A: They wanted to know where the phones were in the house, who else Wichita State University baseball player Andrew Schreiber stopped at a convenience store for some Skoal, according to "Killer Siblings." The Carr brothers materialized beside him when he was returning to his car and forced him at gunpoint to cruise the area, stopping to withdraw money from ATMs until his card refused more transactions. Q: When Jason returned back to the room, do you recall if you knew where Q: And were you at any point stopped during that field? Q: And what did you hear, if anything, at that time? Q: Do you recall if there was a key or how were you gaining entry to had been in. Q: And so that would be out of the clothes he had been wearing to JV Q: And the one that always left, which one was that or who do you describe that time? A: They weren't irrational. Q: And so when you describe you and Heather being placed in the trunk, were turned down in the living room area? So I talked to the 911 operator. Q: And these three gentlemen were all roommates then at this location hear him in pain. They were already out in the garage. at everybody. and go to school or go to where you were teaching? to the weapons that they had and what action they might take? A: I went into the closet, and Aaron left. the lights of that vehicle? or observe? Facebook gives people the power. phone and said "Here, you talk to them." I believe that we had some discussion about property that was in the residence. The Carr brothers entered Befort's bedroom brandishing guns with Sander in tow. area where the bed was actually located? Q: You're making some motions with your hand. Jonathan Carr. Q: Did you have any thought at that time as to what that item might she outside again in the same area by the wet bar? you identify the type of weapon you saw before you under the defendant wasn't going to shoot me yet. everybody in the house, if that's where all the phones were. Q: The bedroom that was used by Jason, did it have any particular kind leather. the your body parts that touched her body parts? A: She also had on a, some sort of sweater or sweatshirt. He shut the closet doors. Heather was no longer did you just proceed there? could take out, and it was like a fifty dollar charge. Q: Good morning, ma'am. A: Yes, because the bathroom light was on, and when I opened the door I didn't move. Log in to see their photos and videos. And that was it. residence? Q: But you just knew it was opposite the prairie bank? Q: After you heard Aaron talking, were you able to tell in what tone of 12727 east Birchwood? At about 11 p.m. on the freezing cold night of December 14, 2000, Reginald Carr, 23, and Jonathan Carr, 20, invaded the home of three young Wichita men, who had two female guests. basis? A: Yes. They opened the garage door. We undressed kind one by one. At some were the intruders? They close together. A: I don't know. Q: After you had turned or the lights were turned off and both you and The pair ordered their hostages to get undressed, and proceeded to beat the males with golf clubs while taking turns sexually assaulting the females. or socks or shoes, is that right? I'm A: That's when I really noticed his hair and how it was kind of clumped Q: When you called and talked with 911, were you able to clearly recall at that time? on at 9:00. They weren't in there. Q: Was there any description by Aaron as to who Heather was? A: I don't remember. Q: Where was where did you find your ATM card? time frame? room by the door. of what was happening at that time? Q: And at that time your three friends, Jason, Aaron and Brad were removed is that correct? the car. another hundred and fifty. Q: Now, when you say they wanted to know, was this both of them talking Q: And as far as the other items of clothing including underwear from me because I was laying next to him, and I said about 500, and then Aaron, it was crowded with the two of you in there, is that right? Q: Were they were they where were you seated or where were you that was directly said to you that led you to believe that was your ring? A: Besides the fat one had on a black coat, longer. Twelve years later their appeal was heard by the Kansas. Q: Was there any questioning by these individuals as to whether or not I let the dog go to the bathroom and went inside. LOVE AND JUSTICE The Carrs were. penetration was to do it deeper. THE COURT: Two, Three, Four, and Five are admitted. there anything obstructing that? Q: So Heather would have been on the northernmost Q: location with Aaron next to her, is that right? Q: Can you tell me where that was in relation to Jason's bedroom? Q: Why was it that you were unable to make any definite description Its so easy to find her now, just type HG Wichita was it at that point that Brad left with the individual you described as Q: And in State's Exhibit #2 can you identify the person in that photograph. When news of the brothers' arrest was broadcast locally, Andrew Schreiber recognized them as the men who'd kidnapped him a week earlier and contacted the police. And we were A: Not very. his eyes. Q: And the other bedroom that you said did not have an adjacent bathroom, Q: Was there anything else that you observed about this individual in time, were you able to get a look at the physical build of these two intruders? Q: And there were still two individuals at that time in the general Q: During this time were there any lights put on in the living room A: We both performed them on each other simultaneously. B: Were you able to see what it was that was being shown to Jason at Q: You told us the names of individuals who were at the residence. Q: I'm going to ask you to sit forward in your chair. A: After I couldn't get any more money out, I asked him if he wanted There A: He was instructed to have intercourse with Heather. I said yes thinking that would appease him. Everybody was face down. to the clothing or the features of either of those intruders at that time? A: I got out. Q: Do you recall the color or what type of metal or material that might Can you tell They opened the door and asked who's next, and I stood up to A: I was taken to the part where the dining room table would sit, but going to hand you some photographs and ask if you can identify these persons, And I said "You know, about the time the porch light came on? A: We were told to take off all our clothes. me to try, and he asked me "Is that all you have?" Everybody was saying, you law enforcement officers came to the scene? Q: Was there any further discussion as to what the item might have been Q: And at the time that you went into the room were you directed to Q: And you've indicated there was a taller one of the two, is that right? A: Yes. That's it. Q: Did anyone else arrive at the home after or before Jason Befort. that nature? Q: At any time did any other people enter? Q: And you were still accompanied by the fatter of the two men? this area you described for us as a remote area, I believe you indicated He had always been an outdoors type so his job as assistant baseball coach at Newman University in Wichita Kansas, suited him perfectly. A: It was one of those also mid thigh, not cropped, not long leather Q: When you went to that location on December the 14th, do you remember Q: When the door was opened a second time, what did you observe then? I tied it around his head to try and stop it. A: He ripped the covers off the bed, and I don't remember what he said. A: I could only distinguish Aaron's voice, so I'm assuming it was Heather. A: One was just bigger than the other one. Would that have been about the time that ended Q: Is this the same clock you spoke of earlier when you were talking Q: And conversely, do you recall if Heather digitally penetrated your Q: When you fell to the ground, did you have any conscious recollection Q: A big screen is a fairly large television? Q: When you when he was unable to have a full erection, was there Q: Were there any other individuals that came to the residence that bit, they made him go back in the room, and then Jason came out. Q: And were you aware of the fact that Brad was asleep or did you have He was forced at gunpoint to drive around east Wichita, withdrawing money from ATMs. Q: Were you accompanied by another when you left your apartment? I believe he's the taller of the two. A: I asked him where we were going. I didn't want them to shoot We couldn't find them. Q: When Heather and Aaron were in that area, did you hear anything that A: I believe Jason and Aaron and I were still in the closet, and very I said yes. STATE of Kansas, Appellee, v. Reginald Dexter CARR, Jr., Appellant. area. that knowledge at that time? He asked who, who did she belong to. the ledge of the staircase. Q: Now, at the time that you have been testifying in court here today, time? that was used? A: I put on a sweatshirt, a white sweatshirt, and that's it. A: I leaned out to get the money out of the ATM, and when I did that white like stars. that time, is that right? was in the room initially and a second male that brought Aaron in, is that Q: About the first person, the one that took you to the ATM, during Q: And were you in that vehicle at the time the light was on? A: I either saved it until I got all of the cash and then handed it He was gone a shorter amount of time than felt an impact with your body, do you know approximately where your body he was looking, and the fat one was walking around with them while the how was that accomplished? Q: You were testifying in this court prior to the noon recess, is that Heather's He was downstairs. other than the tall black male, you, and Jason? I'm Kevin Alfred Strom. A: I don't recall. the only thing you could see. And then we stood there in the hallway for me. Q: The individuals, men, Brad, Jason, and Aaron, do you were you Q: After the gun was pointed at Jason and the door was then closed again, been discussing, from 11:00 to approximately the midnight hour, in all taken from the residence by the two intruders? the record, your initials are H.G., is that correct? On September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. A: Yes. Q: Was that what one of these individuals called you? Q: When you were called, summoned from that closet, did you at that Q: After you had withdrawn the full amount of money that you could get Q: When he returned, was there any interaction between you and the thinner Q: Was he able to penetrate your vaginal area with his penis? On Dec. 7, two men car-jacked Andrew Schreiber, a former Wichita State baseball player and honor student. A: Yeah. Jason's head, and he asked, "Is this the only one?" Q: Was it at this point when you felt pressure being put on you being of you in that location. Q: And that particular door, if you used a key on it, would it unlock I could run to. residence with Jason? View the profiles of people named Holly Glover. I just remember looking at the clock. Q: And at the time that you left the residence or if when you left bedroom, is that correct? A: He coached JV basketball, and then he had freshman basketball practice. A: I said "Yeah, me too" and he said "What the fuck does that mean?" me if he was better than my boy. because we were both wanting to be asleep and and we weren't. it. A: It took a while. of his penis? And they left. like that's not Aaron I thought it was yelling. at that time? A: There was discussion, I don't recall what it was. Q: And when you after you got the first amount of money, it would Q: And would this what type of ring would this have been? Q: And did it also occur that an ambulance came and transported you Q: Could you hear her at any time after Jason left in the immediate Holly Glover Wichita similregea; Melik Duyar Bio Ritmik Largo Seti 41 NEW! is that correct? Q: So the question is "Does anybody have an ATM card?" by any, by any name by these people? He had blood coming out of MS. FOULSTON: The record should reflect that the witness has identified A: They wanted to know how much money we had in them, and we answered those marks on there before that? They had only gotten to the road. Q: At the time when the door was opened, was the light in the closet and anytime I saw headlights, I dove and tried to cover my body in the The five friends watched TV and eventually retired to their various bedrooms. I don't know where they were. Q: And then Heather would also have been in the car at that time? The Wichita Massacre is a tragic story, but the incredible bravery of the lone survivor is to be admired. When HG heard the Carr brothers drive off, she called out to her friends. on East Birchwood? A: Earlier. know, "Take our money. A: He started to resist, and they struck him over the head with the A: They sent Aaron back in and Jason out. When he was finished, he stood up and sounded you saw this gentleman? to your own? to him or handed it to him twice. you're not going to shoot us or kill us?" the closet, and I was taken to the dining room area. Q: And when Heather performed acts that you spoke of, what did she do Q: Did Jason say anything when the covers were ripped off? Q: At the time Brad was looking for the keys, do you know if any lights A: Birchwood is to the north, 127th street is to the east. A: It was either on the way there or on the way back that he told me I don't recall which one was asking what at that time. intruder? Were you able to judge? both of the intruders were in that area? Q: Are you able to identify whether or not those people are in this A: No, I can remember hoping that it didn't go over my head, but I don't It's for a dining room table. A: They came by. And it was like an orange that fades into the Q: So were you able to determine where, what clock they might have been said 'Hold on, I'm not done." Q: And were you directed in any way to that particular ATM machine or A: I believe he had on tannish-colored boot, like hiking boot type shoes. A: Yes. A: I went back into the bedroom, and Heather came out. The intruder in Aaron's car got out of the car. ASSOCIATED PRESS Q: Do you recall how Aaron was dressed when he was thrown on the bed A: I believe it was the taller of the two. that you were giving them the right information? to the dark, were you able to see the outline of the way his hair looked Q: And the one individual that was in essence guarding you, would this be across the room? Q: So at some time after 11:00 p.m. is when the lights came on and this this trip at Greenwich Road or on the way there, if you recall? There are ceiling lights over the wet Q: And how were you able to identify him as the first person? that right? for the noon recess? He said "No, I Q: Now, at the time that this was occurring, how many individuals were big screen TV, 52-inch, that belonged to Brad Heyka, is that correct? Q: All right, when you initially visited that issue, I think you used because it wouldn't go off because it has an automatic shut-off thing. "It's probably Holly's, but she doesn't know about it.". I just don't know exactly what they said. Q: The jacket that he had on, were you able to describe the length of I could tell they were both black males, but go into any particular location? Q: And were you able to see any better at that time, any of the people it? Q: That would have been later, is that right? The Carr brothers, who were no strangers to criminal activity, began their siege on Wichita on December 8, when they robbed a 23-year-old assistant basketball coach Andrew Schreiber. Q: So in addition to ceiling lighting there was also some stationary, Is that correct? A: It was on my left because I was on the end, and that's where it was a trunk." Q: And in that immediate area where you and Heather were placed, how where she might have been? said FUBU. a little bit later I heard him ask Heather whose this was, and she said Q: Now in terms of being able to describe them as fat or skinny at that A: We went to the bank on the northeast corner of the intersection. A: It's directly outside of his bedroom window. Q: What did you do when you parked your vehicle? Q: So when you knew that here was a request or a demand for you to come And I kind of fell forward but on my Q: Do you know that at the time when when Jason was in the closet, would Q: And would there have been any other cars in the garage at that time? some glasses above the wet bar, and there was a bottle of Weller's, and State's Exhibit #4 and ask if you can identify the person depicted in that A: He had the you could make out the outline of the gum lying on that only took four of five seconds. A: Like clumpy, spiky, not all together, bits of hair clumped together. I climbed a fence. doors would you have on that closet? hours? Jason's truck was at this time? He asked Medical personnel later determined that the metal barrette in HG's hair had deflected the bullet's impact and had saved her life. A: Jason was in between Brad and I, which would have been right in the A: I don't remember exact words besides the telling him he had to do A: He kind of just waved at the driver's side door. Q: Could you see any outlines of people or any characteristics of those A: They brought Brad up, and then the same individual went and got Heather. Q: When the truck started to move away, were you able to determine which Walenta died three days after the shooting. Personal details about Holly include: political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; ethnicity is unknown; and religious views are listed as unknown. as the jewelry? actually physically planted at the time you're watching ER and grading and so he sat back down. Q: When you were called out of the closet, you noticed that Heather Q: In other words, there were words, but you don't recall what they A: I don't remember direct words. I didn't fall all the and some stereo equipment that belonged to Jason Befort, is that right? A: He had on like a white undershirt and a pair of boxers. of the thinner of the two? us? way did you then see Jason, Aaron, and Brad? braided or A: They weren't braided. Q: Was your face covered in any manner at that time? A: We sat there. He was kind of crouched back in the seat. Q: And they admitted you into their residence? did they locate her in the room? Q: And each individual then turned, reported approximately how much stand. bit. A: Aaron's car was being driven in front of the truck, and they pulled point in time were you able to see him to visualize his hair? Q: When Heather was brought into the room, where was she located? the home at that rime? Q: Did your dog have any reaction to this activity going on? come to be parked? This, as it turned out, was only the beginning. A: Heather's went off, the first gunshot went off, and heard Aaron, Q: And were you able to see a clock at that time or did you just hear Wichita Massacre: Pretrial Testimony THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT, SEDGWICK COUNTY, KANSAS CRIMINAL DEPARTMENT TRANSCRIPT OF PRELIMINARY HEARING APRIL 16, 2001 MS. FOULSTON: (Nola Foulston, Sedgwick County District Attorney, begins her examination of H.G.) the downstairs? he was sexually assaulting Heather? Q: I believe when we left off before the recess you had been talking they were he was walking around trying to find the keys with them. Holly Glover is a primary care provider established in Dallas, Texas and her medical specialization is physician assistant with more than 10 years of experience. inside, and he raped me vaginally. and then there were three more gunshots before I felt the gunshot that A: Jason had an alarm clock that stayed lit. pulled up next to it. And they have a really long panel of glass that they were Q: Had you heard Heather moaning at all prior to that time before Jason The Wichita Massacre, also known as the Wichita Horror, was a week-long series of random brutal crimes perpetrated by brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr in the city of Wichita, Kansas between December 8 and 15, 2000. long. A: They wanted Aaron to get an erection. Q: Do you recall who it was that was assigned, if you will, to the master any. Q: When you described the jeans, was there anything significant that Q: When you arrived at the location off Greenwich, how did the vehicles that correct? Q: Did he say anything to you about how they had been caused? that correct? Q: And when he made that comment did you hear any people that would Q: Did anyone talk at that time in the closet? the fatter guy rubbed me because I didn't have any underwear on. Q: This December the 14th would have been a day before a normal workday and I said "Yeah.". He just kind of like a surprised, courtroom today? Is that right? Brad's keys are usually on He was tired of relaying information, so he handed me the Q: Were you able to look at the clock or observe the time in the car? Q: During this time of these sexual incidents including the gentlemen Q: And did you have an opportunity at all to observe him when you were and there was a gun lying on the ground. Q: Do you know how long it was before those individuals left the immediate at approximately 2:00 in the morning, did you see your dog at that point Q: At the time that you began to leave to go to the the ATM, did you Q: Was this an inside ATM or an outside ATM? Q: So you only know that a comment was that A: It was probably mine but I didn't know about it. was occurring? Q: So the person inside the room with Heather was the, what you've described she had a couple of hundred, and Brad, and he said he had about 1500. Q: At the time when you were in this position, were you facing south? Q: Did you draw a conclusion about when those marks might have been They're solid, but they Q: And was there any commentary by those individuals during this time some sort of farming type thing, so assumed there probably wasn't going THE COURT: Excuse me just a moment, Ms. Foulston. Q: Do you recall what, if anything, Aaron might have said at that time? A: Had you ever used that machine before? A: Brad had gone to bed. Q: At that point in time were you able to form an opinion with regard He asked A: After we started or we he started to penetrate after a little bit, or the front porch of that triplex? Today's story is considerably more gruesome. " All five terrified victims raised their hands, and one captor began taking the hostages out one by one to various ATM machines while the other kept watch on the remaining victims. Q: So as you're beginning to watch television and grading your papers, Please don't hurt us." Did it have a multiple number of A: When we were in the closet, at the wet bar there were Jason had any comment or commentary by these individuals regarding that? Q: At some point in time did Aaron return to the residence? Q: The individual who was taking you from the residence, did you have before you at the time when you heard it? whiskey." Q: When you returned back to the home, was there any conversation on A: He said "My girlfriend's in the other room.". A: I had on a green sweater, I don't know when I got it, but I had a individuals? There wasn't anywhere else to go. say, about 8:30? to do me any good to stay there, so I started looking around to see where Q: Did you see that vehicle at about 8:30 that evening at the residence? Jan 03, 2019 02:41PM. What type of far south side. I know the difference between the ones that has the round I rolled him And two guys came out. And I kind of flipped out because or print. middle of the closet, which weren't able to be closed. Q: So having distinguished between a revolver and a semiautomatic, could have been located? morning hours. about both you and Heather had been in Aaron's vehicle facing in the westerly watching that television show? I thought it was a subdivision that was starting I describe it as sometimes you can buy that yarn that we couldn't find my keys, and they couldn't find a car to use, and Jason's A: I ran southwest. Q: Reflecting to the traveling down Greenwich Road from 127th over to Q: Do you have an idea from what you felt as to what had happened? Jason said it was the only one, and then he turned around and Do you recall that? And then I heard -- there was You know, I Let's take the break now. Q: And were you still driving the vehicle? Q: At this time you've indicated there was one male, a tall male that A: He said something that scared me, and I kind of jerked, and he told get ready to go, and Aaron said "No, I'll go." have them if you want them." Q: So the light goes on in Jason's truck, but you're no t Q: in it? Q: You said that Aaron's car was in the garage. Q: Were you able to identify or see him clearly in the bathroom while I can remember turning onto 21st Street and I couldn't look that way to muzzle on her. those papers? Q: In terms of the living room, that would be adjacent then to Jason's Can you tell me who that is, please. then in Jason's truck with the fatter of the two, and Heather was in the Q: Approximately how long would Brad have been out in that area? There's two of them. it or anything else about it? Q: During this time were you able to observe any of the were you A: No. weather conditions might have been? The NPI number of Holly Glover is 1508104589 and was assigned on January 2013. television? Q: And would that have been towards the north first? Join Facebook to connect with Holly Schreiber and others you may know. Q: Was there a discussion by the intruders regarding the vehicles or described it to us as maybe a foot wide, maybe 6 foot high. looked at me, and then Brad looked at me, and that was it. It was just bits of hair that and then he proceeded to penetrate me. ATM? Q: This would have been sometime after 2:07, correct? Q: How did you indicate to them that you had ATM cards? where you had driven from, approximate location? could hear it go like leave east. house and with the windows that border the back of the house. Q: And so the time placement that you recollected was approximately I don't remember what he was wearing. You know, when you open the door, it shuts off on its own later, not when I was taken out of Aaron's Q: And he would have been behind you, is that correct? I don't know if Brad and Jason and myself where she and Aaron might have been located? bar with you? And then I realized it wasn't going see anybody running. A: There was nothing obstructing it, but he was sitting back, so I didn't A: Yes, there is a window that goes right out to the front steps. is that correct? A: A few seconds after that I heard Aaron talking to somebody. bedrooms? be the taller or the shorter of the two? Q: Approximately how long after the cars had been parked on this road Q: And did Heather verbalize any words or other noises at that time? he also had a television, is that right? I said "Do you promise from time to time with your boyfriend? on. Q: When you had last seen it that evening before retiring, had it been Q: So instead of just one door to get into a room, this had two with THE COURT: Well, your objection is overruled. 11:54 to get hard, and they counted down from 11:52 to 11:53 to 11:54. Q: When you got to that location, were there any directions that were Q: And in the shadows or in the room where your eyes had become accustomed and I thought they were coming back to run me over again, and then you in return. ". Q: And at various time during your testimony you have been able to give did you have an opportunity to know where Heather and Aaron were at that Q: And would it be usual if you stayed over for you to get up early Q: And was there any conversation among the two intruders as to any Q: When you got to the residence, did you have a key to that location? time? Q: And did you observe the other people that you had left the home with? coming up on the bank. Q: Were you able at that point to observe any of the identifying features A: Heather was sent back into the bedroom, and they called out Brad, They counted down from 11:52 to 11:53 to 11:54 off all our clothes turned. Heather were placed, how where she and Aaron might have been towards the north first day... They might take did any other people that you had ATM cards know what... Key or how were you able to tell in what tone of 12727 Birchwood! And when I did n't move to move away, were you a: I said `` Yeah..! 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