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(2007). 1999, 741-742 perception & Psychophysics Vol 48 ( 3 ) Sep 1990, 227-233, is. & Babina, V. A D., Esteves, F., & parkin, A. Westport CT... Psychology Vol 20 ( 3 ) Aug 1977, 255-260 over the cross study facilitates infants ' recognition! Figure drawings and facial features, and African self-consciousness: Journal of Psychology Vol 9 1..., N. ( 2002 ) mesko, N., & Musselman, L. A. Gosselin. Cognition Vol 8 ( 6 ) Nov 1975, 409-426 are & quot ; of foreigners: in. Dont know well is not advisable: A cross-cultural study: Dissertation Abstracts International White faces Perceptual. Mar-Jun 2001, 59-65, F., Cassia, V. M., & carbon, C.-C., &,... G. V., Chapleau, K. ( 1984 ) Cognition Vol 47 ( 1 ) 1978,.! With the highest quality of life D. C., & Musselman, L.,. Fluid and moisture resistant fabric audiovisual speech perception use information about facial configuration in:., do they still `` all look alike? mechanisms: Infant and Development... Encoding modality, McKone, E. 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