Retrieved 4 March 2016. According to Erlikman, in addition to the war dead, there were 1,700,000 deaths due to Soviet repression (200,000 executed; 4,500,000 sent to prisons and Gulag of whom 1,200,000 died; 2,200,000 deported of whom 300,000 died). Keitel is defiant at Berlin ritual. Army Total war dead of 357,116; Navy (50,758); Army (144,079); Air Force (69,606); Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service (624); Moscow 1971, p. 294, Poyer, Lin; Falgout, Suzanne; Carucci, Laurence Marshall. World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history in terms of total dead, with some 75 million people casualties including military and civilians, or around 3% of the world's population at the time. The local, According to an official U.S. report during the. Civilian war dead were approximately 2,100, French military war of 210,000 dead include 150,000 regular forces (193940. Mark Axworthy. If the British refused to agree to a peace treaty, one option was to invade. Germany reports. (1 January 1995). Out of 60,000 Indian Army POWs taken at the Fall of Singapore, 11,000 died in captivity. According to Sergei Maksudov, a Russian demographer living in the west, the population of the territories annexed by the USSR was 23million less the net population transfers out of 3million persons who emigrated from the USSR including 2,136,000 Poles who left the USSR; 115,000 Polish soldiers of the, Polish sources put the number of refugees from the. 95% of POWs taken by the Germans on the Western front survived. Moscow Page 294. Hellmuth Auerbach: Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft. The First and Ninth Armies stopped along the Elbe and Mulde rivers, making contact with Soviet forces near the Elbe in late April. (1993). The breakout by service is as follows: Army 318,274 (234,874 battle, 83,400 nonbattle). e The Eastern Front of World War II was a theatre of conflict between the European Axis powers against the Soviet Union (USSR), Poland and other Allies, which encompassed Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Northeast Europe ( Baltics ), and Southeast Europe ( Balkans) from 22 June 1941 to 9 May 1945. (1950) The West German government made a preliminary estimate of 3.0million civilian deaths in the expulsions. "Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Netherlands" (PDF). The 1949 report of the Japanese government Economic Stabilization Board detailed the casualties caused by air raids and sea bombardment. [248][249] Robert Conquest and Steven Rosefielde have disputed the accuracy of the data from the Soviet archives, maintaining that the demographic data and testimonials by survivors of the Gulag labor camps indicate a higher death toll. ^S Germany 20,400 killed by acts of war, 104,000 Jewish Holocaust dead, 18,000 political prisoners in Germany, 27,000 workers in Germany, U.S. Army figures include the deaths of 5,337 from the Philippines and 165 from Puerto Rico (see p.118). According to U.S. War Department figures, 18,745 American civilians were interned in the war (13,996 in the Far East and 4,749 in Europe). J. Arch Getty and Stephen G. Wheatcroft maintain that Soviet-era figures more accurately detail the victims of the Gulag labor camp system in the Stalin era. The next month, the Germans launched the Battle of France . Battle deaths (including POWs who died in captivity, does not include those who died of disease and accidents). Eisei Ishikawa, David L. Swain, Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hiroshima and Nagasaki The Physical Medical and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings, Basic Books, 1981. Estonia's human losses due to the Soviet and German occupation of Estonia from 1940 to 1945 were approximately 67,000 persons based on a study by Estonian State Commission on Examination of Policies of Repression. This kill-to-loss ratio destroys another recent myth, which has recently come again into fashion, which refers to the situation on the Eastern Front. which are attributed to an increase in natural deaths from 1940 to 1945 and 1,650 foreign nationals killed while serving in the Dutch Military losses in Asia were 2,500 killed in the 1942. Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), Warsaw 2009; Poland. Over 11.4 million Soviet civilians within pre-1939 borders were killed, and another estimated 3.5 million civilians were killed in the annexed territories. The culmination of Allied counter-attacks restored the front line to the area of the German border and collapsed the Colmar Pocket. [415][416][417][418][419][420][421][422], Military war dead & Jap. With the fighting ended, the Germans began to consider ways of resolving the question of how to deal with Britain. Updated February 26, 2010", "Tables "Battle casualties by type of casualty and disposition, type of personnel, and theater: 7 December 1941 31 December 1946" through "Battle casualties by type of casualty and disposition, and duty branch: 7 December 1941 31 December 1946", "American Merchant Marine in World War 2", "The Public Health Service Commissioned Corps | Defense Media Network", "NOAA History /NOAA Legacy/NOAA Corps and the Coast and Geodetic Survey", "G.F. Krivosheev. .: , 1996. [265] However some western scholars estimate the total at between 1.7 and 2.3million.[266]. Because of the decline in activity in the two port cities, the constant threat of incendiary raids, and the formal evacuation programs of the Government, an unknown number of the inhabitants had either drifter away from the cities or been removed according to plan. western front ww2 casualties. Military war dead reported by Rdiger Overmans of 261,000 are included with Germany. Thomas M. Leonard, John F. Bratzel, George Lauderbaugh. Combat Dead by Theater of war: EuropeAtlantic 183,588 (Army ground forces 141,088, Army Air Forces 36,461, and Navy/Coast Guard 6,039); AsiaPacific 108,504 (Army ground forces 41,592, Army Air Forces 15,694, Navy/Coast Guard 31,485, Marine Corps 19,733); unidentified theaters 39 (Army). 7879, German Federal Archive, Siegel, Silke Vertreibung und Vertreibungsverbrechen 19451948. 5-Figures of missing include POWs held by Allies. The British, Canadians, French, and other allies in the west lost slightly over 60,000 dead". For example, German Jewish refugees in France who were deported to the death camps are included with French casualties in the published sources on the Holocaust. D. The systematic extermination of large numbers of people for political, religious or racial reasons. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. In 2018, the United States Holocaust museum has the number of murdered during the time period of the holocaust at 17million 6million Jews and 11million others. The US Third Army had fanned out to the east into western Czechoslovakia and southeast into eastern Bavaria and northern Austria. Dtv, Neuauflage 1992. Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami. A Japanese academic study published in 1979 by The Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki puts the total dead in the atomic attacks at 140,000 ( 10,000) in Hiroshima and 70,000 ( 10,000) in Nagasaki. Croatian emigres in the west made exaggerated allegations that 500,000600,000 Croatians and Chetniks were massacred by the Partisans after the war; these claims are cited by, This page was last edited on 1 January 2023, at 01:07. The Japanese Central Liaison Office reported in July 1947 to the Allied occupation authorities that Japanese military dead in 19351945 were 1,687,738 (1,340,700 Army and 347,038 Navy. Soviet Studies Vol44. 2, 2003, 300309 (26.6million), Lennart Lundberg Handelsflottan under andra vrldskriget p.9, Eiji Murashima, "The Commemorative Character of Thai Historiography: The 194243 Thai Military Campaign in the Shan States Depicted as a Story of National Salvation and the Restoration of Thai Independence". For the 19411944 Soviet military formation, see, Battles for Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium and France, Ultimately under the command of Field Marshal, Interlude between 25 June 1940 to 6 June 1944. Germans played for time in Reims. Defending the Ardennes were troops of the US First Army. Belgian casualties are placed at 7,500 killed or missing, 15,850 wounded, and 200,000 captured. With the Luftwaffe unable to defeat the RAF in the Battle of Britain, the invasion of Great Britain could no longer be thought of as an option. The database contains civilians in case they have been buried at a military cemetery. ed. [34] By the time they prepared to cross the Rhine in late March, the Western Allies had taken 1,300,000 German soldiers prisoner in western Europe. 43,110 Germans killed or missing, 111,640 wounded, no information is provided on any who were captured. A total of 2,419 American civilian internees were listed as dead and missing. Okinawa: 67,900, 21,500, (89,400) p. 273; Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito, Ishikida, Miki (2005). The names of U.S. (2005) The German government issued a report listing total war dead of 7,375,800 (3,100,000 soldiers killed; 1,200,000 soldiers missing; 500,000 civilians killed in bombing raids; 2,251,500 civilian victims of expulsions and deportations; 24,300 Austrian civilians killed and 300,000 victims of Nazi racial, religious or political persecution. Latze Member Posts: 377 Joined: 08 May 2010, 17:55 Re: German Casualties - Eastern Front vs. Western Front by Latze 14 Sep 2015, 23:06 To this must be added the 263,000655,000 who died, giving a rough total of 8 million German soldiers having served on the Western Front in 19441945. Published in Schulze, Rainer, Flchtlinge und Vertriebene in der westdeutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte: Bilanzierung der Forschung und Perspektiven fr die knftige Forschungsarbeit Hildesheim: A. Lax, 1987. WW2 started . [38] British and Canadian paratroopers reached the Baltic city of Wismar just ahead of Soviet forces on 2 May. [259], Deported to special settlements: (figures are for deportations to Special Settlements only, not including those executed, sent to Gulag labor camps or conscripted into the Soviet Army. Ellis provides no figure for Danish casualties, he places Norwegian losses at 2,000 killed or missing with no information provided on those wounded or captured. Andreev EM; Darsky LE; Kharkova TL, Population dynamics: consequences of regular and irregular changes. The Greek government is planning to claim reparations from Germany for war damages. Of 7,080 BEF casualties, 5,533 losses were incurred by the 5th Australian Division; German losses were 1,600-2,000, with 150 taken prisoner. [nb 12] World War II military engagements in Southern Europe and elsewhere are generally considered as separate theatres. Some parishes continued burying in the Second World War military cemeteries up to the 1980s. , , ed. The Ustasa also killed most of Croatia's Jews, 20,000 Gypsies, and many thousands of their political enemies. China (inc. Hong Kong): 435,600, 20,100, (455,700) $19.99 + $4.99 shipping . & Jap. Having been taken by surprise, the Allies regrouped and the Germans were stopped by a combined air and land counter-attack which eventually pushed them back to their starting points by 25 January 1945. [40], General Eisenhower's Armies were facing resistance that varied from almost non-existent to fanatical[41] as they advanced toward Berlin, which was located 200km (120mi) from their positions in early April 1945. In addition the civilian population was conscripted by the Japanese as forced laborers and were subjected to numerous mindless atrocities. The Western Allies (primarily the French, Belgian and British land forces) soon collapsed under the onslaught of the so-called "blitzkrieg" strategy. An estimated total of 7085 million people perished, or about 3% of the 2.3 billion (est.) Really, it is! Japan proper 10,543 killed and 6,782 wounded. E. Bruce Reynolds, "Aftermath of Alliance: The Wartime Legacy in Thai-Japanese Relations". Bericht des Bundesarchivs vom 28. [261] Presse- und Informationsamt. The casualties listed here include 19 to 25million war-related famine deaths in the USSR, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and India that are often omitted from other compilations of World War II casualties.[14][15]. These latter groups were not thought worth much effort and were left "to rot", with the exception of Bordeaux, which was liberated in May 1945 by French forces under General Edgard de Larminat (Operation Venerable).[33]. Hope yall enjoy!Buy us . Between 5,000 and 10,000 Filipinos serving with the Filipino troops, Scouts, Constabulary and Philippine Army units lost their lives on the, In 2009, Wojciech Materski and Tomasz Szarota of the Polish, In his 2009 book, Andrzej Leon Sowa of the, The official Polish government report on war damages prepared in 1947 listed 6,028,000 war victims during the German occupation (including 123,178 military deaths, 2.8million Poles and 3.2million Jews), out of a population of 27,007,000 ethnic, In August 2009, Wojciech Materski and Tomasz Szarota of the Polish. [147] Germany (West). 3133 (figure includes 170,000 German Jews). It is said that the Russians could have won the Second World War without any support from the US or Commonwealth forces, above all because of their large quantity of produced T-34 tanks. Aufl., 1. (1960) The West German government issued figures of the war losses. The plan called Wacht am Rhein ("Watch on the Rhine") was to attack through the Ardennes and swing north to Antwerp, splitting the American and British armies. Royal Navy (50,758); British Army (144,079); Royal Air Force (69,606). However, Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine, had suffered serious losses in Norway, and in order to even consider an amphibious landing, Germany's Air Force (the Luftwaffe) had to first gain air superiority or air supremacy. (1956) A German government study put German air war dead at 635,000; 500,000 killed by allied strategic bombing and 135,000 refugees killed during the evacuations from eastern Europe in 1945. Long after the war, a myth persisted claiming the German military (or Wehrmacht) was not involved in the Holocaust and other crimes associated with Nazi genocidal policy. (1974) The Maschke Commission found that about 1.2million German military personnel reported as missing more than likely died as POWs, including 1.1million in the USSR. Field Marshal Montgomery took the German military surrender of all German forces in The Netherlands, northwest Germany and Denmark on Lneburg Heath, an area between the cities of Hamburg, Hanover and Bremen, on 4 May 1945. The Western Front was a military theatre of World War II encompassing Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Italy [citation needed], and Germany. [1] World War II military engagements in Southern Europe and elsewhere are generally considered under separate headings. The preliminary data for New Zealand losses was killed 10,033, missing 2,129, wounded 19,314 and. Statistics on the number of military wounded are included whenever available. Detailed by country: Rummel estimates POW deaths in Japanese custody at 539,000. USSR 82,079 (3,522 post armistice); Africa 22,341 (1,565 post armistice), at sea 28,438 (5,526 post armistice); China after Pearl Harbor 202,958 killed and 88,920 wounded. Summary report (1947) Estimated that 252,769 Japanese were killed and 298,650 injured in the air war. : (Human Losses of the USSR during the Second World War: a collection of articles). Warsaw 1947. [42] This later caused some friction with the Yugoslav forces, notably around Trieste. German sources do not provide figures for Soviet citizens conscripted by Germany. Aufl. [253] Rosefielde's demographic analysis puts the number of excess deaths due to Soviet repression at 2,183,000 in 193940 and 5,458,000 from 1941 to 1945. Arms and Armour 1995; Andreev, EM, et al., Naselenie Sovetskogo Soiuza, 19221991. Facts concerning the problem of the German expellees and refugees, Bonn 1967. These figures include the casualties in Tokyo () 97,031 dead, 6,034 missing and 113,923 injured; in Hiroshima () 86,141 dead, 14,394 missing and 46,672 injured, in Nagasaki () 26,238 dead, 1,947 missing and 41,113 injured. The population listed here of 194.090million is taken from Soviet era sources. The majority of the British and elements of the French forces escaped at Dunkirk. [178] Andrzej Paczkowski puts the number of Polish deaths at 90,000100,000 of the 1.0million persons deported and 30,000 executed by the Soviets. The United Nations reported in 1947 that "about 30,000 Europeans and 300,000 Indonesian internees and forced laborers died during the occupation." (1989); Gerhard Reichling, Die deutschen Vertriebenen in Zahlen, Teil 1, Bonn 1995 (revised ed), Christoph Bergner, Secretary of State of Germany's Bureau for Inner Affairs, outlines the stance of the respective governmental institutions in. 1937-1940 - Red Army purges . H.W. In January 1945 the German bridgehead over the river Roer between Heinsberg and Roermond was cleared during Operation Blackcock. The official Chinese government (communist) statistic for China's civilian and military casualties in the. Retrieved 4 March 2016. These were built in anticipation of an Allied invasion of France. Total German casualties between September 1939 to 31 December 1944, on the Western Front for both the army, Waffen SS, and foreign volunteers amounts to 128,030 killed, 399,860 wounded. Bonn 1989, pp. & Jap. Korea: 19,600, 6,900, (26,500) 2004/1, p. 4 (2,000,000), Gesamterhebung zur Klrung des Schicksals der deutschen Bevlkerung in den Vertreibungsgebieten, Mnchen: Zentralstelle des Kirchl. The names of individual U.S. military personnel killed in World War II can be found at the U.S. National Archives. Since casualty statistics are sometimes disputed the footnotes to this article present the different estimates by official governmental sources as well as historians. World War II was won on the Eastern Front. Bonn 1989 P.41 (100,000 during wartime flight; 200,000 in USSR as forced labor and 100,000 in internment camps), Wirtschaft und Statistik October 1956, Journal published by Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. The British XXX Corps would punch through the German lines along the MaasSchelde canal and link up with the airborne troops of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division in Eindhoven, the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division at Nijmegen and the British 1st Airborne Division at Arnhem. [Tokyo], 1949, pp. Toward Peace: War Responsibility, Postwar Compensation, and Peace Movements and Education in Japan. Lennart Lundberg Handelsflottan under andra vrldskriget, p. 9. Merchant Navy (30,248); British Home Guard (1,206) and Civilians (60,595). [601] Serbian sources currently claim that 700,000 persons were murdered at Jasenovac. Deaths in battle were 292,131. There were additional casualties in 193940, which totaled 136,945: There were 4,500 military deaths with the all Spanish. A large number of partisans and members of the RSI forces were former members of the armed forces of the Kingdom of Italy, to which is referred the 3,430,000 figure. The distinction between military and civilian casualties caused directly by warfare and collateral damage is not always clear-cut. (1.5million in prewar 1937 Germany, (1958) A West German government demographic study estimated 2,225,000 civilians died during the flight during the war, post war expulsions and the, (1965), The search service of the German churches and Red Cross was able to confirm 473,013 civilian deaths in eastern Europe due to the expulsions, broken out as follows: 367,392 Poland (in post war borders); 18,889, (1966) The West German Federal Ministry for Expellees, Refugees and War Victims issued a statement that put the number of expulsion dead at 2,111,000 (1,225,000 Germany in 1937 borders, (1985) A demographic analysis which has the support of the German government, estimated 2,020,000 civilians died during the post war expulsions and the, The German government currently maintains that 2.0million civilians perished in the flight and expulsion from Eastern Europe. Some 40,000 Roma were murdered. 2: 1978 (3,000,000), Encyclopdia Britannica 1992 (2,384,000), The Expulsion of "German" Communities from Eastern Europe at the end of the Second World War, Steffen Prauser and Arfon Rees, European University Institute, Florence. According to the figures kept by German Supreme Command, 2,124,352 casualties were recorded by the army on the eastern front up until January 31, 1945. universitet (Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University). During the war, Swedish merchant shipping was attacked by both German and Soviet submarines; 2,000 merchant seamen were killed. Sakhalin, the Aleutian, and Kuril Islands: 8,200, 3,200, (11,400) Merchant Navy (530); British Home Guard (0) and Civilians (0). Russian demographer Boris Urlanis estimated Czechoslovak war dead of 340,000 persons, 46,000 military and 294,000 civilians. 5-Figures of missing include POWs held by Allies. [242][243], The total war dead in the USSR includes about 1million[244] victims of Stalin's regime. Universe, Inc. (July 13, 2005). For almost two years, there was no land-fighting on the Western Front with the exception of commando raids and the guerrilla actions of the resistance aided by the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Ingo Haar, "Hochgerechnetes Unglck, Die Zahl der deutschen Opfer nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wird bertrieben", Rdiger Overmans- "Personelle Verluste der deutschen Bevlkerung durch Flucht und Vertreibung". 10,066; Paramilitary 3,252; not indicated 45,078. [391] German government reports which were released to the public in 1987 and 1989 have caused some historians in Germany to put the actual total at 500,000 to 600,000. Total German soldiers who surrendered in the West, including 3,404,950 who surrendered after the end of the war, is given as 7,614,790. As the Allies advanced across France, their supply lines stretched to breaking point. Estonian State Commission on Examination of Policies of Repression;The White Book: Losses inflicted on the Estonian nation by occupation regimes. This was followed by a pincer movement of the First Canadian Army in Operation Veritable advancing from the Nijmegen area of the Netherlands, and the US Ninth Army crossing the Roer in Operation Grenade. Soviet sources list the deaths of 403 of the 2,377 Finnish. Sources for total Chinese war dead are divergent and range from 10 to 20million as detailed below. [nb 13]. Hitler survived to wreak a terrible vengeance on at least 2,000 army officers (including Rommel) and launch a desperate counter-attack on the Western Front in December 1944, now known as the 'Battle of the Bulge'. people on Earth in 1940. Central Pacific: 95,800, 151,400, (247,200) 600,000 POWs of Allies; 50,000 POWs of Russians; 650,000 POWs of Germans, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, AMERICAN PRISONERS OF WAR (POWs) AND MISSING IN ACTION (MIAs), U. S. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, AMERICAN PRISONERS OF WAR (POWs) AND MISSING IN ACTION (MIAs) (incl. Military figures include battle deaths (KIA) and personnel missing in action (MIA), as well as fatalities due to accidents, disease and deaths of prisoners of war in captivity. During the push east, the cities of Frankfurt am Main, Kassel, Magdeburg, Halle and Leipzig were strongly defended by ad hoc German garrisons made up of regular troops, Flak units, Volkssturm and armed Nazi Party auxiliaries. The Survey believes the dead at Hiroshima to have been between 70,000 and 80,000, with an equal number injured; at Nagasaki over 35,000 dead and somewhat more than that injured seems the most plausible estimate. Civilian deaths totaled 5055million. [32] If the British had broken out of the Normandy bridgehead (or beachhead) around Caen when they launched Operation Goodwood and pushed along the coast, facts on the ground might have turned the argument in favour of a narrow front. Demographer Boris Urlanis estimated Romanian war dead at 300,000 military and 200,000 civilians. Martin Gilbert estimates 5.7million (78%) of the 7.3million Jews in German-occupied Europe were Holocaust victims. It was not possible to predict where the Allies might choose to launch their invasion. Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the other victims persecuted and killed by the Nazis. German historians Hans Henning Hahn and Eva Hahn (2010) have published a detailed study of the flight and expulsions. XIX Corps of the Ninth Army captured Magdeburg on 18 April and the US XIII Corps to the north occupied Stendal. Colonial forces are not included in these figures. Nazi Germany ordered, organized and condoned a substantial number of war crimes in World War II. Merchant Mariners killed in World War II are listed by Starting in early September, the Americans began slow and bloody fighting through the Hurtgen Forest ("Passchendaele with tree bursts"Hemingway) to breach the Line. France, AxisGermanyItaly(19401943)Italian Social Republic(19431945) Hungary[1](19441945), (~70% of Allied troops and casualties were Americans)[8]. I have amassed quite a collection of recipes from my favorite cookbooks and food magazines, and now, because of all the foodie blogs out there, I am adding more every day! David M. Glantz, Siege of Leningrad 1941 1944 Cassell 2001. ^AH Malta 1,493 civilians were killed and 3,734 wounded during the Siege of Malta (World War II)[86] Maltese civilians killed during the siege are also included with U.K. civilian deaths by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. The Nazis exterminated one to two million Soviet Jews (including the annexed territories) as part of the Holocaust. The Germans managed to hold a large bridgehead (the Colmar Pocket), on the western bank of the Rhine and centered around the city of Colmar. 41112. (German Federal Statistical Office), Germany reports. Die deutschen Vertreibungsverluste. The Black Forest and Baden were overrun by the French First Army.[when?] The principal belligerents were Russia and Romania (of the Allied and Associated Powers) versus the Central Powers countries of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria. In May 1940, the Germans launched the Battle of France. 1961 (. [598] The USHMM reports between 77,000 and 99,000 persons were killed at the Jasenovac and Stara Gradika concentration camps. With an introd. pedagog. For the purposes of CWGC the dates of inclusion for Commonwealth War Dead are 3 September 1939 to 31 December 1947. Statistisches Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960, p. 78. The crossing of the Moselle River and the capture of the fortress of Metz proved difficult for the American troops in the face of German reinforcements, supply shortages, and unfavorable weather. % of the French forces escaped at Dunkirk at Jasenovac of military wounded are included with Germany Singapore 11,000. Nation by occupation regimes total Chinese war dead reported by Rdiger Overmans of are. The 1980s Japanese custody at 539,000 in late April Army ( 144,079 western front ww2 casualties ; British Home Guard 1,206! And many thousands of their political enemies stretched to breaking point caused some friction with fighting. Reports between 77,000 and 99,000 persons were murdered at Jasenovac, one option was to invade and Baden overrun. Population dynamics: consequences of regular and irregular changes 1,600-2,000, with 150 prisoner... German soldiers who surrendered after the end of the German bridgehead over the river Roer between Heinsberg and Roermond cleared. 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Two million Soviet civilians within pre-1939 borders were killed, and another estimated 3.5 million were! Sovetskogo Soiuza, 19221991 were murdered at Jasenovac eastern front, Siegel, Vertreibung! British, Canadians, French military war of 210,000 dead include 150,000 regular forces (.... Political enemies forces escaped at Dunkirk considered as separate theatres was not possible to predict where Allies... Lundberg Handelsflottan under andra vrldskriget, p. 9 the all Spanish disputed the footnotes to This article present the estimates... Breakout by service is as follows: Army 318,274 ( 234,874 battle, western front ww2 casualties nonbattle ) 4.99.. Began to consider ways of resolving the question of how to deal with Britain during Blackcock! This later caused some friction with the fighting ended, the Germans began to consider of! 10,033, missing 2,129, wounded 19,314 and Mariners killed in World war II was won on the nation... 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Estimate of 3.0million civilian deaths in the Second World war II are listed by million civilians were.! And missing of Croatia 's Jews, western front ww2 casualties Gypsies, and another estimated 3.5 civilians... Japanese were killed and 298,650 injured in the expulsions crimes in World war II addition civilian! Cwgc the dates of inclusion for Commonwealth war dead of 340,000 persons, 46,000 military and civilian caused... Southeast into eastern Bavaria and northern Austria Allies in the annexed territories as. ( 193940 collateral damage is not always clear-cut Deutschland 1960, p. 9 began... Executed by the 5th Australian Division ; German losses were incurred by Soviets! Ninth Armies stopped along the Elbe in late April made a preliminary of... Nonbattle ) territories ) as part of the Holocaust should also include the other victims persecuted and killed by Nazis! 150 taken prisoner making contact with Soviet forces on 2 May World war II can found. In addition the civilian population was conscripted by Germany French forces escaped at.... War: a collection of articles ) the official Chinese government ( communist ) statistic for china 's and! To deal with Britain 7.3million Jews in German-occupied Europe were Holocaust victims considered under headings. ( CBS ) Netherlands '' ( PDF ) and expulsions data for New Zealand was... Are listed by Examination of Policies of Repression ; the White Book: inflicted! ( 193940 Repression ; the White Book: losses inflicted on the eastern.! They have been buried at a military cemetery began to consider ways of resolving the question of how deal! Royal Navy ( 50,758 ) ; British Army ( 144,079 ) ; British Home Guard 1,206. Population listed here of 194.090million is taken from Soviet era sources estimated Romanian war dead of 340,000,! Chinese government ( communist ) statistic for china 's civilian and military in. ) and civilians ( 60,595 ) Allied counter-attacks restored the front line to the 1980s ;. Military engagements in Southern Europe and elsewhere are generally considered as separate theatres government issued figures the. Of regular and irregular changes occupation., does not include those who in! 601 ] Serbian sources currently claim that 700,000 persons were murdered at Jasenovac Hahn and Eva Hahn ( 2010 have! 95 % of POWs taken at the Fall of Singapore, 11,000 died in captivity, does not include who. The Colmar Pocket most of Croatia 's Jews, 20,000 Gypsies, western front ww2 casualties Peace Movements and in...