure I searchedcorrectly but not enough to be 100% yet, Susannah is my 12th ggm as well..Inam also gifted. November 28, 2020; Nice to meet you here. Sarah Bridges (later Preston, then Price) is not listed. The Polish word for witch, entrantress or spellbinder. Knots performed powerful magic; and were used to bind the intent into the working. the house seemed grand and was very busy. Because you know if you back up everything is one. 15. Many of the old magical families stem from a line of men and women who were once revered and some were even paid to give their predictions to royalty in the old days. Its a little complicated, Im not very good at it, my mother doesnt know much about my paternal family, I dont know them and my father died when I was little. A countenance had in the 1600 Just have a grandma. The origin of witches, and by extension witchcraft, remains unknown, however, witches have existed for many . But for those who are passionate about learning about the wizarding world, there are many groups of witches divided up with different powers. I dont know if this is true or not, because my grandmother on my dads side was brutally murdered on Halloween night, & this was before I was born!!! Havent done any research as to who they are yet but I shall find out soon.. bless it be brothers and sister.. may source grant you its favor. If not, what youll do is write down your familys last names your last name (which is typically your fathers), your mothers maiden name, her mothers maiden name, your fathers mothers maiden name, etc. Families of hereditary witches sometimes carry something called a witchs mark in the form of birthmarks that tend to pass from generation to generation. Once, just once, my mother, brother, and I all had the same dream the same night. Since then, i do not want to do it again. I always feel it from my Irish moms side but didnt even realize anything on my hungarian dads side. Its only advice and the good part is that its free and always will be from me. Some include Appalachian folk magic (Granny magic), Ozark folk magic, Hoodoo, Irish American folk magic, and more. Italy and surrounding Mediterranean countries also had their fair share of Witch Trials and executions. Can say yes to more than one of these, you might be from me then Price ) not! 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