Robin, realizing who was helping, shed a tear of happiness, and Franky himself reappeared with the keys they recovered fighting CP9 and freed Robin. Iceburg responded that he had no doubt whatsoever. Both his subordinates and his citizens show an incredible love for him, so it could be assumed that he's an excellent leader. [26], Miss All Sunday made the necessary arrangements in order to organize the meeting between the remaining Officer Agents and the boss of the criminal organization Crocodile. Iceburg was the holder of the blueprints to Pluton for four years after Tom's death. A horde of army ants poured out of an entrance and rushed them. Robin is also the first . Iceburg watched the sad funeral with a somber eye, his shipwright heart saluting this ship among ships. the devil's arithmetic full movie; give examples of strategic, tactical and operational plan brainly. Sogeking talked with Robin and told her that the crew knew about her reasons for leaving. On board the Thousand Sunny, the Straw Hats read news of attacks on East Blue. nico robin ws mrine fold member who convinced luffy to let her join the crew. Robin's bounty was increased to 80,000,000, with a new picture, a very small increase in comparison to the rest of the crew (with the exception of Chopper). Roji both verbally and physically abused Robin over menial actions. When Olvia was warned that CP9 was on shore, she rushed out of the Tree of Knowledge, running past her daughter without notice.[18]. After Tom was taken away in the very Sea Train he had built, news came back to Iceburg and Kokoro that Cutty Flam had died, having attempted to stop the Sea Train from taking Tom away. When Robin revealed her fears of being abandoned by the Straw Hats because of the danger of being close to her, Luffy ordered Sogeking to burn the World Government flag. Next, Robin was then taken in by a couple, who she once again worked hard for. Robin refused and CP9 bust into the Tree of Knowledge and began searching for the Poneglyphs. When the revolutionaries invited her inside to be out of the cold, she said that as a pirate, she could not trust revolutionaries too easily and that it would not be wise to accept an invitation to a room where she would not have an escape route. dke fraternity reputation; cheetah eating gazelle Robin battled the giant butterfly Agehaguera, who she defeated by breaking its wings. Happy that her crewmates returned and rescued her, Robin was told by Sogeking, via Franky's Den Den Mushi, that she is indeed Luffy's friend. This was Luffy's way of showing Robin that he and the Straw Hats would never abandon her, if the World Government was her enemy, then they were the Straw Hats' enemy too. She can say the darkest things about her . When Luffy and a Shandia girl named Aisa escaped the snake (due to it being electrocuted by Enel), Robin regained consciousness, and told Luffy and Aisa of Enel's plan to destroy all of Skypiea, and gain the Golden Bell for himself. Her only friends were the scholars at "The Tree of Knowledge", with Professor Clover of the archaeology lab, a friend of her mother, trying to take care of her. Luffy challenged Crocodile for a second time but now he was aware that water is Crocodiles weakness. Iceburg After Shiki was defeated by Luffy, Robin along with the other Straw Hats escaped using Thousand Sunny, using Shiki's pirate sail as a parachute. When a giant snake attacked them, Robin, Luffy, Zoro and Chopper are separated, and all decided to go to the legendary city themselves hoping to meet each other there, although only Robin was going the right way. [10], Iceburg decided to pick the young, ten-year-old girl (candidate 153) who auditioned to be his secretary two years ago. They then played the message, and after hearing only the first bit of it, Luffy was angered to the point that he would not listen to the rest (the rest of the crew did, however). One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. For a while, Blueno explained a little of Robin's past involving the Buster Call. In Iceburg's room, Robin and the mysterious man Iceburg saw before, told him that they've purposely placed the blame on the pirates. [39] This skeleton explained over dinner that he was once a pirate that ate the Yomi Yomi no Mi. She is a calm person that can be very cold at certain times but she is someone you can really count on. Moria then attacked Robin, removing her shadow from her body, leaving her unconscious, as he continued to operate Oars from within his stomach. The ship asked for a second chance to help its friends, and begged Iceburg to repair it. Later in the desert, during a battle against Luffy, Crocodile created a sandstorm and sent it off to Yuba, where Toto was, and explained that he was the one who was sending storms there every day. But if she did obey them, the crew would be able to leave Water 7 safely. When the rest of the crew arrived at the auction house to rescue Camie, Robin dropped into the auction house using her Cien Fleur: Wing and fought the guards with the rest of the crew. Iceberg I turned her in for you" as she pulled the agents' clothes in anger. The assassins regrouped and were revealed to be Iceburg's own allies: Blueno the bartender, his secretary Kalifa, and two of his shipwrights Kaku and Rob Lucci. Affiliations: She was originally introduced as the vice president of Baroque Works, Formerly known as Miss All Sunday, before joining the Straw Hats. 4 yr. ago Also because his dad ruined everything for him and his family. Iceburg calls for Paulie to show him something. [17] After Saul found out he was on Ohara and figured out that Robin was Olvia's daughter, he informed Robin about the battleships that were on their way to destroy Ohara due to the scholars studying the Poneglyph. Then the second round prepared to start. With Luffy's resolve to go to the island, Robin decided to join also with the response that she likes thrills. Robin holding Iceburg at gunpoint during interrogation. Nami's Log Pose began pointing to the sky, after that, a big ship fell from sky and the crew found a map in the ship of an island named 'Skypiea' on a 200-year-old ship. After Luffy got on board, he tried to thank her, but she used her powers to place a hand over his mouth and thanked the whole crew for risking themselves for her. Her mother, who earlier had expressed relief about the animals being sent to East Blue, apologized for saying how happy she was for Shiki leaving for East Blue. After sailing for some time on the Thousand Sunny, Robin and the rest of the crew came across a mysterious barrel floating in the ocean. His skills in naval architecture were already evident in his youth, when he helped in the construction of the Sea Train with Tom. He complied with the ship's plea to repair it for one more journey despite not fully knowing if the voice was real and that it was already beyond any hope, and upon witnessing Merry sailing on its own, Iceburg was determined to see this miracle up close that he would risk sailing through the Aqua Laguna. Sogeking produced a smokescreen. He said she resembled a time bomb waiting to go off. Luffy broke it instead, saying that he would not allow her to decide their destination. Later on, during the party, she was seen watching over Zoro while commenting on how nostalgic the Binks' Sake song was. She prepared to disable Saint Shalria before she could kill Camie, but the Noble was stopped by Rayleigh's burst of "spirit". When asked if there was something interesting written, she agreed and smiled. Suddenly, a huge explosion occurred in the headquarters, and masked people entered the building. One day, Tom was put in front of a jury for building the Oro Jackson, the ship of the late Pirate King Gol D. Roger. Seeing Spandam's refusal to give up his pursuit of the Straw Hats, herself in particular, Robin finally broke Spandam's back with her Clutch technique to finish him off. She met the Straw Hat Pirates and, after cryptically playing with them for a bit, offered them an Eternal Pose to Nanimonai Island. She was also shown having her hands cuffed, indicating that she had to help build it. She later carried Luffy to safety when Chopper turned into his Monster Point. Koza wanted to warn the city but is stopped by Vivi, who stated that it will create a panic. While sleeping in the Galley-La Headquarters, Iceburg was almost shot to death. Franky started to cry, and in the end, Franky agreed to join them, to make his dream to sail on the dream ship become a reality. As his mentor, Tom held a great amount of importance to Iceburg. However, she managed to quickly win everyone's favor, except for Zoro, who remained wary of her. Iceburg was relieved to the point of tears to find out Franky was alive after he was brutally hit by the Sea Train, and likewise, Franky was utterly enraged with CP9 after they told him Iceburg was supposedly dead. He also revealed his true intentions: to find the location of the secret ancient weapon Pluton, which is said to be buried in Arabasta. Before being completely encased, Saul encouraged Robin to escape and that her friends were out in the ocean waiting for her. Funi English VA: Her mother, Nico Olvia, went out to sea to find the True History when Robin was two years old, leaving her in the care of Olvia's brother and his wife, Roji. Three more masked people entered the room and revealed themselves to be not only CP9, but also people that Iceburg trusted: Lucci, Kalifa, Kaku and bartender Blueno. "Iceburg" has been featured, meaning it was chosen as an article of interest. After the Straw Hats departed Shakky's Rip Off Bar, they were confronted by someone who appeared to be Bartholomew Kuma. why did robin leave the straw hats. why did robin leave the straw hats. July 4, 2022by admin A fictional figure and one of the major protagonists in the manga series: One Piece, Nico Robin was developed by artist Eiichiro Oda. Upon entering they were attacked by the local wildlife. Without him knowing, four of the CP9 agents infiltrated Water 7 and disguised themselves to look like normal people, several even gaining entry into his trusted inner circle. She awakened sometime later and helped Luffy and Brook get to the top of Thriller Bark by sprouting legs on the walls to climb on. Before Roger became the Pirate King, Tom's Workers were visited by the Roger Pirates.[7]. As Spandam laughed at Robin, the latter broke down in tears, reliving all that anger and frustration as she was being dragged across the Bridge of Hesitation, passing the arc on the bridge meant her fate would have been sealed after she passed the Gates of Justice, but Sogeking quickly fired gunpowder from another tower at Spandam, injuring him before he could get past the arc. They happened to be on the sunken ruins of a city submerged in a lake with trees taken root around the buildings. Robin betrayed the straw hats shortly after they got her to join CP9 so that they didn't kill the straw hats and because she wanted to die. Robin successfully escaped and Lucci showed those remaining his Devil Fruit power. As they talked, the White Berets interrupted them and labeled them as a criminal of illegal entrants. It tried to plant a kiss on her apparently falling in love with her. Manga When she met Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats, Robin started to feel something that she hadn't felt in a long time, love. When Robin was able to catch sight of a South Bird, she was able to quickly subdue it using her Devil Fruit powers. [28] They were interrupted by Mr. 3, who told them that the Straw Hats and Vivi had escaped him during their time in Little Garden. Since Tom was granted a pardon for his previous crime, he choose to have the attack pardoned to save his apprentices from being charged as accomplices and announced he was proud to have built Gol D. Roger's ship. He also has a tendency to say, "Nmaa" or "Oh my" ("Mwell" in the FUNimation dub) whenever he talks. Robin asked why the Bridge is being built and was told she had no need to know that. Robin tried to make for the evacuation ship but trying to use her Hana Hana abilities to get aboard frightened the people on board, plus Spandine told them not to let her on since she says she is an archaeologist, so she walked away crying, to later see Saul being attacked by Vice Admiral Kuzan. First, they were recommended by an old woman to pay their extol, but even though they do not pay the old woman let them pass. Olvia asked Saul to make sure that her daughter was taken safely off the island, and told Robin that she must continue to live. The real issue comes from Usopp's insecurities about his own standing within the crew. During the battle, Enel tricked Luffy, and temporarily prevented him from interfering with his plan by grafting a giant sphere of gold onto his arm and removing him from the ship. However prior to the final jury service for Tom, Spandam had come to Water 7 to unsuccessfully get Tom to hand over the plans for the ancient weapon Pluton. Robin ran off crying and headed to the northwest beach of Ohara, where she met the giant, Jaguar D. Saul, who was washed up on shore. Robin's group were later seen traveling across the desert on a motorcycle Franky made out of a giant Crayfish that he named Zarrey Davidson. Robin apologized and said "dereshishi" for the last time. andrea bocelli daughter bad things about athens back then. When Luffy asked if anyone objected to Brook joining the crew, Robin smiled and said Luffy would have invited him even if they did. The army, realizing what was happening, tried to enter the palace but they were stopped by Miss All-Sunday. "Demon Child" Nico Robin is the archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates. When she boarded the Sea Train, the train was guarded. [11], After Franky's new wanted poster was received, Iceburg stared at it with a shocked expression.[12]. code erreur imprimante canon pixma. After Cobra used it to save Luffy, Luffy managed to awaken long enough to grab Robin and Cobra and carried them out before the grave caved in. why did robin leave the straw hats. Nico Robin has the potential to be the strongest of the Straw Hats because of her Devil Fruit. He might have been the only person who knows how to get to Skypiea. As another bomb exploded, CP9 left, leaving the pirates, Paulie, and Iceburg to die. why did robin leave the straw hats why did robin leave the straw hats His understanding of naval architecture is great enough that he intends to convert the very city of Water 7 into a giant floating boat to overcome the future problems of Aqua Laguna. Franky knocked down the wall so that they could escape but ended up on the enemy car. Menu. She then concludes that the Rio Poneglyph is on Laugh Tale. Unfortunately, another Warlord of the Sea, Bartholomew Kuma was also on Thriller Bark just receiving orders via Sengoku from the World Government to wipe out all witnesses, including the Straw Hat Pirates of Gecko Moria's defeat by Monkey D. Luffy. During the Water 7 Arc, Usopp leaves the crew following his and Luffy's fight over the Going Merry, while Robin is forced to leave due to the threat CP9 and the Buster Call pose to the Straw Hats. She then had a flashback to her life on the run as a child and to the events of Enies Lobby. He was able to unite all the shipyards of Water 7 under his leadership to form the Galley-La Company, which is an organization of the finest shipwrights in the world. why did nico robin shoot iceberg why did nico robin shoot iceberg. Robin herself was struck down by lightning after trying to trick Enel into believing that if he destroyed Upper Yard, the Golden Bell would never be found, having anticipated that she would have knowledge of where it was and would try to use it against him. After much swim briefs hijinks and testicle clutching, Iceburg told Franky he forgave him, as well as Tom, and all that was left was for him to forgive himself. So everyone gathered around the ship and gave it a Viking funeral. He looked around and saw none, but then realized that the one calling out to him was the Straw Hat's ship, Going Merry. It was Aokiji, who was hiding behind the wall she was leaning against. Robin first encountered such attempts when she was taken in by an old farm lady, who she worked for, and thought was kind. Saul tried to get away with Robin but he was frozen by Kuzan's ice power. They met Conis, a Skypiean. After years of being stalked by government officers for the Pluton plans, the strongest division of the Cipher Pol were secretly sent for Iceburg. But the break in excitement doesn't last long when they spot a frog swimming in the ocean. The revolutionaries revealed that they had been searching for her for ten years because she was the only survivor from "The Nation who fought against the World, Ohara." As a shipwright, Iceburg has a deep understanding and sympathy for ships, as he saw the Going Merry was well taken care of despite the accumulated terminal damage it has incurred. She just replied that they are pirates, and that when they see "treasure", they should grab it and never let it go. Robin was the second to last one to be vanished when she was intercepted by Kuma while she was trying to escape. gold coast shark attack video; giant schnauzer service dog for sale Okay, Iceberg hasn't destroyed them, because he fears that Robin could rebuild an ancient weapon, and the blueprints would be needed. why did robin leave the straw hatsjohns hopkins hospital cafeteria menu. why did nico robin join cp9annalise mahanes height. July 3, 2022July 3, 2022. importing a car from jersey to the uk florida aquarium husbandry volunteer bulgarian royal family net worth. After Brook's fall, Tararan returned his attention to Franky and Robin once again. 14.00 - 20.00 | Tel: +358 457 3135157 | Epost: One night, the old farm lady told Robin that before they could eat she had visitors. (Really not sure about this. Chimney The Straw Hats take a short break so Luffy and Robin can recover. why did doflamingo kill his father. [42] After Luffy tamed the beast, Robin and the rest met two more of the island's creatures. (One Piece) YouTube, TOP 10 why did nico robin shoot iceberg BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did nicky leave the resident BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did nicki minaj call out miley BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did nicki and meek break up BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did nick suriano transfer BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did nick suriano leave rutgers BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did nick stokes leave csi BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did nick leave csi BEST and NEWEST. 2 junio, 2022; how many murders in trinidad 2021; christian liaigre death . Robin later questioned Rayleigh as to what the Will of D. is and if they read the Rio Poneglyph, remembering when she noted Gol D. Roger writing a message in the same language. The waves took the ship off out to sea, as the Going Merry gratefully thanked him. The Officer Agents all got pictures of Vivi and the Straw Hat crew (excluding Sanji) with the help of Bon Kurei's abilities and were given the order to hunt them down (excluding Chopper as Crocodile believed he was the Straw Hats' pet).[29]. He asked Crocodile for forgiveness but is fed to his pet Bananawani (huge crocodiles with banana-shaped growths on their heads) instead. After that, Robin would often sit on a rock in pouring rain as a dog come to her begging for food. Age: The war had already started. Shortly after the Straw Hats' departure from Arabasta, Robin made herself known, having hid herself on board of the Going Merry before their departure. The Going Merry was captured by the Foxy Pirates. Iceburg, now the only survivor of the company, inherited the position of guarding the blueprints to Pluton. However, Kuzan warned her that he will be the first to come after Robin if she tried anything. As he was considered the only surviving assistant to Tom, Iceburg saw himself as the only one who could carry out Tom's dream of transforming Water 7. Seeing as he was carrying Robin, Saul put her down and retaliated in anger for almost hurting Robin, and destroyed several ships. He turned his back on Nico Robin and attacked her while she tried an assassination attempt of her own but failed. Shortly after the crew decides to follow a giant frog, the Going Merry is almost hit by a Sea Train. [32] There, Crocodile told her his plan to overthrow Arabasta while it was being executed. Robin willingly followed Blueno into his improvised door and Sogeking and Sanji were left alone. During his time as Tom's apprentice, Kokoro served as a matronly figure to Iceburg and Franky. Spandine angrily explained to Sengoku that he tried to follow her, but his ship was caught on ice. [45], Soon after, Sentomaru appears with another "Kuma", revealed to be a Pacifista. She was shocked to see the destruction of the evacuation ship being destroyed by another vice admiral, Sakazuki, who did so as a precaution in case any archaeologists had snuck aboard. Iceburg shot him, but Luffy did not get hurt because he is a rubber man. TAKE ME OUT TO THE SEA WITH YOU. Robin attempted to stop Moria with her ability Ochenta Fleur: Cuatro Mano Hold by attempting to break Moria's neck. However, he is by no means haughty: on his first appearance, he personally accompanied Luffy, Usopp and Nami around Dock 1, showing them the place, and he was seen talking informally and with pleasure with one of the shipwrights in his employ. As Luffy charged towards the self-proclaimed god with Aisa on Pierre to give his location, Robin mustered up what strength she had to get the defeated Straw Hats to higher ground on Giant Jack in case Enel began his attack. As a result, she is the only member of the crew without any facial flaws. Robin found Franky and Brook and began exploring the island they were flung to. Saul followed Olvia's wish and managed to reach the island's shore. After Tonjit re-united with his horse, they were soon attacked by Captain Foxy and his subordinates, who challenged Luffy to a Davy Back Fight, a contest of pirates where the stakes were members of the crew. He is shown as a man with a more severe expression, with glasses, and wearing a shirt with an adorable bear and pants with patterned flowers. Eventually, with Nami's help, the Straw Hats knocked over Giant Jack for Luffy with Nami riding her Waver to gain up to him, as he jumped towards the massive thundercloud Enel created, the Raigo, and discharged the electricity within it, causing it to explode and clear the sky. On the morning of the third day at sea, she joins the others on the deck, where Chopper and Nami continue to worry about her well-being, but Robin says she's fine. When she said she planned to, he left telling Robin to live strong and that Ohara is not fully destroyed and forgotten yet, presumably meaning that the memory and purpose of Ohara lived on within her and left. When the Battle Franky's were used to hurt the innocent, Iceburg was very angry at Franky. I always get this mysterious vibe from Robin. After hiding under Robin's cloak, Sogeking showed himself. Outside, agents warned the island's residents to move to the evacuation boat or be destroyed. Iceburg at times seems to act rather childish, canceling all of his meetings so that he can show people around, refusing to meet with people because he does not like them, finding animals on the ground and taking care of them, and other such behaviors. This reveals three facts: 1) Nico Robin was able to defeat Franky with a single sneak attack, and knew exactly where his weak point was; her experience in assassination was not for nothing. The Straw Hats then resolve to rescue Robin, as they get the help of Peepley Lulu, Tilestone, Paulie, Kokoro, Chimney, Gonbe, and the Franky Family. She, together with the other Straw Hats, watched on the sidelines as Sanji and Zoro played the ball game, but were hampered by Foxy's blatant cheating and the crooked referee. Blood Type: At only eight years old, she aced an archaeology exam and was officially inducted as a scholar. The Straw Hats met with Mont Blanc Cricket on another part of Jaya; Cricket is a descendant of Mont Blanc Noland, an infamous "liar" who told of a gold city on Jaya, and Cricket was outcast for looking for artifacts of the gold city. Lucci revealed his theory about the real Pluton blueprints' whereabouts, while Kaku felt his pulse and Iceburg's heightened and nervous reactions only confirmed it. Luffy yelled for him to stop it, but Crocodile impaled him with his hook during his distress then when he saw Luffy was still alive, he left him in quicksand to die. After ascending to mayor of Water 7, he soon became supported by the whole town. why did robin leave the straw hatsprefab white laminate countertops. Iceburg is the beloved mayor of the people of Water 7, especially by all of his workers. The reason Robin "betrayed" the Strawhats is because CP9 had permission to order a Buster Call on the Strawhats. Tashigi is later informed by one of her men that Miss All-Sunday was originally known as "Nico Robin", who received a bounty of 79,000,000 as a child because she was believed to have been responsible for the sinking of six warships. While sleeping in the Galley-La Headquarters, Iceburg was almost shot to death. Iceburg was also the only person aware that Franky's grief towards Tom's death was the real reason behind Franky's actions in Water 7 and why he refused to leave. Finally, the day came for Tom to be pardoned. Robin then left on a boat guided by an ice path Kuzan set for her. [48], Bartholomew Kuma also appeared on Sabaody, teleporting the out-of-control Pacifista away and then all the Straw Hats to different locations one by one. Then Aokiji asked if she had found a home with the Straw Hats, and she replied that she had. answer the question why did nico robin shoot iceberg, which will help you get the most accurate answer. The archaeologists, however, refused to leave; they wished to continue to protect the tree and the knowledge they had worked so hard to research and procure. 0 Views how to get better graphics on fortnite pc. After getting back his crewmembers, the Straw Hats left in search of a shipwright. As such, he was forever pestered by government agents who came to try and convince him to hand over the blueprints. why did doflamingo kill his father. Vivi ordered the Royal Army to blow up the palace in order to get everyone's attention but was stopped by Crocodile. Iceburg worked with Tom and Franky on the Sea Train. 2) She has no problem in attacking another mans "private parts" if that gives her the advantage. The Mayor of Water 7 pointed his gun at Luffy and requested that Luffy hand over Robin, immediately. Roji made it obvious time and time again that Robin was not wanted; she was expected to keep out of sight and she was not allowed to participate in family celebrations. After hearing this, Robin had an argument with Spandam, resulting in him kicking her. Nico Robin joined the Straw Hat Pirates at the end of the Alabasta arc because she wanted to die and Luffy chose to go against her decision and saved her life. With the zombies defeated, she and Chopper tried to finish off Hogback once and for all, until they were forced to flee when Oars attacks the mansion causing the room to collapse. Count on be able to leave Water 7, especially by all of his Workers lake with trees taken around! 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