Neil Waters released a video last week teasing fans about the photos which he claimed were proof the extinct animals were still alive. later, one of the men spotted a striped dog-like animal standing near the camp in the dim glow of the dying campfire. The picture of a thylacine on the Tasmanian Cascade Beer label would be the closest animal to what we saw. '", "While these are recorded, there is no evidence to confirm the thylacine still exists.". He described the creature as having black to faded stripes on its back-end and smaller than a dingo. It had a sharp face, full ears, a hard erect rather round body, high in the shoulders, tall lean thin legs, long thin hard looking tail and the faintest glimpse of darker stripes around the body.". It had mousy-brown body fur, and blackish body stripes that extended from the mid-back to the rump of the tail on a greyhound-like [ie thin] body. Century-old footage of the last known Tasmanian tiger in captivity has been brought to life by colourisation, offering a tantalising glimpse of the now-extinct creature. Yet how did the animal get where it was seen? Then she found thatthe woman that worked in the store had recently observed two of the animals chasing and killing a swamp wallaby near her home just a few kms up the valley. It walked, trotted and loped. The tail was thick at the base and as long as the body, was round in cross section and went to a point. Stories of the Tasmanian Tiger. They said that the depth of impression of the tracks suggested an animal of at least 75 lb weight. ", "During September 1983, I organised a major search for evidence of living Thylacines in the Wollongambie Wilderness, east of Lithgow. (2017). "Rex claimed he saw a thylacine on Tuesday, February 22, 1972 at 10.15pm on the Great Western Highway, south of Blackheath. Just outside the town was a small separate community called Brown Town by the locals. ", "1999, Federal; Graham and Rosalind had a close view of a strange animal when driving between Whian Road and Bates Road near the old Dip when the headlights illuminated it. The length of the animal was something like 5ft from nose to tail tip. The date was Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15pm, when we were forced to stop, at the turnoff to Evans Lookout, on the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath township. It reminded them of a Fossa or a civet and definitely was not a fox, dog or cat. The Tasmanian tiger, also known as the thylacine, once populated much of Tasmanian and mainland Australiawhere it is also still searched forbut few know that the animal was present on New Guinea as well. What I am certain is it wasn't is a Dog, Cat, Fox, Kangaroo. The animal was growling aggressively at this time. They both wouldnt have believed what they had seen unless the other had confirmed it. The father and a neighbour got a hassion bag and threw it over the animal. Here we have a carnivore hanging out with two herbivores, can somebody please explain to me why this is occurring? It's been more than 80 years since the Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, is believed to have gone extinct, but an enduring belief remains that the large carnivore still roams the state. The dog rushed in to attack the animal & Mark, the farm owner and several other workers were surprised to see the dog backing out of the shed with an animal almost as large covered with brown stripes across its back and a thick, stiff, kangaroo-like tail. A couple were spotlighting near Torington, when they saw three thylacines. I have not seen one like this before. After shaking our heads in disbelief, we were the ones who left, having finished our fishing and as we left we were able to see it walking around in the distance.", "Also around this time, Russel and Michael were walking within the Brunswick Valley Nature Reserve near the flying fox colony and both independently observed thylacine-like animals, one slinking past in front of them & one apparently following them. Unlike most marsupials, the males also had an abdominal, back-opening pouch. According to Robyn, the animal was as large as a big Labrador dog, moving with a slinkyloping movement, somewhat like a cat. It was grey with dark grey mottling on its rump like bands, it had distinctive large round ears and was quite unlike a dog or fox. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. They were somewhat smaller than a German Sheppard dog, much larger than a fox and one individual was smaller and was standing in front of the larger animal. We live on the eastern side of Mullumbimby town near the sugar cane fields at Morrison Avenue. With all due respect I disagree with Nick Mooneys opinion and thats fine - thats perfectly OK - and he encourages me in his report to get as many opinions as I can because his is only one opinion, Mr Waters says in the new video. It was shaped like a kangaroos tail, but held straight out behind instead of dragging on the ground. Was it a tiger? Last February, two visitors claimed an animal with a "stiff tail and striped back" wandered in front of their car at Corinna in the island's west. Victorian Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) Sighting Reports - The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database The database currently contains 10,981 species and subspecies (as of September 2022). It was about 18 kg, fawn coloured short dense fur. Efforts to track the animal or animals down were made, it is said but all failed due to the general inaccessibility of the forest country." Therefore the tiger seen by Robyn Simon and Rebecca Jackson could only be a visitor to theKatoomba area, until it settles into a new habitat, perhaps with its mate if one is nearby, out on theNeck or back in Megalong Valley. These few houses were situated on the east side of the Great Western Highway, with an oval across the road on the western side [the community no longer exists]. The Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine, was a marsupial an animal that keeps its young in a pouch, like a kangaroo. Nobody in her family believed what she had seen until 3 days later when she was coming home with her daughter and about 2kms from home they saw the same animal run into the bush and her daughter described it exactly as Donna had seen it. 9:20pm Mar 2, 2022 NOW Tasmanian tiger could be de-extinct through major scientific breakthrough Northern NSW devastated as flood crisis continues Perth man dies after falling from ute tray on highway near Byford Flooding emergency continues in WA Prime Minister 'taking advice' about new COVID strain detected in Victoria I have also looked at the situational geography. It was early morning around 5.30 to 6.00 a.m. when she heard a commotion outside the house as if a dog was fighting with our cats. north of Grose Valley] accompanied by expert bushmen Rod Gerney and Robert Ashworth and several assistants in a convoy of four-wheel drive vehicles.. It had sandy coloured fur, a stubby muzzle and a long tail. It had a very unusual manner of walking quite unlike a dog. It looked like a cross between a dog and a kangaroo. He worked for 5 years with Standard Saw Mills of Lismore as a logger and often saw dingos. He observed it again at 5 pm on the Friday afternoon of the same week whilst driving back from work at exactly the same place. It has me very interested.". Source: Gilroy, Rex. Despite all official . "On Sunday 15th June 2003, about 8.30pm to 845pm, Robyn Simon was driving with a friend,Rebecca Jackson, on Acacia Street past Katoomba Golf Course, towards its junction with Cliff Drive. READ MORE: What can prove Tassie tigers are alive. My wife works at the Werribee zoo in Melbourne and it certainly wasnt like any of the cats they have there. Most recently, in July, a man just south of Hobart reported seeing a footprint that seemed to match that of the Tasmanian tiger. It was observed from head on and it loped off, almost kangaroo-like with a very unusual movement. Im totally convinced I witnessed a Tassie tiger on the coast road between Lennox Head and Suffolk Park NSW. Tasmanian tiger sightings: 'I represent 3,000 people who have been told theyre nuts'. route. It was small in size, light golden coloured with a very long snout and rounded ears, a long pointy tail, and stripes on its back. What do you think about the photos? He had only just found the tracks that morning and asked Heather and I to come and inspect them. (1968). I saw it dash up a 4ft embankment into scrub, a greyish-furred, black body-striped animal. He said other members of his family has seen the same animal on separate occasions, as had neighbours. The only thing I found that approximately resembled the creature were pictures of marsupial cats, with the obvious difference that the creature I sighted had dark stripes, not white spots. My daughter became frightened, as she said she thought it was a feral dog, and yet it did not look like any dog she had ever seen. My brothers wife and I were in the front. It was dog-sized but not thin like a greyhound. "On the night of Saturday 1st April 2000, 16-year-old Shannon Kus, his mother Marjorie and his mate Brad Miller, were walking home from the Wentworth Falls Country Club. *It's body was longer & out of proportion than all other animals. It looked just like that". These tracks were however barely half an hour old, and we were able to follow the movements of the Thylacine, observing how it had emerged from a nearby gully to move through foliage to the muddy shoreline, and walk along it for some metres, before stopping to drink at the waters edge, then return the way it had come. These superficially resembled those of a dog, but displayed marsupial features. ", "In 1986 the Gilroys were contacted by Mrs Patricia Marson, to say that, in October 1972, she was on a camping trip with the Sydney Bushwalkers Club at Mount Wilson, which like nearby Mount Irvine, overlooks the Wollemi National Park/Wollangambe Wilderness country, from out of which tigers have been known to emerge to be seen hereabouts and at nearby Bilpin. The mature thylacine ranged from 100 to 130 cm long, with a tail of around 50 . There was also a rock shelter some distance off the rough, 4-wheel drive trail we were on, where we came across pigmy-size ochre paintings. (2013). Two weeks later Dennis finally saw it sitting on the roadside while driving down their road to pick up their child from the bus stop at 4 pm. "On the morning of Thursday 24th March 1983, I received a phone call from Mr John Turner of Shipley, located on the west side of Blackheath close to the Kanimbla Valley cliffs. READ MORE: Unearthed footage shows last-known glimpse of extinct Tasmanian tiger There have been hundreds of sightings according to the Thylacine Awareness Group which has this image on their website. However, I did not receive any response. It had a large head with golden eyes and widely separated rounded ears. It was illuminated by the headlights of my car approximately 20 m in front of me. In the video above: Video shows 'Tasmanian tiger' sighting in Hobart, For more Lifestyle related news and videos check out Lifestyle >>. Source:Hunt, Elle. near the narrowest point of Narrow Neck, which is used by so many other marsupials. The database currently contains 11,166 species and subspecies (as of January 2023). Driving on deeper into the range we stopped to investigate an extensive tract of swampland, whose muddy shoreline contained paw prints of wombats, wallabies, bandicoots, possums and dingos. It gave a strange coughing bark-like call and bounded away. The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 30 Nov 1811, p. 2. It was not a wild dog nor kangaroo". It continued to sniff the dirt road unconcerned by the presence of my vehicle. Source:Anonymous. We observed it for about 10 minutes from between 10 to 20 meters away. Furthermore, diseases were introduced which had a significant impact on the Tasmanian tigers population. He said the animal, which he claimed could not be confused with a dog, was the size of a fox, with the head of a kangaroo and had a thick striped tail which tapered at the end. He was Boss Cass's best henchman The following forum post was made on 17 February, 2007. A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. Footage of the last Tasmanian tiger (thylacine) at Beaumaris Zoo in Hobart, Australia, from 1933. ", "1989, Terania Creek Road, The Channon; running across the road at night in front of his car, Peter saw a thylacine-like animal showing distinct dark brown banding across the body. The film was recently colorized by Composite Films in Paris. It was dog-like and about the size of a full-grown Alsatian, with fawn coloured body fur and a row of blackish body stripes extending barrel-wise from mid-back to tail-rump. while I was speechless at what I saw. It is almost legendary in its native land, and although purportedly extinct, there have been numerous sightings, photographs, and video footage put forward over the years that . It had a feline-like face and a long body & tail, from snout to tail tip at least one & a half metre in length, covered with yellow tawny fur. It was the size of a small dingo but with an elongated, slim body and the hind quarters was more prominent. ", "Not long after this experience I learnt that, between December 1971 and throughout January 1972, there had been a spate of sightings of an animal, or animals, answering to the description of the Thylacine, near Blackheath along the Great Western Highway in the vicinity of our sighting. Tasmanian tigers grew to between 39 and 51 inches, with a 20-inch tail. There is a maze of crevices and caverns in which any animal could live unseen, and it was into this gully that the tiger tracks led. The headlights provided us with a good look at the creature. But why the hell would a baby thylacine, which I am absolutely confident that this animal is, be following a pademelon and be being followed by a pademelon?, he asks viewers. I was driving south about 20 min into a 9 hr drive home to Melbourne when a 'thing' with the strangest walk/run burst from the scrub straight across the road, in front of me & a White landcruiser ute travelling the other way. which is not far from Sydney's International airport and along the shores of Botany Bay. They never did see any sign of it again. These tracks were at least several hours old. "26th January 2006, Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; at around 6 a.m. (Australia Day) Russel was driving from Ocean Shores to Brunswick Heads. Feral predator-free areas are being established to save a range of endangered marsupials. Its body was a bit chunkier, the legs shorter, the tail had nothing like the length of a cats and hung straight out, and the snout protruded out quite markedly from a head that seemed proportionally smaller than that of a cat. They checked them every few days also. In an attempt to curb their population, bounty schemes began to be established, with both private companies and the Tasmanian government offering money in exchange for dead Thylacines by 1830. TASMANIAN TIGER SIGHTINGS CONFIRM THEY ARE STILL ALIVE (Thylacine) Blazing Wildlife 85 subscribers Subscribe 587 47K views 3 years ago TASMANIAN TIGER SIGHTINGS PROVE THEIR EXISTENCE. ", Source: It was about 5ft [1.53m] in length from head to tail, whichwas stiff with no point. log in. The front legs were longer than the back, but shorter than those of a greyhound. Both times it was too difficult to see it properly, because it was travelling so quickly. The hocks were pronounced and lowit rocked back on them when it loped away. Dr. S. J. Paramanov saw a thylacine at 11am along theBourke-Wanaaring Road, while collecting insects close to the road (Paramanov, 1968). or maybe they aint.". "In 1980 whilst hiking in the coolomon plain area, I entered a narrow section of open plain near the Coinbill turnoff on the Long Plain Road. A Tasmanian tiger enthusiast has claimed to have captured photographic evidence of the extinct animal and possible "proof" of breeding. Even though it has been extinct since 1936, the slender, striped marsupial maintains its place in Australian mythology . . Dad always said it was [a Tasmanian tiger]., They believed there could be no doubt.". It had very fluid movements & its body was covered in short hair of a light fawn colour. ", "February 2006, Tyalgum; Donna lives at Tyalgum and saw an unusual animal that ran through their paddock on dusk at great speed. It was not a Facebook group, and I don't remember what the organisation was called. His first experience took place in July 1982 when he saw one standing beneath a street light at 5.45am, as he was walking up a road. It popped out on this spot where we get wood, close to a creek, he said. Our sighting lasted only seconds before the animal vanished into roadside bushes, said Darryl.". A huge population of mutant tiger snakes has inhabited a small island off the coast of Tasmania to the point where tales of fleeing tourists are routinely regaled like . I searched the locality but found no sign of a body. Daily Telegraph (Australia), 19 November, p. 3. Suddenly, at 5am he was woken by sounds coming from the direction of the cage, situated at the far end of his property on the edge of thick bushland. All I thought at the time was, what is this? ", "15th January 2003, 9.30 am, Stock Route Road, Billinudgel; Mailman Peter drove right up to a strange looking animal standing on an earth bank on the southern section of Stock Route Road, just behind Billinudgel. I write about freedom, history, nature, hypocrisy and anything that tickles my mind. (The Australian Cryptozoology Research Organisation) website: "We received a report from a former member of a zoo who believes that he had encountered a strange unknown animal while driving on Bells road in the Blue Mountains in 2000 at night time, while driving along this road he sighed the tail end of an unidentifiable animal about the same height as a Tasmanian Tiger or puma and the colouration also matched both Thylacines and pumas. One witness, ranger Peter Simon. "Since the 19th century, theres been claims of them living in the Jenolan range.". "In September 1999, Mr Phil Smith and his wife Kassi were driving from the west on the Great Western Highway at 60 to 70 km an hour, slowing down as they approached a fruit shop at Linden on the left-hand side of the road. (2017). (2016). It didnt taper, or wag. This is Opit's summarisation of the report (in bold): "2003, Wilfred Street, Billinudgel; Sue, owner of the Billinudgel Post Office and the general store, looked into the main street of Billinudgel one morning at 5.30 am and was surprised to see a very unusual animal standing in the middle of the road. , made the news after allegedly spotting a Thylacine while walking near Clifton Springs on January 4, 2019. ", "A friend, Haley, told them that around about 1996 she had observed a large cat-like creature with a plain coloured body and a banded furred tail leap across Coopers Creek behind Durrumbul north of Mullumbimby in northeastern NSW. He spotted moving along the cement wall on the side of the road. Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops | Newcastle Herald | Newcastle, NSW New Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops By Damon Cronshaw Updated March 8 2017 - 3:06pm, first published March 7 2017 - 5:07pm View + 20 Photos Christian Kropp knows what he saw. It was travelling at an incredible speed. A Sydney driver found a crowd around his vehicle and an unsettling note when he returned to his car after shopping. The animal, he said, was a good 6ft [1.83m] length from nose to tip of tail, and stood about 2ft off the ground on all fours. Its not a dog, its not a cat. It was huge, almost one metre high. I looked it up on the internet and it did look like the pictures of thylacines but with no stripes. It was covered with tawny short hair with dark stripes across the back and its gait was noticeably unusual. The shape of the head, legs and body was unmistakable, it was an undoubted Thylacine. Potential sightings of the Tasmanian Tiger in Northern Queensland make researchers question whether the species might still exist 80 years after its supposed extinction. The animal can reach up to 1.3 meters (51 inches) long, with its tail accounting for between 19-25 inches of that total (Campbell). It then ran into the vegetation. While they were reported to prey on poultry and sheep, this behaviour is now believed to be largely exaggerated it was also very unlikely to attack humans. Reading your article (Walkabout, June) on the thylacine recalled a sighting made while driving with two companions on the unfrequented road between Adelong and Tumbarumba, N.S.W. My other children and I heard the strange noise, but did not go out to investigate. Grabbing his camera Kevin leapt from his car and, as he said later, tore up the embankment after it! A massive animal crossed the road in front of me. Then I screamed you know let it go and then it just ran off. I was already out of breath as I entered the trees, and soon realised the animal had given me the slip, so I walked back to the car. "On the night of Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15pm, I was with a woman friend, being driven along the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath to my home at Katoomba. We have seen this mystery animal at least twice now and in fact had assumed it was a wild dog and reported it to NPWS for dog baiting! Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit's own thylacine sighting: "3rd February 2007, Jones Road, Yelgun; just after dark, Gary Opit watched, for about 5 minutes, an unidentifiable carnivorous marsupial that measured approximately 1.75 m in length and about .75 m in height standing in the middle of Jones Road, Yelgun, adjacent the Billinudgel Nature Reserve. The snout was not longer than a greyhound and was more Alsatian-like. He described it to me at the time, as being not quite the same shape as a dog or dingo, fairly light brown, with stripes on its back. However, in 1936, the last known Tasmanian Tiger died, and the Thylacine was considered extinct. Later, back in Canberra, I came across an illustration of the Tasmanian Tiger, and immediately recognised it as the animal I had observed on my trip. The animal had been walking across the highway [usually quiet on a weeknight] when we saw it, forcing the woman to brake quickly. It stood on its back legs when it saw me and stared. A friend, Eric, told them that he had seen the same kind of animal cross the road in front of his car near Wooyung and although he applied the breaks he hit the animal. At the time of writing this book [2017] Thylacine tracks are still being left at this site.". In addition to these relentless attempts to control their numbers, several other factors drove the Tasmanian tiger to its eventual extinction. ", "26th February 2006, 3.15 pm, Redgate Road, South Golden Beach; Steve and Michelle and their family were riding their bikes when they saw a strange animal in the short grass. (year?). Fabiola was driving and so Michael was able to examine the animal closely from only 2 metres away and observed that it was 60 to 70 cm high and 1.3m long, the length of the body quite long when compared to its height. Just as we drove up the one way road a creature darted across the road. This time I was traveling with 2 friends at around 2.30am in the morning and we were driving through the middle of Loch Sport with the lights on high beam when we saw a thylacine, slightly larger than a fox cut across about 20 metres in front of the car. A senior veterinarian and former RSPCA president is quoted in the video as saying there is a 70 to 80 per cent chance the animal is a thylacine. A screenshot of the video was also posted to Imgur.. Viewers of the video are divided in their opinions, with some speculating that it could be a surviving member of the reportedly-extinct thylacine species--sometimes referred to as the Tasmanian Tiger--while others think that it might be some sort . Golf Course, towards its junction with Cliff Drive. *Its colouring was a deep outback red. Over 7000 to be exact. The Tasmanian tiger, otherwise known as the thylacine, is a carnivorous marsupial native to Tasmania. I was driving down Bruce Road at Glenbrook, when at a spot 20 yards from the location of my previous [January 1983] sighting, I saw either the same animal or another, eating some small animal, perhaps a possum, on the roadside. His wife was the first of the family to observe the animal, 3 months before while taking their child to the bus stop down their one kilometre long driveway. The community was abuzz after Neil Waters, President of Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia, shared a three-minute video from "some little town" in northeast Tasmania on Monday. Newcastle Herald, 8 March. We also found two unusual sets of tracks. Over the last few years, my Husband and I have both seen what we believe to be a Thylacine. Suddenly a striped-bodied dog-like animal strode across the track just ahead of them then ran off out of sight. The reported sightings are contained in a document from Tasmania's Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE). History, nature, hypocrisy and anything that tickles my mind I heard the strange noise, but held out... To 20 meters away died, and I do n't remember what the organisation was.. But did not go out to investigate site. `` off out of sight the creature as having to! Black body-striped animal, is a tasmanian tiger sightings nsw marsupial native to Tasmania it 's body unmistakable! 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