They are teachers of the Hebrew Roots cult. One comment on " Who is 119 Ministries? second chance body armor level 3a; notevil search engine. god's big love object lesson. And in Rav Shauls spirit-filled efforts to effectively deal with the various issues that plagued the Messianic Community, Protestant Christians mistakenly see this as a sign that the Tanakh (Old Testament) is no longer valid. Many Churches teach that only their members will inherit eternity (Mormons, JWs, and many others as evidenced here). Just would like to see how you think. Nobody has it 100% right yet. And neither are we left to figure out right and wrong by ourselves. I thank God the Most High, our Father for becoming flesh sending his only begotten Son, so I can take part of his grace and mercy, whom without there is no salvation! so I did a lot of study to be able to defend my faith at the time only to find the RCC was responsible for a lot of changes to Scriptural doctrine and understanding.) These Christians are your brothers and sisters!!! I would suppose that those of the HR understanding would say that because of the love of God , we demonstrate that love by the keeping of the law . How do you become bound to HIM through Jesus the only way to be circumcised of the heart (promised by Jeremiah). For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. Christians forget that in the book of Acts they were JEWS who were believers in the Messiah that received the Holy Spirit, not Christians! I was in a Southern Baptist church for 20 years until friends shared some 10 Warn a divisive person once, then a second time; and after that, have nothing more to do with him. Paul didnt die for you. I mean, its easy to kick around a lot of Hebrew words and say this is what it meant but if we look at one verse in particular, in this case Matthew 5:17, we find 119 Ministries and the Hebrews roots movement making the case that the Hebrew word for fulfill means uphold. Ive GOT IT! Its NOT JESUS H. CHRIST. I bet you believe the laws are not for us either??? Jesus wasnt at all proclaiming a coming kingdom of law; he was proclaiming the dire need for a Savior for those less righteous than the Pharisees. This cannot be since my claim is all must come to the father through faith in his son Yeshua. If you think Paul did, then you are highly mistaken and misinterpreting his letters! Jesus did everything perfectly in a way those disciples understood. to let drop, cause to fail (fig.) I was. I will follow the Words and example of my Messiah who died for me and HE said to trust Moses. Lust after his wife? Romans 8:2 I dont think so. Our God . What would the Churches in your area need to correct? And concerning 119 ministries? Then it will come about in that day that the nations will resort to the root of Jessie, who will stand as a signal for the peoples; And HIS resting place will be glorious.. Third, any competent false teacher will lead one down the road of false logic or present a limited set of inaccurate options. (what does Satan, I mean Santa have to do with anything, except NOTHING, or Easter, one of the many names of Mithraism and the eggs dipped in the blood of your sacrificed infant to YOUR god, Molech) Its Sun-god worship. I know this is highly condensed but I think sufficient and concise. This is from The Brit Hadesha, incorrectly called the N.T. " Jimmie Quinn on December 15, 2013 at 5:23 pm said: I would like the address of tis ministry so I can donate by check. Nowhere did Jesus even hint that He was abolishing Gods Instructions (Does God make mistakes like purposely giving us a something wed fail at)? Stay in the Word and pray. These are things of God I will not chastise you for not partaking. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:19-28. You should be more concerned about those headed towards atheism because Christianity is so confusing to them with tens of thousands of denominations all claiming correct revelation from Gods Holy Spirit yet disagreeing with each other. Well, I learned a thing or two. He used those words to test the quality and strength of this womans faith. There is no more temple Did you know Shaul (Paul) spent his own money when travelling? These are all things found in Torah that show us how to practically love our neighbor. That doesnt make sense, because we are Israel. Every Christian uses Hebrew words mixed with their native language does this mean they are puffed up and should be careful of a spirit? I have found their words inviting when they say test everything. This is nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction to the atrocities inflicted by Hitler. Look at the covenant at Sinai (Horeb) and the Covenant at Moab. With this in mind, we now have to examine how other people are doing this. I will only add this, please study the Laws, prophets and the writings which is the TaNaK. That would get pretty scary with all the North American idioms we have being translated literally into other languages/cultures. If they have encouraged anyone to search the scriptures, then they have been successful. The invite to test everything is inviting because that is what it is meant to be. Some of us do read our Bibles & clearly hear God. The tossing of natural debased people of Pentecostal delusions are a Prevelant movement into hebrew roots movement. the only rebuttal you need is Dr Michael Browns continuous rebuttals to Tovia who refuses to debate Dr Brown since the last open debate. And Im not here to argue this point? HE died for me not Paul. We want to please our Father/Bridegroom-to-be dont we? We believe the whole unchanging Word of God is for all in the faith, and applicable today. Thou shaltriseupbefore the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am theLord. For if I hate my brother who I have seen, then how can I love God, whom I havent seen? Make sure it is backed by the fullness of scripture? This is not allowing all things to all people. They criticize the Hebrew Roots Movement, never fully understanding or appreciating the fact that the Messianic Community (the Church) was founded and built on this foundation. Beginning in Genesis and culminating in Revelation, why do so many believers fail to see Yeshua is literally woven into every word of Scripture and that the Law and Prophets is the only Scripture Yeshua and the Apostles taught, preached, and practiced? It seems you and I agree on many issues as we discuss the core of our belief in the saving works of Jesus Christ. Sometimes, they do even correct their previous videos the moment they found that they have taught something wrong. First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians -Acts 1:8 It appears your entire belief system is based upon the idea that the Torah is this system of laws that has somehow been abolished after Jesus died on the cross then resurrected and presented himself as the sacrificial lamb. Where do and how should I start in responding to them. All languages have IDIOMS and it should be simple enough to understand that things like the passage of it being, easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man getting into Heaven is an IDIOM. Pentecostal Pastors, & people *just move* to another sleepy, apathetic low to ground system, No fruit, still under the natural man curses. In this passage, Paul is saying there is Law and there is faith: of which are you? Thats the problem. But the good news is that we are GRAFTED IN to Israel according to Apostle Paul in Romans 11. Although the Torah was given at Sinai, it was given so it could be written down. We keep trying to interpret and end up twisting what they have said (written) to mean what we have told it means. This is the latter! But again , if I am a missionary in the Aleutian islands , how much time should I spend teaching them Hebrew before proclaiming the Good News of Gods salvation ? For others, they are family, friends, or acquaintances. I Accept Yeshua is the Messiah and he never spoke against Torah because he would be speaking against himself. Who has deceived you? What most Christians dont understand is the fact that most of the laws in the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) are for the Levite priests! Those of you who are or were Christians Research Emperor Constantine and how Christianity came about. Now in this new Covenant he has made available This same Law (Torah) he has written in our hearts. 36 Some time ago, there was a rebellion under Todah, who claimed to be somebody special; and a number of men, maybe four hundred, rallied behind him. The coolest thing though is this: Our freedom in Christ is that we no longer are punished by death for our sins because He took that upon Himself on our behalf. There just is no room for love in the 119 teachings. Because right after that, in the very next verse, Jesus says, 20 For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. You search the scriptures because you think in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of me.? This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you . That would be waaaay more scary. I do not believe the torah which Abraham obeyed and kept in Genesis 26:5 is the same unchanging torah written finally written for Moses. Wake up and read the Word with the TRUE discernment of the Holy Spirit!! I dont agree with 119 ministries sabbath teachings. 3:6 God has made US servants of the new covenant. There is NO divorce and remarriage if you have a living previous spouse. Yes, it is the law of God inextricably given in great detail (613 commandments) to the people of Israel for their guidance as they were being prepared to enter the promised land and live as a holy nation unto God. It means Jesus FULFILLED the Law just like a husband and wife go about FULFILLING their marriage vows after theyve made their Covenant with each other. Cleansing the Bride for the Feast(David's notes in red)A faithful pastor friend for many years called me and asked my advice. A few of the heresies of 119 Ministries. I hope this helps to clarify your question on Yehovas calendar that is improperly called a Hebrew calendar Same as the Feasts of Yehova improperly dubbed Jewish feats. The Torah of the Messiah is what he himself gave to all of the prophets and apostles, from Genesis to Revelation. He slaughtered so many people. Shabbat. Deuteronomy 12:32, Matthew 5:18. Then you finally claimed to one of my co-authors some excuse that wasnt even good enough for me to remember! New Flash: the Messianic Community of the 1st century was the original Hebrew Roots Movement. I apologize Leah, if thats not your stance on the topic. You missed a key phrase used in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew ..this generation. At the very least, thank God you have Matthew 5:19 in Jesus own words even AFTER He states that the law or the prophets will NOT be abolished until heaven and earth pass away: Just a thought. If this is not a move of YHWH it will die out and come to naught but if it is of YHWH you will find yourself fighting against the one who you claim to worship. And in turn it can seriously hinder their biblical beliefs? ( And the world hit the 1 billion dollar mark on Easter this year . ) Real breath of fresh air. Remember your dear Peter said Moses preached the gospel in the wilderness, I urge you to ask yourself how did he do that, what exactly was that. ON THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS DEPEND ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS. In other words ALL of the Law encompasses these two. Emotionless through this 119 teaching. . It smells human and not at all of the same scent of Jesus in the gospels. I saw patterns, I learned Hebrew culture, I understood the concepts of the Tanach. The point and this is the cutting point, most Christians today live a Sunday to Sunday life and cannot even follow the 10 commandments and then make excuse under the claim of grace for their lawlessness. Further, also in Matthews Gospel, Jesus tells the disciples what will happen: and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them and the Gentiles. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. Peter summarizes Paul with his last recorded words: . I have Read Tovia Singer and follow him and his current opinions, It is too bad you reject Yeshua and Tovia as well. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); There are a few things I have questions too that they have published. Little has changed over the centuries, except that there have always been faithful who sought to keep Torah, including the Sabbath (rest), the appointed times of YHVH,, eating only clean animals aka food, etc., as well as lawless ones who persecuted them. Usually when the topic turns from general feel good Christianity today to the specifics found in Gods word, like observing the Sabbath of the Lord & the Feasts of The Lord, you will most likely get the usual the OT law has been done away with and we are not under the law but grace but many also follow this up with besides its impossible to obey the law, no one can obey it!. I took your comment to be a misrepresentation of how you really felt. There are so many things Paul writes in answer to issues the people were experiencing in different places is also found in the Mishnah/Talmud. Im sorry, but with all due respect, there is no comparison whatsoever between the Hebrew word Torah and the Greek word nomos. It was added because of transgressions, having been ordained through angels by the agency of a mediator, until the seed would come to whom the promise had been made. So stick the book and live life the way HE wants you to. Yep, lots to consider here. We have been separated for approximately 2000 years from the full influence of Jesus (Yehoshua) and his first Apostles. How do you know if you may be caught up in error ? Love your neighbor and in doing so you fulfill all the law! Former JWs who were taught that Jesus was not God Former Jews who were taught about a Messiah they couldnt even recognize as Messiah because of how Rome twisted who Jesus really was and yet Jesus was fully Jewish, fully a Rabbi and never once broke Gods laws (the Sabbath one was about breaking the Pharisees extra laws not Gods laws) so these Jewish people never knew their very own Messiah until their life was almost over so they were angry ALSO (not just HR people) but they will ALL have to have their time to **grieve** their loss of their former life and AS they let Holy Spirit work in them it will pass. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. I trust you will accept my comments with the same love in which they are being given. Unless you read the transcripts along with the video, it is sometimes difficult to catch the deception. It behooves you to give THIS JESUS your heart sou and mind. When you actually dig into nuances of the Greek term, you discover that it does not always imply submission (obedience) to an authority, and in the context of Pauls letter actually has the sense of voluntary servanthood. God, whom I havent seen of our belief in the Mishnah/Talmud the quality strength. Mean what we have told it means at the covenant at Sinai it... Have seen, then they have encouraged anyone to search the scriptures because you think in them have... Love God, whom I havent seen different places is also found the. Could be written down how Christianity came about writes in answer to issues the people experiencing... Should I start in responding to them Sinai, it is too bad you reject Yeshua Tovia! A knee-jerk who is behind 119 ministries to the father through faith in his son Yeshua you... Although the Torah which Abraham obeyed and kept in Genesis 26:5 is the same love in which they puffed... Womans faith quot ; who is 119 Ministries found in the 119 teachings to... 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