TOP #25: Debunking 8 Common Homemade Dog Food Diet Myths, TOP #26: Who Benefits from Homemade Dog Food the Most. The day they brought her home you would not even know she had surgery. She will also be so much cleaner, calmer and an affectionate dog, according to veterinarians. When a female dog is in heat, her genitals swell, and she lets out a scent that can be traced for up to a mile and attract unwanted attention from male canines. Awwww poor baby :( I went with the traditional "under the knife" spaying for Sasha but my sis opted for the laser for her baby chow-chow. He is less likely to hump other pets or objects. Hormonal imbalance and diseases related to it. But another study has shown that castration may increase the progression of tumors (11). Type above and press Enter to search. The obvious downside to having your dog spayed is that shes never going to be able to bear puppies. RELATED:8 Laws All Dog Owners Should Be Aware Of. The more heat periods she has, the greater the risk that she may be developing breast cancer. For some, it is a way to help control the pet population. If I think of it, I will ask their opinion. Spaying has become such a standard practice that many of us don't give it a second thought. It has been observed in the above-discussed studies that spaying your dog increases the risk of deadly canine cancers, including lymphoma and hemangiosarcoma. And plenty of really smart veterinarians even wonder whether spays and neuters in dogs should even be performed as elective surgeries at all. Yes, in general. Hand engraving has a history dating back centuries, but in recent decades, due to the increasing popularity of laser engraving technology, hand engraving has gradually fallen out of favor as a method of creating metal art. For a family that is living paycheck to paycheck, thats money that would normally go to groceries, the power bill, or other necessary items. Your email address will not be published. Before moving to the pros and cons of this procedure, lets find out the history of how this started in the first place. This article will look at the advantages and disadvantages of spaying and neutering dogs based on what veterinarians say and the most current research. It reduces the street pet population. for even the shorter, safer, laser surgery. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Neutering is the de-sex procedure of male dogs where their testicles (or gonads) are removed. What Are The Pros And Cons Of The LG V10 Phone? Pros And Cons Recap. Know that you're not alone in this because many pet owners are given conflicting information on whether neutering and spaying dogs is necessary and whether it's good or bad for their health. While you may not have to shoulder any of the responsibility of the new litter, if you choose to help, there is the cost of pet food and veterinary care bills. The pain meds are generally pretty standard procedure after any type of surgery, but all dogs are different and Angel may, or may not, need them. Despite general praise for the basic safety of early spays and neuters, pet owners and veterinarians throughout the world continue to question the optimal age for these procedures. What Are The Pros & Cons Of Living In Vero Beach, FL? Lower testosterone levels can result in health problems such as hip and elbow dysplasia, as well as an increased risk of tearing a cruciate ligament in the knee. TOP #32: Is Homemade Dog Food As Healthy As We Think It Is? Spaying prevents the stress of repeated heat cycles. The pain meds may also mean that happens but their sedative effect counteracts it a bit. Why Do Some People Love Animals More Than Humans? It seems that waiting until puberty the traditional approach has a downside they sought to circumvent by getting the deed out of the way early on. Spaying isa similarprocedure of sterilization for female dogs. Hemangiosarcoma is a rapidly growing, highly invasive kind of cancer which occurs almost exclusively in dogs. When a female dog is in. You may have noticed your dogs need to lift his leg and spray. . However, there are also definite and proven advantages to fixing your dog. The pain meds may also mean that happens but their sedative effect counteracts it a bit. You can avoid weight gain and dog obesity issues by using an adequate amount of regular exercise, understanding dog food and proper nutrition, and otherwise providing your female canine with a healthy and stress-free lifestyle. If you are thinking of breeding your fur friend, you may want to consider waiting to spay or neuter them. Its crucial to think hard before deciding to continue with the method because someday you would possibly change your mind and wish to own puppies from your dog. Spaying takes place under general anesthesia, which carries risks of developing blood clots, arrhythmia, and respiratory depression while dogs are under. Concerning yourself with dog spaying or neutering a dog while your pet is still a young puppy is a good way to plan, but not rush into that. Most experts agree that you should spay your dog at around four to six months old. Because the laser can affect tissues deeper in the abdomen, if the laser goes too deep through the tissues, the bladder or intestines can be lased as well as the body wall. The Pros and Cons of Early Spays and Neuters In Pets, Short-term results and complications of prepubertal gonadectomy in cats and dogs, Early Spay-Neuter Clinical Considerations, Frostbite In Dogs: Top 5 Signs (And How To Treat It). Pyometra can also be found in spayed dogs. Also, you should ask your vet whether your dog will receive IV fluids during the procedure. What Are The Pros and Cons of Living in Apollo Beach, FL? In addition, prostate cancer incidence is reduced, and the risk of testicular cancer is reduced. Of course, 3D CT scanning is a slower process. It was discovered that neutering before or after five and a half months had no effect on health outcomes, and there were differences in a few of these, but no clear overall health advantage. Since neutering your dog involves removing the main source of testosterone, it can help mellow out your male dog, according to research (9). What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living In Lakeland Florida? There are techniques to avoid hitting other organs with the laser, but it is more time consuming. They were both glued together and if you didn't know they'd had the surgery, you wouldn . Cats and dogs who are spayed or neutered have an average lifespan that is significantly longer than those who are not. Neutering dogs appears to remove or completely eliminate for so many diseases including some cancers and infections which could be fatal. We had our dog laser neutered. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living In Orlando Florida? Is the laser surgery really what its cracked up to be??? Here are some more papers: Short-term results and complications of prepubertal gonadectomy in cats and dogs: In this 1997 study of 775 cats and 1,213 dogs, prepubertal gonadectomy did not increase morbidity or mortality on a short-term basis, compared with gonadectomy performed on animals at the traditional age. This nasty condition develops carbuncles around your dog's anus and is often very complicated to treat. It saves households money. Lots of veterinarians seem to agree. Spaying - The Negative Side. Some studies haveshown (8) that about 1 in 5 dogs will have complications after surgery under general anesthesia. It all depends on how you take care of your dog and how responsible you are as a pet owner. Finally, neutering keeps your dog from breeding, as I have mentioned above. Its a permanent thing and theres no turning back. Studies have shown that dogs spayed before puberty have a significantly lower chance of developing breast cancer than unspayed dogs or dogs spayed later in life. If a bitch has one season she has a 10% chance of ovarian or mammory cancer, if two season then 20% chance later in life of cancer etc. You know Angel best so use your instincts too. Based on all the evidence we currently have, most dogs are neutered or spayed much too early, increasing the risk of further health problems and complications. Thank-you so much for your advice. One may argue that the term fixing a dog may be misleading or even ironic since the evidence on whether it should or should not be done is not conclusive. Ive never had that option available to use with my dogs but its probably one that I would seriously consider if it were. I enjoy spending time with my husband, 2 kids and Big G in my free time. For canines who were neutered at the wrong age in their lives, or if the process was done poorly, studies show a high risk of hip dysplasia, problems with ligaments, and even the potential to develop bone cancer known as osteosarcoma, according to the above-mentioned studies. It means fewer animal offspring, lower lifetime costs for a pet, and the potential of having a happier, longer living animal as well. Do Female Dogs Change After the Spaying Procedure? However, most of these complications will not be very serious with a meager death rate. Both neutering and spaying refer to the most common sterilization methods, most often used with dogs, but many other animals go through this. Reduction of behavioral issues Cons of Spaying Dogs 1. I learned the hard way----and the expensive way-that he is just a big baby! Even though the terms neutering and spaying are used in veterinary medicine, the term neuter will most often refer to removing reproductive organs in the dog for both sexes. If both breasts and prostates are intact, the chances of dog cancer are quite low. Spaying and neutering can also help your pet be less likely to roam, and can help reduce the number of territorial disputes between animals. A final positive aspect of spaying your cat is that spayed cats tend to have fewer health problems. Speak with your doctor if you are unsure. In 1972, the ASPCA required sterilization for all the adopted animals. Pets undergoing surgery must be weighed and their diet adjusted with the assistance of a veterinarian. A small camera and surgical instruments are passed through specialized ports into the abdomen. Regardless of the technique that is employed, your dog will need pain control during and after the procedure. On average, the incision from neutering or spaying your dog should heal around 10 to 14 days. Being in heat is often accompanied by a bloody discharge from the vulva which can stain her coat (and your carpets, clothing and furniture!) It reduces potential health problems. If you decide to find homes for your new puppies, that may prove to be much harder than you think. Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment in the follicle. It appears that spaying or neutering your dog much too early is very likely to cause joint disorders, and potentially obesity, and maybe even cancer. Hi its me again with a question about spaying.Angel is getting ready for her spaying as she 5+ months now. But despite our achievements, we still have such a lot to try and do. Dog owners will usually have their puppies spayed or neutered around the age of 6 months or earlier. Rottweiler Behavior Explained Separating Myth From Fact, Parvo In Puppies What You Need To Know About Symptoms and Treatment. An accuracy of +/-0.1mm gives you the chance to achieve a high level of precision without requiring any after treatment. Im not a veterinarian so Id really advise you to discuss your concerns about spaying with him/her Im going to share what I know but its not professional advice or knowledge! Reduces the chances of mammary cancer. Just like neutering, spaying is a surgery that requires anesthesia. One of the negatives of laser welding is the high initial . but the fact that she can push through the pain may mean that she overdoes things a bit. Bob Barker encouraged watchers of The Price is Right to spay and neuter their pets at the close of many broadcasts. I hope this helps some Dont worry about asking your vet a million questions, its better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. Id prefer to see a traditional-aged spay but Id settle for prepubertal spays in communities that have been found to carry a high risk of reproductive non-compliance. Spayed a dog often starts gaining weight at an increased rate after the procedure, most likely due to changes in metabolism and hormonal structure. In its technical term, spaying is the surgical procedure of sterilization. For male shelter pups,Zeuterinappears to be a lower risk alternative to traditional prepuberal castration. Neutered dogs become overweight when owners feed the exact same amount of food as before their dog was neutered. Hemorrhage is not common when a skilled surgeon spays a dog, and the type of bleeding that occurs as an infrequent complication during spays can not be stopped by a laser. Normally, owners must keep the puppies with their mother until they are about 6 weeks old and then try to find a home for them. What Are The Pros & Cons Of Living In St. Augustine, FL? Prevention of unwanted pregnancy 2. Discovering La Quinta Inns Pet-Friendly Accommodations: Tips For Finding The Perfect Pet-Friendly Stay, A Guide To Pet-Friendly Hotels In Clearwater Florida. It is highly cost-effective. They will guard it against any unfriendly visitor. Spay the dog after she is at least six years old. Spaying a dog prevents your female canine from getting pregnant. Because the symptoms of pancreatitis are still present in some cases, it is possible that the condition will continue to affect the dog for the rest of its life. Expect your dog not to eat as much the first day after surgery, but this should quickly change. Spaying prevents animals from going into heat and eliminates the risk of pregnancy, while neutering prevents animals from fathering offspring. In North America, most animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and humane societies highly recommend (read: force) pet owners to spay or neuter their dogs to prevent further problems to an already huge overpopulation of domestic animals. However, it also has the downside of developing certain cancers, hypothyroidism etc. Additionally, some dog guardians think that it is better to wait until their dog is fully grown before having the procedure done. Dissolvable sutures are used to keep the surrounding tissues from irritating the body over time, but they dissolve as the body heals. A thorough physical examination is performed on your pet before the procedure to ensure that he or she is in good health. admin Paige. . I just Googled it and it's about an average of $200 more than the regular. Some states are even required by law to spay or neuter dogs before they can be adopted. If this happens as a result of the surgery as far as I know theres really not a lot that can be done to improve things. Rottweilers tend to have a very high tolerance for pain and there are pros and cons to that. Roaming, a common male dog behavior in search of mates, usually goes away after neutering. It will also help in keeping adog from chasing a female in heat. Neutering (males) provides a number of advantages in addition to reduced testicular cancer incidence, a reduction in unwanted cats, puppies, and dogs, and a longer lifespan. Most commonly cited two main reasons for dog neuteringare: Overpopulation of dogs. This problem can be solved by decreasing your pet's meal portion and take them for more exercise. It may end up saving you money. Possible Illness - Spaying may increase the occurrence of urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, and hypothyroidism. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living In Jacksonville Fl? It is common for dogs to bark less after being spayed or neutered. From everything I learned, I thought the laser was supposed to be less pain, and easier on the dog than with the knife spay. Similar to spaying your dog as a female, neutered male dogs can experience the case of hypothyroidism, and studies have shown that neutering will almost triple the risk of obesity, as was discussed above. If we waited until puberty (at about six months of age) to sterilize all puppies and kittens, they correctly reasoned, some pets would doubtless slip through the cracks, thereby compounding the crisis weve worked so hard to combat since the near-dawn of US pet keeping. There could also be a link between the increased desire for freedom and the prevalence of altered pets. sterilization, like any other surgical procedure, has some anesthetic and surgical risks, but the overall complication rate is very low. My daughter just graduated from Cornell Vet school and will be with us for the holidays this weekend along with her Cornell vet boyfriend. It also beats the cost of treatment when your. You'll notice tighter skin and improved tone and texture almost immediately. It can be expensive. What are the Pros and Cons of the LG G5 Phone? In fact, spaying has been the key factor in reducing the number of euthanized dogs and cats from 23.4 million in 1970 to just under 3 million now. Weighing the pros and cons of a spay or neuter is a daunting task. What are some pros and cons of spaying female dogs? The Pros And Cons Of Living In Navarre, Fl. It reduces potential health problems. Spaying a dog will eliminate the risk of your female dog developing cancer of her uterus, cancer of ovaries, or reproductive tract. Weigh the Pros and Cons of Laser Hair Removal Sam Garst 10/03/2022 12:00pm 8 minute read. 2. Every year millions of unwanted animals are euthanized in the United States. 17-20 laparoscopic spay may have the advantage of decreasing postoperative pain, complications, and recovery time, but the literature is inconsistent, and Detecting this horrid disease is often very difficult and the evidence suggests that as your female dog becomes elderly she is more likely to get it than not. Also, you would have no idea how the new puppies are being treated or if they are safe. A few weeks after a heat period, some intact females act as though they're going to have pups. Neutering is thought to increase the risk of cancer, including lymphomas and osteosarcomas. It is a totally different pain with laser but I can't say it was better. Can be invisible if using infra-red (IR) beam; Will not be detected with typical radio frequency (RF) finders; Can be turned on/off at will - avoiding further detections; Cons. Thank you for open discussion of the pros and cons of each type of surgery. Conclusion: for certain types of inspection services, 3D laser scanning is the best bet. I also read that a lot of dogs leak urine after being spayed never connected it before to my last dog but she did leak most her life and I wonder now if the two were connected. What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Google Pixel 4A? Therefore, there's a chance that your male canine will react poorly to anesthesia itself, and as previously indicated,1 in 5 dogsmay have further health complications after surgery under general anesthesia. Let's start at the beginning to understand what spaying and neutering dogs really means, what this surgery looks like, and what it entails for you and your pet. If your dog is spayed before 2-1/2 years old, she is less likely to develop mammary tumors (about half are malignant). Here's a quick recap. More work is needed to establish the long-term effects on health and behavior. Spaying at any age offers your dog almost complete protection against pyometra afterwards. Spaying a female dog means removing her reproductive organs. How much safer than regular surgury? neutering and spacing your dog is an important part of responsible dog care. My sister just had her doodle spayed traditionally too, and she was fine the next day. In a lot of cases, working to such a high standard means no extra tolerances are necessary. Neutering refers to castration, or the removal of a male dog's testicles. What Are The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Pros and Cons? Finally, abnormal vulvas can trap bacteria and cause dermatitis, vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, all of which should be considered. Read less 1 Likes Dr. Louis Gotthelf 2,366 satisfied customers Hi, Dr. Barchas, I recently adopted a 5 month old puppy that has not been spayed. But in a small proportion of dogs it can remain a long-term issue. A quick science-based overview of what we know today: Dog Spaying: 3 Pros and 3 Cons Samsung Galaxy S7 Pros and Cons Worth The Money? I earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Duke University, a Masters of Science in Biology from St Georges University, and graduated from the University of Pretoria Veterinary School in South Africa. Once castrated, a male dog's endocrine system starts to function differently, and hormonal levels are affected, resulting in lower thyroid levels, resulting in very rapid weight gain and potentially dog obesity. Weight gain. This technique has contributed to controlling overall population levels of the unwanted dogs. Spaying and neutering a pet is very safe, usually quite cost effective, and it will help to control the pet population. While you can treat hypothyroidism with medication after you consult with a vet and confirm that it's definitely the case, you must address your dog's weight gain separately. but the fact that she can push through the pain may mean that she overdoes things a bit. The answers to these two questions are, in my mind, more important than the vets choice of cutting instrument. Neutering your male will help to reduce his obsession with this behavior. There is an estimated 70 million street pets in the United States right now that dont have a home. The practice of spay-neuter, or removing a dogs ovaries or testes, is commonly practiced in the United States. What Are The Pros and Cons Of The LG V20? Last Updated on March 15, 2021 by Filip Poutintsev. Spaying later in life may be less likely to confer protection, than spaying at a very early age. Due to my own allergy issues, my 35 years of pet ownership has been confined to the Shih Tzu breed, both large and small - and I have usually had two or three at . These risks are relatively low in routine spaying and neutering; however, they may be increased for some animals due to other pre-existing health factors. For males, neutering reduces the risk of issues like enlarged prostate or other conditions. It's similar to human dementia. I'm a full-time Veterinarian in South Africa specializing in internal medicine for large breed dogs. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Living In Destin, Fl. The purported benefits of surgical lasers include reduced pain, decreased hemorrhage during surgery, and less swelling of surgical sites. I traveled 50 miles one way and had Magnet spayed by laser by my sister's vet who was the only one around me that offered it. Neutering (males) provides a number of advantages in addition to reduced testicular cancer incidence, a reduction in unwanted cats, puppies, and dogs, and a longer lifespan. The Pros of Partial Spay. Cons to laser: Dog still goes into heat; still can bleed; still can get mammary cancer. We hope these findings provide evidence-based guidelines for deciding the right age to neuter a puppy to reduce the risk of one or more joint disorders., Prof. Benjamin Hart from UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine (source). Can Your Pet Join In On The Disc Golf Fun? But that said, the most important thing to keep in mind is to do it at the right time. Snakebite Safety and Prevention Tips for Pets. Neutering and spaying of dogs are done under general anesthesia, so your canine won't feel a thing when a surgical incision is performed. Dr. Patty Khuly, VMD MBA. As the dog ages, the bladder muscles become weaker than they should be, which causes leakage. The reason for all these bone and joint-related diseases is because male dog's reproductive organs are responsible for producing a sufficient amount of hormones and helping with the development of those body parts. If neutered, the risk is highly reduced. According to recent research, it is compelling to postpone neutering dogs. Neutering your cat means that they will no longer be able to reproduce. Your pets risk of testicular cancer is reduced by rubbing him on a regular basis. Neutering your male dog will help reducing his obsession with this behavior. Is thought to increase the progression of tumors ( 11 ) whether your dog at around to... Receive IV fluids during the procedure done but I ca n't say it better... Of course, 3D CT scanning is a way to help control the pet population know she surgery! Dog care average, the chances of dog cancer are quite low no idea how the new puppies that. 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