What was that item? answer choices Washington, DC New York The book never says Question 3 30 seconds Q. WebSeven things. WebThe Seventh Most Important Thing Analysis The Spirit Bear Character Analysis. WebThe Price is Right. ITB "The Seventh Most Important Thing" what music star did Arthur's dad like? Almost all of the characters in the book are more than what they seem. What was the old man often pushing down the street? ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, Where was the museum located? Some also think the Throne may have been Mr. Hamptons own attempt to create a shrine or religious monument. Wimpy, short little Squeak was standing up for Arthur Owens, a brick-throwing delinquent. He was being mean to squeak( Reginald). For a lot of kids, the first time they are expected to take on grown-up responsibilities can be scary and difficult as it was for Arthur. and i spent all our money at the fair. I had never heard about this piece of art before, but I really enjoyed how the author spun this tale around it. What was the number of Arthur's new locker he was assigned after returning from juvie? Though this was a quick read, it lacked characters with huge amounts of depth. Arthur had his reasons, and the brick hit the Junk Man in the arm, not the head. ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What did the judge do instead of sentencing Authur to Juvenile Detention Home? quick to d(.oKZfU5o6X+ov/k;Z~:fNYg[Qz.&o(LPgDW2tu77B z \9kxcfP} 75[k The reason for that place and those dates becomes clear upon reading Pearsalls Author's Note. Welcome back. Writing the book helped me to realize, along with Arthur Owens, that life can be rebuilt after loss. ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What was the fourth most important thing? What colors did Arthur see first when he walked into Mr. Hampton's garage? Pg.197 ITB "The Seventh Most Important Thing" how many orange sodas did Arthur get? A place full of motorcycles and lots of things to fix. When Arthur came home from the hospital and the diner he had a horrible dream during the night, Describe what happened in his dream. Which of the 7 most important things does Groovy give Arthur? Arthur must take over the responsibility of finding the 7 most important things: all trash items that Hampton is using to build "heaven." At first he does it with no interest at all, not fulfilling the list he has been given at all. ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What did Arthur order from the diner? I felt Arthur was believable in his emotions and his actions. 1)Disappointing his mother 2)Making his sister cry 3)Having to deal with Officer Billie 4)Facing the judge again 5)Going back to juvie (p. 46). By using LibraryThing you acknowledge that you have read and understand our, "In 1963, thirteen-year-old Arthur is sentenced to community service helping the neighborhood Junk Man after he throws a brick at the old man's head in a moment of rage, but the junk he collects might be more important than he suspects. I really liked the emotion the author used to describe Arthur's feelings throughout the story. For each of the following items, cross out any word that has an error in capitalization and correctly write the word above it. Why was Mr. Hampton's place so hard to find? What was particular about the dress Arthur's mother wore to his day in court? He asked to speak to the Judge privately prior to sentencing. I'm not quite sure what it was, but this story made me teary throughout the whole thing. 11. Were about kicking down the door of thought everywhere and saying, You are bigger and more capable than you realize. A: A big white skull or a snake ---pg. But will Arthur's crime end up changing his life for the better? It's heaven. No current Talk conversations about this book. How did James Hampton intervene in Arthur's sentencing? Arthur serves time in juvenile detention and when he is released, his sentence is to work for the Junk Man. ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What was Arthurs mom's new boyfriends name? Did religion at all influence your approach to Mr. Hamptons story, and the way The Seventh Most Important Thing addresses forgiveness? Underline the adverb clause In each sentence. He remembered the Judge saying "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree". ITB "The Seventh Most Important Thing" what was Arthur's dad's specialty? I tried to get my first novel a 40 page handwritten story called I am the Only One Left - published when I was thirteen. ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,How old was he 7 years later? answer choices Thomas Arthur Arthur Owens Barbara Miller Question 2 30 seconds Q. "?znkKp`QuQA 4#W `UDy(,{!1+"FJBXwPU~|u 3N_{^(-,j5]-Z\'\&[=72KY7) [D"_7_2(1mFwbI5 Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. What develops next is an unpredictable friendship and string of events that rehab Arthur better than any "jail time" can. From the beginning, this book focuses on redemption. Were seen as being global, fair, insightful, and perhaps a bit too earnest. He can either be sentenced to detention or he can do community service working with the junk man. Arthur cant stand that the junk man is wearing his fathers hat, so he throws a brick at the old man and injures him. We This book climbed to the top of my favorites list very quickly! ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What seven letter message was Hampton's last message to Arthur? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. What does he say this means? P44 ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,What was the name of the judge? No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Describe the "throne" Arthur found for Mr. Hampton. ITB "The Seventh Most Important Thing" where does Arthur live? Arthur is a criminal. Throw Things at Me. This is a lovely story based on a piece of art, "The Throne of the Third Heaven", which is in the Smithsonian Museum. subscription yet. Register for the 2023 Penguin Random House First-Year Experience Conference Author Events! Boy meets this old man who pushes a shopping cart around and collects garbage. "A shimmering shrine that looked like something that belonged on a Hollywood movie set or an Egyptian temple". People have always fascinated me. ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What was the name of the judge? At what time did Arthur have his cake for his birthday? 1) They are all solids 2) They all hold things 3) Everything except cardboard and wood are reflective (p. 114). Was there a time in your life when someone turned out to be quite different from your first impression? 0Ky*{'4Oht6E^$ 9X2~;)]vaXQt6@EiVciiA'zD""#%3A+@xfVsI:kT+ju X!/ %(d'V,(/6Lk/xv_G&j q}e^eUP-6A$H*;q Though Squeak may be small, and fit in a garbage can, he is a great friend to Arthur, and really helped Arthur get through how he was being treated at school and with how he felt about Mr. Hampton, The Seventh Most Important Thing Analysis. ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,What was his dad's name? He felt "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" and Arthur's father was a high school dropout who had spent time in jail and died drunk. ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,Was Barbra nice or mean to Arthur? ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What was the first most important thing? Arthur serves time in juvenile detention and when he is released, his sentence is to work for the Junk Man. Because he had his father's hat on and he thought he had stolen it from him. Shelley Pearsall YA/ Middle Grade. It was a bitterly cold day when Arthur T. Owens grabbed a brick and hurled it at the trash picker. What city did Arthur live in? What is the name of Arthur's probation officer? And now he's furious at the raggedy old Junk Man wearing his dad's favorite hat. (p. 155). It sat on a beach. If youre looking for bran muffin journalism, you can subscribe to the Monitor for $15. Arthur's perfect voice, spare, honest, revealing. What does James claim are the building blocks of heaven? Married women outnumbered unmarried women in the workforce. Arthur on the other hand is struggling to adjust to the different environment and view he now has because of being in Juvie. He is in 7th grade when his father dies suddenly in a motorcycle accident brought on by drinking and driving. What did Arthur feel initially was "the best part" of his sentence? What was different when Arthur arrived to help Mr. Hampton on the second Saturday in February? A really interesting story, this book shows the power of redemption. I also really enjoyed the authors note in the back. From a young age, I realized that people have surprising depth if you take the time to find out about them. ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,What type of dress did Arthur wear to court? (p. 15). a white boy who claims not to have noticed the man's skin color at all? P44 ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,Was the shopping cart of the junk man new or old? pg.21. It's incredible! ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,What was the name of the judge? It is a balancing act, but I always believe in putting the story first. How can you have heaven without God? The boy, the baby faced criminal, he thinks he is all that and now he is in a Summary Of President Kennedy was assassinated (p. 3). At times the book can be a little slow, but when you keep reading most of the parts are a page turner and you never want to put the book down. His father's silver dollar collection (p. 90). It started on an island in World War II. I grew up surrounded by adults, and I have so many wonderful memories of times I spent with my grandparents, in particular. My grandparents were, and are, the greatest blessings in my life and I hope that kids see, through my books and characters, the value of relationships with people of all ages. Its based on the life of James (p. 110). How many hours of service does Arthur have to do? As these two characters are brought together, we learn the reasons behind both of their actions- why Arthur threw the brick and why the Junk Man collects, This book climbed to the top of my favorites list very quickly! 174. (p. 110). (p. 9). What does he say Arthur did for him? ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,What type of cancer did Mr. Hampton have? Beyond fear, beyond anger. What did Arthur and his father often eat when his mother worked nights waitressing? The three most recent Christian Science articles with a spiritual perspective. What is the emblematic dance from Argentina? Copyright 2015 by Shelley Pearsall. In what way did Arthur's father's reputation effect the Judge's opinion of Arthur? Her first novel, Trouble Dont Last, won the Scott ODell Award for Historical Fiction. Fortunately for Arthur, the Junk Man survived the tossed brick. Loved the last lines. ITB "The Seventh Most Important Thing" wh. Racism toward the Japanese Concern that the Soviet Union would do so first A desire to test the, Federal housing policies prior to World War II and government agencies, such as the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, helped create ________. Stream and download audiobooks to your computer, tablet and iOS and Android devices. When he discovers what the man has been using the items for, Arthur is captivated and begins to work alongside him. cJ?%2@#.~Z26*@$HW5|k)_@Yv{u>P@.I0S;Yi4s]"t.d*>e%o0TF6M Phjtq~FA2Cr#&c3b,@U QYzn0U'}o-Q8quj 9^]3jU\]dUeyda?^oexin@{'O-5Yh ``hh&CUP0}$_*r(!"AEh1EZ&*n\Vy7?#a>eI~QF52V%,EI8Oqs?i~O[ru8)d\_e*mwa_ L2>/],v 4P5mk'jJuYLneUvgl30O4U\*k! As these two characters are brought together, we learn the reasons behind both of their actions- why Arthur threw the brick and why the Junk Man collects trash. About a year ago, I happened upon this statement about the Monitor in the Harvard Business Review under the charming heading of do things that dont interest you: Many things that end up being meaningful, writes social scientist Joseph Grenny, have come from conference workshops, articles, or online videos that began as a chore and ended with an insight. He cant believe itis he really supposed to rummage through peoples trash? Sometimes, we call things boring simply because they lie outside the box we are currently in.. There was no cart, no note, and the door to the garage was slightly ajar (p. 120-121). -St. James" (p. 31). (p. 136). ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What is the "Junk Mans" real name? A cardboard note that reads: "Where there is no vision, the people perish". The Junk man's real name was James Hampton. (p. 27), In a motorcycle accident. How does Arthur become acquainted with Squeak? At first he do. A weekly update on music, movies, cultural trends, and education solutions. Pg.245. Even better, he's working on an amazing project in a garage behind a tattoo shop. contact customer service Get reading picks, tips, and activities in your inbox. ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What was the quote the Junk Man wrote? Each event will also be followed by an author signing Interested in hosting one. What type of music was playing when Arthur first entered Grovey Jims shop? ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, Where did Arthur go on his fourteenth birthday? A full-time receptionist at a dentist's office (p. 84). (p. 156). A place that was sunny and warm year-around so he never had to put his Harley away. ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What gift did Arthur receive from his mom? ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What disease did Mr. Hampton have? ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What was the seventh most important thing? What other major life event did Arthur wear his suit to other than his day in court? B. A former middle school teacher and historian. ), plus scissors, tape, markers. (b) Did you find this ending humorous? What did Squeak's mom ALWAYS pack in his lunch, every day since kindergarten? . References to this work on external resources. Go Ahead. (p. 108). A: Light-bulbs, foil, mirrors, pieces of wood, glass bottles, coffee cans, and cardboard ---pg. Oh so much wowness! What position did Arthur's mother interview for and ultimately get? It was a bit slow though. They moved his locker to the gym hallway to keep him away from the other students and because it was close to the gym teacher's office so they could keep an eye on him. What color(s) was Arthur's racing car for the Pinewood Derby? Shelley Pearson, In the book "The Seventh Most Important Thing" what city/state does this story take This book sucked me in from the first page. With "St. James'" mentoring and a cast of other completely fictional characters: Groovy Jim the tattoo artist, Officer Billie his carmel-corn making parole officer, Squeak, his new and unlikely best friend, and Roger his mother's new boyfriend, Arthur comes to terms with his father's death, his bad choices in life, and the possibility that he is still worthy of heaven. In front of an old Victorian house that was being cleaned out. ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,Was the shopping cart of the junk man new or old? (p. 129). How long was Arthur in juvie before he went to court? ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,What was the name of the kid ,who Arthur helped to get out of a trash can? He's "been sentenced to be the Junk Man.". Although it was somewhat predictable, it was also engaging. (2 things) A black leather motorcycle cap missing the orange Harley Davidson wings on its brim and a a note scrawled on a piece of cardboard: "Sorry. Webthe seventh most important thing characters; the duviri paradox release date; legislative proposal synonym; power smith ash vacuum hose; niger delta oil spill clean up; where is (p. 148). it can be safely assumed that everyone 's education contains its great moments and bad and forgetful moments and my experience was no exception. How many hours per week does Arthur have to work? I love an anti-hero and Arthur Owens qualifies. Which of the 7 items did Arthur find first on his first day of work? Start by marking The Seventh Most Important Thing as Want to Read: Error rating book. Sign up for news about books, authors, and more from Penguin Random House. Loved the character development. He calls him Saint Arthur and says Arthur is the one who saved him (p. 127). WebStart studying The Seventh Most Important Thing. What did the sign say that Squeak held up when some kids were throwing hot dogs at him and Arthur? ITB "The Seventh Most Important Thing" what type of glasses did one lady from the meuseum have? ITB The Seventh Most Important Thing, What word did the judge want Arthur to look up in a dictionary? When I finished the book, I looked him up online and saw color pictures of the throne. Just a really good story. I think the ideas of redemption and forgiveness are universal ones that many readers can relate to and even Arthurs thoughts on heaven and his dad, are ones that many of us who have lost someone, can understand. Arthur is a 13 year old boy whose story begins with the scene of him throwing a brick at the head of a "Junk Man" on the street that is pushing a shopping cart full of trash. It became part of someones wedding photo. Who spotted the injured man on the sidewalk? ITB,The Seventh Most Important Thing,To whom did Arthur become best friend with? One chance to make things right. Researchers use the scientific method to eliminate personal bias and ensure validity and reliability (Macionis). It was not visible from the street (p. 42). What did everyone call the kid Arthur helped out of the trash can? It was really good! A: He didn't want years of bad luck ---pg. Clickhereto learn more about Brightlys Book Club for Kids, discover activities and tips for discussion inspired by The Seventh Most Important Thing, and join in on the reading fun. After reading that, who could possibly put aside The Seventh Most Important Thing, Shelley Pearsall's newest middle-grade novel (ages 10 and up)? What did Officer Billie's car smell like when Arthur got in? ITB "The Seventh Most Important Thing" what is one thing the Owens don't do? What was the appointment time for Arthur to meet his probation officer for the first time? The judge ordered Authur to work for Mr. Hampton until his arm has healed. It is a short story about the person who is the narrator and is trying to find out if he will see Lenore ever again. Sentenced to help the junk man as his probation, Arthur learns that St. James, as he referred to himself was collecting junk - foil, cardboard, light bulbs and other items to create a work of art. In the book The Seventh Most Important Thing, Arthurs friend thats there for him is Squeak. Arthur and his sister always call him junk man, although they would later find out that his name is actually James hampton. Behind a tattoo shop father dies suddenly in a garage behind a tattoo shop Arthurs friend thats there him! 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