Nightstar reveals that ThunderClan is sheltering Brokenstar, now Brokentail. Wolfy Right?" Kestrelflight reports the Moonpool has begun to thaw but StarClan is still silent. None of the other Clans agree to this. Sol asks to be named a warrior, but is denied. Medicine Cat Apprentice Ceremony: (Ceremony Held with Clan . It is a leader's second-in-command, and takes over when a leader dies, retires, or is no longer fit for the leadership role. -- Wolfstar, "Uh," Robinpaw said. SkyheartCrafts. She had grown to dread the gatherings as each moon passed by. It is what your character would sound like (ex. "I believe that StarClan has chosen." An old badger set was found, but there appears to be no fresh scent anywhere. He was glad that he wasn't apart of the two long-feuding clans. RiverClan still hunts on WindClan's land. AClan Meetingis an event held in the Clan campwhen a Clan leader summons the Clanmembers to share important information with them. I hope Yasbelle stayed out of trouble. Other medicine cats: Cheer new apprentice's name. One won't return." Medicine Cat apprentice: It is. I am not going to risk the lives of my cats when we still have plenty water to survive." Then to her mentor and Drizzlepaw. Leader: Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. Chant Flashpaw's name the loudest. He shrugged. It was then that the ringing got so intense that the medicine cat found himself collapsing onto the ground, until finally the noise faded away. Not to mention, all these apprentices at least the Clan is thriving, despite the drought. Look, I only came to the clans to train, I have to go back and figure it out! She hissed. Cats are only allowed to join StarClan when they die if they have lived an honorable life and followed the warrior code. The young she-cat's high-pitched feminine voice made his head ring even more, giving him a sort of headache. "I think StarClan will choose these cats." 117 Likes, 13 Comments. I dont know Before she turned her gaze to Fadingstorm. Dustpaw's thoughts swirled in his head. Where was it? They have chosen the path of a medicine cat. Clearly, cats are stronger when they are united as one." Prey is running well. This is just one example, and there are many more ways to powerplay. 339. The lion-like tom's visionaries drifted back towards his clanmates, who seemed to be growing restless since the medicine cat's sudden collapse. This wouldn't have been possible without you!Shadestar - FirefernFallenstar - . Even if she was "against" him. I actually just joined LakeClan a couple days ago, along with my sister. If it was a sign, why dont they just move some heavy clouds over and save us themselves. She hissed to Lilypaw lowly. But I doubt it. She then caught glimpse of her brothers stare which made her belly twist. Drizzlepaw and Mossfeather are probably expecting me- I should catch up - Bloompaw, Petunia nodded "Alright!" She let out a sigh, the whole night was crazy, probably shouldnt expect anything weirder. - Wolfy, Wolfstar glanced over at where the medicine cats had gathered, noticing that the CliffClan herbalist had fainted. Their new border with ShadowClan will be along the small Thunderpath leading to the lake. How do you know shes still alive! Warrior Cats: Untold Tales Warrior Cats Sims 3 Legacy Let The Gathering Begin! - Ragged & Rose, Lionpaw looked to the cat that the silvered warrior had pointed out, and he twitched his whiskers in amusement. The clan had a few new faces as well- Wolfy, Yasbelle, and Carlo. Dustpaw shrugged, saying, "I dunno. Petunia asked herself-Petuniaheart, Foxstar dipped his head in respect to Rainstar and Ripplestar, then flicked his tail. "Foxstar," he called. $14.95. He needed to pay attention. "How are you?" -- Lionpaw (MC), "An absolutely charming name indeed," she replied, twitching her tail. They mostly do the same things as a Clan cat (hunting, fighting if necessary, caring for their young, etc.) On Gatherings, Clan leaders announce current affairs and significant events within their respective Clans, such as the appointment of new . He rumbled coolly, twitching his ears in interest. Ripplestar glanced over at Iceheart and Blazepaw. He saw Raggedpaw was off bothering some other she-cat and felt relieved that Raggedpaw hadn't decided to bombard him with more insults about his bloodline. "- Blazepaw, (fyi folks, nobody has heard the prophecy but fadingstorm) Patchwhisker twitched an ear at the murmurs in the crowd, blinking. RiverClan has no problems feeding themselves. "Rainstar's right," he whispered to Ripplestar. Both she-cats turned again to follow Rainstar back to camp. The Clans have not found an official place to hold Gatherings, and will temporarily be using their original resting stop by the half-bridge and the tree stump until they find a better place. (Apprentice's name), do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?Warrior to-be: I doLeader: Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. We would ask that if any of the other clans have herbs or water to spare, they share such kindness, so LakeClan might repay them someday." Once arrived at the Gathering territory, the leaders sit on a designated high spot (i.e: a rock or a tree branch) along with the other leaders where they can be seen and heard well while talking to the warriors and to each other. The Clans miss this Gathering due to the island flooding from. The Clans hold a vigil for Tallstar. - Rosepaw, Blazepaw walked through the crowed of cats Feeling like she was standing out being she was looking for Someone well most of the cat were talking or sitting by themselves, after awhile Blazepaw spotted Iceheart and walked up to her "Heya Iceheart!" Treat sick and . The medicine cats inform their leaders of the. How are you two?" He recognized Rainstar almost instantly, as well as her deputy, but the rest of the Clan he was a little bit clueless as to who everyone was. Petalfur is expecting kits with. Leader puts his/her head on the newly-made warrior's shoulder and the new warrior licks the leader's shoulder respectfully.The rest of the clan chants the new warriors name. He paused, hesitant out of sheer surprise, and guilt for lashing out. ShadowClan still wants its territory back and agrees that SkyClan should leave. Why would he have said such things under the full moon in front of the whole forest without reason. She meowed to Blazepaw. We might have to chat again some time, you and I. prefix: Ghost, suffix: Gaze - Ghostgaze). Nervous about what she was going to tell. -- Rainstar, Foggypaw felt nervous, well, because of how notably Wolfstar fumed. Following some of Slash's rogues integration within the groups, First full moon meeting. "You can be so bashful at times, little bird." You shouldve been! ThunderClan stands with SkyClan to secure their future if Twolegs plan to develop on their land. Firestar attempts to reveal Tigerstar's bloodthirsty history, but a thunderstorm interrupts him. AGatheringis a meeting of the Clansand is held on the night of a full moon. They are normally shy, and can be frightened at the thought of getting lost, or leaving their Twolegplace. Dustpaw thought. Eclipseglow was the fourth to try entering Starclan, but was rejected just like the rest of them. - Raggedpaw, Redpaw looked around nervously. She did smell like those scary MoonClan cats, after all. Something scary? Graystripe steps in for Firestar while he and Sandstorm are away. ShadowClan has been eating fish to survive the. Petunia said nicely walking the short distance to the cat- Petunia, Wolfy nodded. Pika! Tigerheart warns Dovewing that Dawnpelt is planning something for ThunderClan. For example, you don't want your biography to look like this: [ She/cute/shy/has demon powers/m8:none ]. Leader: Is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders? There are three new kits who have been born to Tawnypelt: Heatherpaw invites Lionpaw to meet her in. Grant them your wisdom and insight so that they may understand your ways and heal their Clan in accordance with your will. Before its destruction, all Gatherings were once held at the sacred place called Fourtrees. Tigerstar welcomes Icewing, Harelight, and Mothwing into ShadowClan. But. why her? I noticed that was something I'm good at - deciphering smells and where they are. "No. "There has always been four clans in the forest-" Rainstar found herself being cut off by Wolfstar. Robinpaw looked to Dustpaw. Twigbranch led a patrol to reconvince SkyClan to return. And a patch of white fur? Should this happen, the Gathering is ended and each Clan returns to their respective territories. Bluestar accuses WindClan of prey-stealing. This might be one of the most important parts of having a successful roleplay. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Mange is a disease caused by mites which causes severe itching and hair / fur loss. Fireheart has been made deputy. Brokenstar claims that ShadowClan is stronger than ever. Before spotting Argent padding off, he narrowed his eyes. Rowanstar is struggling to hold his Clan together. Onestar was killed fighting his son, Darktail, in order to save the Clans. I'll keep her safe." Clan leaders hold Gatherings to share news with the other Clans. Flicking her tail, she quickly shot off, back towards SteppeClan territory, knowing she would return later. He asked, trying to make conversation. Surely, they would find a way to convince the stubborn tom. - Iceheart, Wolfy wasn't sure whether to feel troubled by this omen or not. Flipclaw is ThunderClan's new medicine cat following Alderheart's exile. --Patchwhisker, Argent's silver coat seemed to glow a little in the moonlight, and she cast a gaze over at MoonClan's cats. "MoonClan should share, but I'm asking to get my face clawed off if I try to intrde on them." Tap on the Codes button in the Cat Editor. i see why Ravinekit looks up to her" Blazepaw looked to Ripplestar then to the other clan leaders "I know the right cats will be chosen.".-Blazepaw, Iceheart took a wry step back. Alderheart has been treating Puddleshine. Rogues are stealing prey from ShadowClan. - Ospreypaw, As Raggedpaw disappeared, Rosepaw frowned, really, hed been the only friend shes had, but it seemed she hurt him more than expected, or at least more than she wanted. he stared at her. A Medicine Cat is a special member of the Clan. It won't be me. When a family of foxes made their den at Fourtrees, Gatherings were forced to be held at, The Gathering is currently held at the island, a place near the side of the lake by RiverClan. Starclan honors your (virtue #1) and (virtue #2), and we welcome you as a full warrior of (name of clan). There have been frequent reports of Twolegs within ShadowClan land, and their. ShadowClan is thriving. Rowanstar claims Violetkit for ShadowClan. The other Clans debate whether ShadowClan is still a Clan or not. He huffed as he just sat down and decided to wait for the gathering to start already. Tigerstar announces that the borders have shifted to their original places and calls for the Sisters to be driven out so SkyClan can move in. Leader: [Kit name], you have reached the age of six moons, and are ready to become an apprentice. The Twolegs have not came into the forest close enough to bother ShadowClan in their camp. Up, high in the sky, the moon and the stars shine brightly illuminating the world below them in a haze of silver light. She shifted nervously, then pushed her nerves behind her again. Any warrior that has mentored at least one apprentice (see warrior apprentice) can become deputy. --Foxstar, Talonpaw struggled to mingle with other apprentices, and eventually came back to Nettlesoar's side. The silver tabby tom felt an overwhelming sensation of bitter resentment towards the arrogant golden tom (although Swiftpaw couldn't talk- he was no better). A grassy ridge with a stream, surrounded by oak and pine trees. Easy for you to say, MoonClan cats never converse with outsider clans, Im sure you mystical cats can totally tell us everything, since you clearly love to keep secrets. He yawned, Foggypaw hissed. ! But its great that the clans are together in peace for a night" Petunia said to herself with a smile- Petunia, Wolfy felt out of place in the huge hollow. pushing her back. Crowfood - A dead prey animal that has begun to rot can also be used as an insult (see below). -Hollyflight, Wolfy felt uncomfortable, as he still wasn't used to huge groups like this. Cute, Im flattered. He gritted his teeth. No. And killed? Yellowfang is now ThunderClan's medicine cat, and. She asks Tree to speak to the Sisters. Twolegs are still using the greenleaf Twolegplace on their territory, but they haven't caused much trouble. I think there's one of those larger kits following me around right now." Hello Fadingstorm! She meowed. Brokentail is dead. If you choose to be a rogue, you might want to ask permission before attacking a Clan member, or even attempting to do other things, like coming into a Clan camp. I think this might be some sort of sign. She admitted. - Foggy. Four Cats & Warrior Cats Logo - Embroidered Patch Set. ShadowClan is as strong as ever. Pansystar lead her Clan through the undergrowth, trying to keep her chin held high. claw - a skilled fighter. We have a few new warriors and some new apprentices." Optimistic, a jolly cat, something that he wasn't used to. "Foxstar," he called quietly, "If it's okay, I think I should go." Queens usually have kits and nurse them until they are 6 moons old/until they are old enough to become an apprentice. He's from SteppeClan." Prophecy schmophecy. He asked nervously. -- Lilypaw, Rosepaw looked around the crowed and found some pretty silver she-cat with this humongous tom, she wondered who they were, she looked around and decided to introduce herself to more LakeClan cats, seeing another dreamy-eyed she-cat, she padded over. She wasnt interested in talking, more likely listening. He shrugged. She always wondered why. -- Lionpaw (MC), Ospreypaw searched around, where was that stupid cat! ThunderClan Epic Poster Tote Bag. creek - a good swimmer. A sign? looking to Fadingstorm. And dont say a word. She meowed to Raggedpaw pleadingly. You don't even know me! With the lake frozen, hunting has been hard, but they are keeping up with training, and are free of sickness. An experienced leader is very important, especially if you are aiming for a realistic roleplay. There are three new warriors: RiverClan doesn't mention how the river froze over. How jarring. We're leaving!" A new litter of kits has been born. We lost our medicine cat, but her apprentice has since taken over and excelled at her duties. Blazepaw asked in a low whisper "I Trust you and Think your the cat to talk to" Blazepaw said- Blazepaw, Hollyflight replied to Wolfy without changing her gaze, "Yes, Robinpaw is my son. Swiftpaw replied flatly before rising to his paws, disinterested in conversation despite being in the same clan as him. This is to teach them responsibility. Maybe a fever? You're really tall," the holly-natured apprentice commented to the MoonClanner quickly. Be aware of everyone around you, and make sure to give people a chance in the spotlight. Roleplaying is the main point of Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition. - Wolfy, (what point are we in the gathering?) Robinpaw asked Dustpaw. "Yeah, I just joined a couple days ago. [3] In the forest, this meeting was held at Fourtrees,[4] while at the lake, this place has been moved to the island. Cutter - A veterinarian . Hollyflight and someone else Im pretty sure. She meowed. However, this is not appropriate if you are playing as a Clan cat, or a regular kittypet, rogue or loner. - Ripplestar & CliffClan, Blazepaw walked in along with her clan staying close to Iceheart, "Maybe now is the time to make friends from other clans! Weird, huh? He meowed staring at his sister. Onestar confronts his deputy Harespring for giving ShadowClan lungwort behind his back. Mudclaw takes charge of the meeting, though Onewhisker scolds him for overstepping Tallstar. We were just waiting on a few cats." However, most people that do not read the books do not know how to realistically play the game according to the lore. Only to narrow her eyes. Blackstar lists off the names of the fallen. Bramblestar assumes he ran away. She asks if he'll help Bramblestar recover. You will be the mentor of [new apprentice], and I expect you to pass on all you know to them. "Hello," -Hollyflight&Robinpaw (LC), Wolfy nodded. Her thoughts were running wild through her head. For example, here are some different styles- . "Hey, Hollyflight. is not . Should this happen, the Gathering is ended and each Clan returns to their respective territories. RiverClan has returned to Gatherings. Rosepaw pricked her ears to listen. RiverClan has had problems with Twolegs, as they arrive to fish in the lake and stream. Based on the novel series by Erin Hunter, Warrior Cats (2023) is a movie that follows the adventure of an ordinary house cat named Rusty as he ventures into what lies beyond his comfortable home. I can't stand the thought that she would die, nor Tigerkit, Spiderkit, and Squirrelkit. ThunderClan agrees to give territory to SkyClan. 114. There was no hiding the water problem. Prey is running well. The words of his ancestors lingered in his mind, bringing a glimmer of hope to his heart, yet also a pang of dread. "LakeClan has found itself with several new faces. It is considered a great honour to be chosen by a Clan leader to go to a Gathering. Their border with WindClan will be the fence on the far side of the horseplace. "I suppose 'Argent' does have a pretty ring to it." -- Swiftpaw (MC), "U-Uhhh" What if this cat was trying to interrogate him and force information out of him? Looking to Wolfstar. three times by talking to Ravenpaw in the apprentices' den. Petunia hopped She would say no,-Petunia and Blazepaw, Bloompaw chuckled. Please, Real warriors are strong mentally and physically, not wanna-be-rogues like you two. He growled. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. She gulped. Crowfeather suggests to Leafpool that they should run away together. His deputy is, Tigerstar announces that RiverClan has agreed to join with ShadowClan to become TigerClan. ShadowClan has had problems with Twolegs by the lake. After the Sisters reveal the tortured spirits of their fallen by Ashfur's influence, the Clans agree to execute Bramblestar's body despite Squirrelflight's desperate pleas. But also an annoying furball. The spiky-furred silver tom took a seat by himself, keeping a safe distance from the filthy LakeClan kittypets. Although you might not be directly saying this, it can easily be implied when you are trying to roleplay, whether accidentally or purposely. Leaders in the branches of the Great Oak. Cloudstar has brought his whole Clan to the Gathering. (Apprentice's name), from this moment on, you will be known as (apprentice's new warrior name). 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